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  New Beginnings (Gabumon Loverz)
Posted by: blueeyedgabulvo0o - 03-17-2007, 08:05 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (3)


Well I guess considering I have a couple things to ask, if anyone like's Gabumon we are looking for more recruits for the group and I think it would be nice to see a new fever sweeping the bored and have more activity in our lovely group. As for old members, if you would like to rejoin and become active again, come on back y'all. <pokes tongue out.>

So if you like the idea of this, you can contact me via PM, and let the fun begin. I hope to see more members come back and new one's step up to the plate and join this fantastic group celebrating a great Digimon, Gabumon...

CHeck us out, and see you all around !!!


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  So the day finally came. I did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Zephyr of Darkness - 03-17-2007, 04:55 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (40)

Ever since March started, I've been studying like crazy to pass the fucking four remaining tests at college. And yesterday, I passed the third one....It's until next week when I make a try at the fourth... that's the last one. *sigh* Please wish me luck... My nerves are about to explode... Nah, I'm all fired up and ready to go!

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  X's back
Posted by: DragonMasterX - 03-15-2007, 04:32 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (18)

Yes people, I'm fully back now. I started school a week ago, but I must say still then I had some personal problems to be wholy active again. I'm still sour of some of our most funny members being so inactive, or even... partially gone, but these last days been cheering me up to return here and try to keep things in place and wait for their return.

Anyway, this thread is mainly to report the progress of my whole Summer. For those who read the late topic I made about my job, here's the continuation and probably its conclusion!

So, where to start...? Oh yeah! The Summary.

As you know, I worked as a clerk, and a command additioner for a Restbar at the beach. It was successful, I didn't break any glass things as I thought I would. And well, I had some of the most funny moments I had in my life there.
You know, this was a total new experience to me, I had never worked in my life, so I started valuing a lot more things I didn't before, like money expenses in a regular basis (minus bills, since I didn't have to pay for them) and such. To say the least, my earnings were for my own lust for luxury :P

Yes, I got lot of experience, money, and rewards, but I also made new friends and contacts, people I never thought I'd relate with at all.

I saw how some of the others worked, so as I posted in some of my other threads, I started to be enticed to do as many things as I could in this job. Including helping where I was needed and where, well, I wasn't needed at that moment too.

Heh, girls continously asked me if I was 20 or 25 from how I looked. Thought I was 1.98 meters tall, however upon measuring myself, I finally reached 2 meters of height, hehe. It's not something I had wished for, but at least I wasn't the tallest guy there, the tallest guy was one of the clients, who actually was 2.23 meters tall, he had to bend down to walk through almost everywhere with ceiling :P

Now. Money and things, hehe, I got a payout of 1400 pesos per month, so I racked 2800 up; plus 240 from a bonus. I exceeded 3000 lol, I was surely happy. I had many expenses unfortunately, but most were with things I liked and wanted, so I was content. Now I've got 1300 pesos left in my 'bank' which is actually my old wallet, stored safely away from my sister.
I lent some money to dad and mom and helped mom to rack money up to buy our new PC (The one I'm using right now). I didn't buy many things, but I upgraded my cel phone, and I bought an MP4 player with 1 GB of store memory.

Every single day we had fun at work, it looked as if my 9 hours of work weren't actually hours of service. It was tiring at first, but I got used to it first, though it didn't show off well after I got back and I kinda was pissy all the time after it from my tiredness, but well, hehe, I didn't have many bad days. Except the day I had to walk two miles from the station to the Restbar and then from the Restbar to the station of the other city when I left, and it was raining, lol.

