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  I've got Guns and I'm not afraid to use 'em.
Posted by: Velmont VanCrimson - 10-07-2006, 06:37 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (17)

Ever since the incident where he ran away and disappeared without a trace, Gun's being a total fuckhole. He complains a lot- and for the smallest things-
"Hey Vel- My room smells kinda funny-"
"Hey Vel- the tv's a little fuzzy-"
"Monty- the ice melted!"
"Vel! Vel- hey BRO!!! It's getting kinda cold! Can you find my favorite RR Comforters?"
"Damn- I dropped my pillow-"
"Uh- I think I stained Garu- can you take him to the laundry basket?"
"I'm hungry"
"I'm bored"
"You're mean"
"you didn't wipe your feet"
"Do the dishes"
"What's for dinner?"
"I thought you were at work"
"Don't you have work to do?"
"Haha- Vel- watch this with me- it's great!"

And what is it with him and Weird Al and Russel Peters!?
"Russel Peters is hilarious- he rocks!"
"Weird Al is awesome-"
"I love the hindus!"
"hahahahaha- I stuck my weenie in a bottle-"
"Velmont! The Chinaman bit is the shit!! C'mon- watch!"

And NOW he's traumatized, and won't leave bed. Fucking awesome, more work for me.

It's not exactly easy to balance schedules with my day job and Gun bitching all the time, and then there's Blue. Best buds yeah right.

I swear- if Gunter tells me to do anymore- I'll GIVE him a reason to stay in bed.

Wow, that felt great.

Okay, now that that's settled, what fabric do you think would make the most fitting noose? That neon thing or twine or what ever?

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Posted by: That One Internet Guy - 10-05-2006, 10:05 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (35)

Has anyone else ever heard them before? They're pretty good, judging from what I just ripped from LimeWire. Nice and metallic without being senseless.

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  Watch these.
Posted by: Renamon_S3 - 10-04-2006, 04:48 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (16)

Make sure you watch the first one first.

I can't help but laugh...
Am I going to hell?

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  wah, so hardworking (sacarstic)
Posted by: floramon - 10-03-2006, 08:46 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (3)

So hardworking. (sacarstic)

Real example:
Mr. A was sick. He drank medicine every hour. He has Garfield's eyes (half-close-half open). yet he was still working.

Yea, boss love this kind of people. Less leave (MC) taken, faster promotion. Boss said, "very responsible person."

Real example:
Mr. B came to work during holidays. He also came even though he already took annual leave. Well, nobody knows if he wa happy or not although he has a smiling face. May be he was cursing the company and the boss.

Boss also love this king of people. Boss said, "very responsible."

Boss said, \"The company has sacrificed for you, you have to make sacrifices for the company too.\"

Err...what did the company sacrifice for me?

Boss talked like a Pastor. lol

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  School shooting
Posted by: mentalguy - 10-03-2006, 06:16 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (45)

this time @ some Amish school

Someone on another bored said this.

Quote:You know, it's odd. There has been access to firearms in the US for over 200 years and yet it's only in the past 20 years or so that we have started seeing such incidents take place. Make that 50 years for the rare "crime spree" like from In Cold Blood.

Since a piece of steel with some wood doesn't have any psychoactive powers over someone's free will, perhaps there is something at work in society beyond guns? No gun, and the same guy is instead bringing those girls a batch of cupcakes today I suppose.

Frankly, I can honestly see more of a link to popular culture for these types of things, including television and video games. The gun situation has remained the same, HS social pressures have hardly changed I suppose -- angst, social outsiders and the A-list. "Children can be cruel..." is not a new saying. What has changed has been the glorification of mass violence and using mass violence as revenge.

Take the action hero movie where the hero's family is killed in the first 15 minutes and 1.5 hours and 100 bad guy bodies later he's snuggling with the hot new love interest -- burning exploded building in the background -- dead baddie hoincho at his feet with all of his problems behind him. Now take the glorification of violence for the already predisposed and substitute the family-killing gangland criminals for kids that made fun of me or rejected me; add the chance to take part in celebrity culture through infamy by going out with a bang and here's what we get.

Shootings like this are a symptom of a sick culture, at some levels and extremes. Guns are a tool. Make the tool go away, if you remotely can, and the sickness remains.