On the day before last, it was such a bad day for work, we went everywhere around the beach. We were going everywhere whole day doing random things. I'll just tell about this day since it was the funniest of all of them:

It started as it usually started, well, not really, it usually started at 7:10, when I woke up and had a shower, then went to the station to take the bus. However, I overslept... for the first time in the whole season :P
I woke up at 8:15, I had a quick 5 minute clean up and left with my things to the station. I had in mind taking the 8:30 bus to work, but how to say it, the 8 o'clock bus was still there and about to leave, at 8:21 :P I literally jumped on it before it left and got a seat.
It went through the long course, I wasn't surprised, it was the late bus; however, to my surprise, the FIRST bus had stopped for maintenance in the middle of town. All the passengers boarded it... including my other workmates! Hehe, it was funny talking to them and realizing that the first bus had taken route at 8:20.
At work, the climate was as sucky as at home, albeit it wasn't raining, so it was supposedly good, lol, I went all the way down and we started kidding 'round with the guys, even though I'm the biggest, I was the youngest of all of them, ironic, isn't it?
At 9 or so, we all decided to go for a swim, it was funny, we all went deep and about 130 meters away from the shore, but one of our mates didn't know how to swim and hadn't told us, can you believe it? He even went in with a board, we had to take him out, it was hilarious, we were all laughing (even himself) as we exited.
After getting a bath, we suggested playing volley, we grabbed a ball and went to play. After winning three easy games and laughing our heads' off, we went to 'work'. After an hour or two, it was lunch time, we had our lunch, then decided to play another volley game!
We had hell of fun and were playing for about two hours.
I made various trips back and forth to the restbar, there weren't almost no people there... it wasn't the best day of the season, but well, it was to me!!
When we got back from playing, we all bought something to drink separately; and at the same time prepared things for the End of Season Party, which was the following day.
Afterwards, we started joking with a little ball a random kid had left with one of the recreation group guys, the people at the restbar just were laughing as hard as us.
Done with the little ball, one of my new friends brought in a Rugby ball! We started passing, till we decided playing some tocatas, we made the pitch in the sand... just in front of the restaurant! Haha, it was funny as we realized later, but well, while it lasted, we had fun. Till later we started playing REAL Rugby! It was HILARIOUS! Even our boss was laughing at the game and the constant hits we took while tackling.

We had to end the game later, since it started to rain, we had to go up and help clean things up and put order to the parasols and the tables. When I got back in, I was told I could go, since there were about only 15 tables eating inside. I was happy, I had returned two hours earlier :P
Oh! And that day, I had been paid my second payoff and my bonus, and coincidentially, I met a friend of mine at the bus, she works selling those jewerly things for women and such, and in the 28th, it was both one of my new friend's birthday and my mom's, so I bought presents for both and came back home in some sort of triumph, lol.

The next day, it was a bit fun, not as the 27th, but it was cool. Mom's meeting had tasty food and a cake, and when it was 23 o'clock or so, I left and took the midnight bus to my workplace with some buddies.

LAST MEETING PARTY!! Man! I've been to very few numbers of parties in my life... but this was PARTYING! Drinks! Drinks! Alcohol! GIRLS!! TECHNO MUSIC!!!
I think I ended a bit trastorned, but I was one of the most resistant! Considering I puked everything up at about 5 in the morning and I was the one to down half a bottle of whiskey after downing three bottles of fernet with coke and about five bottles of quilmes... man, I always disliked that kind of beer, but that night, it was tasty! Lol, I even did something I thought I'd never do for real: When one of my girl friends had opened one bottle for me, the shaking made it send some beer to my face, when people started laughing, I grinned, put my thumb to the tip of the bottle and then shook it so hard, we all got drenched in beer! Haha, it was fun considering then I aimed at one of my other girl friends, the one wearing that lousy white shirt, the classical E-cup babe showing off with a big cleavage. I danced with her thrice, though I forgot almost everything, THOUGH! I remember that of 15 of the girls I danced with, three of them I french-kissed while... hugging, heh heh.
I met my cousin there, even my boss, man he was surrounded by girls, lucky bastard... Hell, it was the funniest party I had been to ever :P

Anyway. Dudes, this is a report:

Work's done for good. I returned to my afternoon shift at school, I'm coursing 5th grade of High-School, next year, I'll be in College, today I started taking care of my career and everything, I'll be studying in an Economic Sciences University next year.
I've come back, yep, I'm back for good here too, my activity will rise soon guys!

For those who cared to read this, thanks for showing interest. For everybody else in the forum, never change people! I'm happy to be here and happy to have you here!


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  Rumors of my death... Are nearly true!
Posted by: MISTER BIG T - 03-12-2007, 05:58 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (9)

Gosh darnit, I just get rid of my many weeks lasting cold just to get a lung infection or something worse. Going to doctor in a hour, so I'll be super sweet and fast in my not so-regular what's goin' on talk. ALso because of the pains I have every single second, I had like 5 hours of sleep so I may be a bit tacky. I apologize my inability to grasp english grammar and if it offends you.

[Image: smo_smokers-cough.jpg]

Artist renderation of me coughing. Pay no attention to the boobs.

Anyway, me and Wolfey have been talking and I've toyed with this idea of bringing my hentai shackle o' games here to DAD. That's right, over 6 years of perverted goodness of FF porn and dragons with giant penises having sex with anything that moves (and some objects that don't) would become easy to acess for everyone. I also toyed with this idea that I could perhaps work on a short DAD community game, what do you guys think about that idea?

Secondly, a lot of confusion was around my adminship. I want to make it clear that I did not make myself an admin though I did make my own rank, because I was still called regular member. Wolfey contacted me earlier today and offered me adminship again and I'm already on my way to do some changes that'll filter out several bots. I had applied these said filters but they mysteriously dissapeared last time I was admin.

[Image: Lima.jpg]

With excellent graphics like these, who wouldn't like my hentai games?

Thirdly, some people got angry about my tongue in cheek guide how to get women, Zephyr in particular for some reason. I already expressed my deepest regrest and such in the topic but just to make sure there's no confusion left, the guide was intended not to mock DAD community but rather insert some jokes here and there, while giving out hints how to work up your moves.

Fourthly, I'm canceling Destruction the game as some of you may already know. There's many reasons, including motivation, almost near impossible way of changing the series into game, lack of support, etc.... But also, I am affraid Bandai would hang me up the balls in the court if I'd release a game where Biyomon gets pulverized by a giant penis.

And finally, never relax because I may just hide near the corner and do nasty things with you that involve dead weasels and heavy limbing afterwards. Oh and watch out Misato vomitting, she's been sick lately. The years of beer drinking and instant food eating must be catching up to her.

[Image: Nizza%20relax.jpg]


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  What is Bridge To Tiberthia movie about? (SPOILER)
Posted by: floramon - 03-12-2007, 08:08 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (5)


I watched Bridge To Tiberthia, didn't understand at all. What is the meaning of the ending? To me, it shows that if you keep dreaming, your wish will come true.

In the movie, the boy finally became king. But...are all things real? He became king so easy and fast - much easier than any other movies like Narnia, King Arthur and etc. He didn't fight, he just became king like that...

I was 200% disappointed. I felt cheated by the poster and the triler.

Before I watched this movie, I was expecting:
1) Battles (elf vs human vs dwarf vs gnome) or good vs evil.

2) How the main guy and girl became king and queen. They fought hard, they struggled, they solved all difficulties and finally they succeed.

Sadly, I didn't see any battles. I didn't even see the bridge that goes to Tiberthia. All those happened in the jungle (big tree with human face) were real?

What is this movie about? Telling us not to give up dreaming?


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  Best Paintball game ever!
Posted by: cboy - 03-11-2007, 01:03 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (10)

I just came back from playing paintball...and boy did I have fun!

There was a former manager there who used to be an airborne ranger (lucky bastard). He brought something to the game that I've been wanting for a long time; coordination, communication, and tactics.

We were playing in a wooded area with various covers called the Bog. It was five on five...and the other team had a guy with a long-range sniper marker. Well, once the game started, there was so much distance between teams that we didn't see any of the opposing team. So, with the help of the manager, we leap-frogged up, keeping each other covered and keeping an eye out for the enemy.