We accept the bad with the good where the 1st Amendment is concerend, just like we do in so many areas. I support this, warts and all. Look at how many people the "Turner Diaries" helped kill. We realize that the diesel fuel and fertilizer didn't make the federal building explode on its own, nor the Turner Diaries which clearly and directly influenced McVie. We blame the sick criminal for that act. How many people will the latest ******* movie put in the hospital? [edit: Movie title that starts with "Jack" and ends with slang for "Donkey"... little too PC here with the word filter perhaps ] How many underage pregnancies will MTV lead to this year by showing 12-year-olds how cool it is to hook up with the local hotties.

To bring up that comparison I've used before, I'm sure more underage drinkers died from alcohol this weekend than died in this shooting. It's a continual, grinding body count. There is a lot less media attention with these though (unless it's one of the all to common mutliple DUI death scenarios). I know for a statistical fact, and through personal experience, that when my son reaches HS age he will be at far more risk from alcohol than firearms. Risk and all though, we accept that.

But, where firearms are concerend personal responsibility always seems to take a back seat. Let's look for a firearm bandaid instead of trying to solve the actual problems leading human beings to committ these acts.

[edit: one reason is that firearm prohabition allows politicians to seem to be doing something about the problem without having to undertake the monumental, uphill battle involved with actually solving the root sources of violence in our society today (drug addiction/prohabition; inner city poverty; free speech rights vs. responsibilities vs. entertainment revenue; etc.) The results are half-assed measures suitable for the ignorant and those who influence them, that ultimately do next to nothing to solve the actual problems.]


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  Gunter won't be posting for a while
Posted by: DarkBlue - 10-02-2006, 11:39 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (55)

-Just thought you'd like to know s'all.

Due to- *ahem* a certain accident that has something to do with 100 degrees worth of heat, Gunty-Boy won't be able to post for a bit. That's all for now- just to explain to the guys at the RPs.

I will post in his place, not to worry. Just fill me in, and I'll try my best to catch up with his character.

WARNING: The proceedings that happened last week had NOTHING TO DO with sexual intercourse whatsoever. So don't you even BOTHER asking.

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  One day, I'll turn these thoughts into screams
Posted by: Wisemon - 10-02-2006, 04:56 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (36)

I was getting fed up with the lack of updates, but now I've got a little consolation.

My new poetry website is up and running, and I'm making the announcement and the link right here, before I tell my family (if I tell my family), before I tell anyone else.

Expect a link in my sig pretty soon. For now, if you want to get to the Disenchanted Retrospectives of Benjamin Wiseman, just click here:

These are my 2004-2005 poems, but I've done some of my best work in 2006. I still have to figure out how to fit them into the space I'm allotted. I'll trust you not to rip me off. By the new copyright laws, I don't need to use the symbol, as long as I make it clear that I wrote the poems, and I think I've made it pretty clear that nobody else could write the way I write.

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  fur: webcomics fics and such.
Posted by: mowgly - 10-02-2006, 02:00 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (13)

-A.S.B Asociated Student Bodies (a rare find now).

is not straight but very good. it's about a gay lions life during university studying.

-"Jack" sexual tendancy matters not.

-jaynalor ... better days (straight but not really sexualy oriented )

- gay =P

- gay too.

- gay aswell o.o; has the most large resource of fur literature.

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  Ran out of scapegoats so....It's my turn!!!
Posted by: Zephyr of Darkness - 10-01-2006, 05:25 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (36)

I have some update to make. Remember Cucho, that blind dog that kept bugging us? Well, that rich lady I talked about took him in. What a good riddance....I mean, good luck.
But Cucho had one good side, and now I see what.
Ever since he left, since she has nothing and nobody else to occupy her empty life with, my mother took a new hobby: Me.
Let's not cheat: she had always been annoying, but right now, she's gotten to the extreme.
Here goes some examples: she made a huge set of bookshelves in the living room. She's put all her stuff in them, but doesn't let me put a single book in them 'until I buy some special support it needs for more weight I can't find anywhere'. Ever since she set it up, she's added at least 20 new books, but whenever I tell that to her, she says 'I made the shelves, so I do what I please'. And then she complains how crowded and dirty my room is. The dirty part is absolutely unfair, but whenever we talk about the crowded part, she says I should either pack up my stuff and put it in the hut outside, or dump it. While she has her hunds of books in the living room.
Another... she bought a sewing machine she procrastinated buying it for 2 years so she paid it 200 pesos (65 dollars) more for it. She kept saying, it's extremely easy to handle it, but when I wanted to learn how to do it, she refused with the excuse I would break it. She told me she can always sew whatever I need, but when I brought some fabric to make a new working uniform, she refused saying it was too difficult.
I could go on with thousands of examples, but my mother keeps denigrating me in every way there could be:
-Physically: She hates I wear my hair so long and the clothing I wear, so whenever she can she tells me I look like a beggar. Worse, when there is a certain beggar that walks by, she says 'Look, there's your boyfriend!'. Oh, and I forgot that she keeps telling me how much of a better body she had when she was my age. When I tell her she better worry about how she looks now, she says 'But I'm already old'.
-My room: It's crowded, but I can't take anything away from it because she won't let me, except for the hut. She doesn't let me hang my pictures or do any change in the house. But she keeps saying I don't help her with the housework. Whenever she enters, she says 'What a niff!!' (The truth is she barely can smell anything).
-All I fucking do: Whatever I do, I'm always on the verge of breaking something, dirtying something, bothering (she complains when I HAND wash my clothing cuz it annoys her when she sees the TV). Or, the opposite: I'm not doing anything the whole day, and all I do is play videogames, sprawled in my bed.
-My studies: No matter what we're talking about, all ends in the same: 'You should have graduated already'. Oh, and at my age, she was the Wonder Girl alright; she always had energy, she worked and never complained the way I do.
-My way of spending money: I'm way better at it than her, since she's a penny wise pound foolish jerk, but she yells at me whenever I dump some food. She once yelled at me because I didn't want to eat some cereal SHE bought for me without asking me, that not even Cucho wanted.

And yesterday, I just couldn't take it anymore.
In the afternoon, I happen to watch a movie she was too for a while. When a character made a prophecy, she said 'And that's what happens, all of that'. I glared at her 'Thanks a lot'. 'What, I didn't tell you how all of that happens'. 'Now tell me the end'. 'No'. 'Now that you've spoiled it all, tell me how it ends'. 'I didn't spoil it, I just say the prophecy comes true, but you don't know how'. Argh.
At night, she told me 'Are you coming to the kitchen?'(she locks the kitchen's inner door at night saying thieves could come through it :roll: )
'What? It's not even 10 o'clock'
'I'm going to bed. I've worked all day, unlike you who have been sprawled in the bed all day'(Work all day=make food, go to buy food and clean two rooms)
'*narrows eyes**goes and grab some water and a scrub*'
'Are you going to wash your face?!'
'Yeah, so what?!'
'Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhh, I've just cleaned up the bathroom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're going to dirty it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I see how you leave the bathroom when you do!!!! Water in the mirror, water in the floor, water everywhere!!!'
'What do you think am I, a 5yo kid who dirties all?!'
'Or a beast that muddies everything?!'
That was the last straw. The demon inside got loose and I insulted her for about 5 minutes, then I left to my room crying.
When this morning I wanted to talk about how denigrated I feel (especially since I've been working very hard lately and she still treats me like I'm a goof-off), she refused. She acts like a kid: whenever I want to talk like an adult, she avoids to talk or says ultimatums. So she said 'You're going to be like a renting person here until you get a job and go'.
Wouldn't all work smoothly if she just could shut her ugly mouth and stop her absolutely, non justified and constant denigration? Not only that, she keeps talking like she's a saint that is keeping a mix of a parasite/demon/beast/goof-off/retarded.
I'm the only person she has. What does she intend to accomplish? She wants to kick me out so badly, because that's all she could achieve with that attitude? My only mistake in life was to choose a career I don't actually like and not be successful in it. Do I deserve to be treated like that cuz of it?...

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  School violence, abortions, protests.. is this the world?
Posted by: rorancrystalwolf - 09-30-2006, 06:27 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (60)

I am not sure if any of you have noticed this at all but the world is starting to freak me out. Lets recap the past week. Today on Friday th 29th, a prinicpal was shot and killed by a student. Two days before, 4 students held hostage by a classmate, raped and one killed. 7 days before THAT, two boys were arrested after they were found to have planned a very detailed plan to kill several students. What the hell is with the damn world??? I mean seriously, war on terror, school shootings,teenage pregnancy, drug addiction, steroids, need I go on? Is it just me or is the world in a damn downworld spiral lately... what kind of proof do people need to make a change in order to benefit the world and the country? I don't want to live in fear, I don't want to look over my shoulder. Sure it happens but why is it all happening now? How much worse will it have to get before change is taken???

Whats your side?

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