When we finally did catch up to the enemy team, we used fire and manuever (essentially, one or two players layed down covering fire while the rest moved. At one point, I was in such a hurry to get to a cover that I slipped and fell on my ass in the dirt. It's amazing how fast you can run when people are shooting at you) to take them out one by one. I got one guy while he was moving to another cover (though I didn't know it at first and continued to shoot at him, much to his annoyance). Well, finally there were only two players left on the opposing team. The manager and myself had our fellow players pin them down while we flanked them and came up behind them.

We came out on top, eliminating all the opposing team with little loss (I think we lost one player, though I can't be sure). And we owed it all to that manager. Best game I ever played.

Funny thing was, during the whole game, I was expecting that sniper to tag me out of nowhere (What can I say...I've seen movies with snipers in them). Well, it turns out he was one of the first players to get tagged.

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  "If someone you don't know gives you flowers....
Posted by: Zephyr of Darkness - 03-11-2007, 07:37 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (15)'s sure to be Impulse".
This was the motto of a famous perfume/deodorant for a couple decades. Every Impulse ad showed the same image in a different stage: a guy that sees a girl passing by, and desperately seeks for the nearest bunch of flowers and gives it to the girl. I remember one where the girl was a vixenish one in a party and the guy took flowers from a flower pot, and another where a girl was passing in the street and the guy ripped the flowers off a garden. The Impulse campaign lasted for several years and ended up around 1990 (though the perfumes were still selling).
So many years later, Impulse has released a new campaign, but now it has a more according to the times, cynical attitude.

Ad 1: A girl is at an airport with a distracted, rather sad expression. A guy is running around desperately, and goes to the speaking center. So out loud, in the speakers, he says "Laura!!!". The girl listens up and goes to the speaking center, while he says "Laura, I have thought about it, and I do have an answer! My answer is..." She arrives at his side, but he can't see her. "...that I need a bit more time...that I have to think about it...." The girl goes away unseen by him.

Ad 2: A girl is working as a waitress at a bar at the side of the road. A guy arrives at the bar and she watches him come by. She goes meet him at the door. He smiles "I came to tell you....Ours wasn't a one night thing" She beams. "It's worth one or two more" He hugs her. She doesn't hug him back.

Ad 3: I didn't see this one, my mother told me. A guy gives a girl a small box. She opens it and finds a key inside. She looks puzzled at him. "That is for when you come home, so I don't have to go down to open the door for you".

In the first two, all the people in the background are totally indiffent. All three end up with the message "These are bad times for romanticism. We came back to change them. Impulse".

A sign of the times? I think it's pretty accurate. For some reason, though now we women resemble more an intrepide and beautiful Feena than a lazy and vain Miss Sherry (though I can point out some Miss Sherry around), we have become more capable, independent and attractive, guys behave like this. I was telling someone the other day that if the typical videogame scene of guy rescuing girl was to happen in real life, the girl would probably have to rescue herself, or end up rescuing the guy. Though this person's argument was that some women wouldn't need to be rescued, that's just an excuse, because even Yusuke had to be rescued once.
So now is your turn for defense, guys. Why have you turned so different from your more romantic ancestors? What on earth happened to you?

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Posted by: cboy - 03-10-2007, 03:30 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (14)

Does anyone on here use Avast? My boss recommended it to me, but I'm suspicious of free virus protectors, so if anyone on here uses it, please tell me if it's for real.

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  What's the damn problem with my internet?!!!!
Posted by: cboy - 03-10-2007, 02:34 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (12)

I keep trying to get on the internet on my profile, but it keeps saying that either my username or password are invalid. I've changed both and it still says that. Meanwhile, on my dad's profile, the internet's working just fine. What's the problem and how do I fix it?

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  Friendly reminder!
Posted by: senjuro - 03-10-2007, 01:06 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (11)

Hey everyone.

If you live in a country, state, or province that observes Daylight Saving Time (yes, Saving, not savings; that's wrong) or Summer Time in the UK, then don't forget to spring ahead this Sunday morning at 2am. That's right, this weekend is the weekend where we all cheerfully lose an hour of sleep for some ludicrous reason.

Anyway, its usefulness and necessity aside, don't forget to change your clocks on Sunday morning at 2am your local time.

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