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Best Paintball game ever!
I just came back from playing paintball...and boy did I have fun!

There was a former manager there who used to be an airborne ranger (lucky bastard). He brought something to the game that I've been wanting for a long time; coordination, communication, and tactics.

We were playing in a wooded area with various covers called the Bog. It was five on five...and the other team had a guy with a long-range sniper marker. Well, once the game started, there was so much distance between teams that we didn't see any of the opposing team. So, with the help of the manager, we leap-frogged up, keeping each other covered and keeping an eye out for the enemy.

When we finally did catch up to the enemy team, we used fire and manuever (essentially, one or two players layed down covering fire while the rest moved. At one point, I was in such a hurry to get to a cover that I slipped and fell on my ass in the dirt. It's amazing how fast you can run when people are shooting at you) to take them out one by one. I got one guy while he was moving to another cover (though I didn't know it at first and continued to shoot at him, much to his annoyance). Well, finally there were only two players left on the opposing team. The manager and myself had our fellow players pin them down while we flanked them and came up behind them.

We came out on top, eliminating all the opposing team with little loss (I think we lost one player, though I can't be sure). And we owed it all to that manager. Best game I ever played.

Funny thing was, during the whole game, I was expecting that sniper to tag me out of nowhere (What can I say...I've seen movies with snipers in them). Well, it turns out he was one of the first players to get tagged.
Makes me wish I was friends with more guys, then I'd have more people to play with.

But if I was friends with more guys, I'd go insane.

I'll just enjoy it vicariously through your narrative and videogames.
Quote:Makes me wish I was friends with more guys, then I'd have more people to play with.

I never know any of the guys I play with. You just have to go there and join with the biggest group.
Gosh I love playing paint ball :)
Veemon's Followers
It's not my thing, but if you had fun, good for you.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
I tried paintball once.. it was kinda fun, but I find other things to be better. Still, if you had fun, thats what counts.
Paintball is indeed fun and you have to atleast try it twice to get the feel of it. I enjoyed going to it, and I hope I get another opportunity to do so. I'm glad you liked it so much...^-~
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Any of you guys who've played it have any memorable games?

Oh, and while we're on the subject of paintball, check out these videos:

Check out this one first:
I've only participated in a big paintball event called Battle Weekend. It was located deep inside Ponderosa forest in PA, and there were over a thousand people who participated.

Battle Weekend mission's mimick WWII famous battles and cities. One Army was german, the other American/British, and another, far less group, The French Resistance.

I donned the good 'ol Vermacht Fatigues and had my bolt-action sniper rifle ready. The administartor's assigned me to a colonel, and from her a Lieutennant, and from him, a Sergeant with about fifteen other people.

The mission theme was Battle of the Bulge, where the germans mustered their last defensive thrust to push the allies into the sea. Our mission was to destroy several tanks within the vacinity of the city Irene, so our main force could push further.

Battle Weekend was the most awsome thing I'd experienced.

Paintball MG nests cut swaths through infantry. Artillery crippled advances. Smoke grenades always engorged the senses with haze, like rushing through a chemical field. The enemy laid mines, traps, ambushes, sandbags, tank traps, and the like.

Of course, those who were hit redeployed with another unit at the starting phase.

I'm proud to say I scoped several officers and NCO's through the ranks. The highest I popped was a Colonel. Ah that was a good bolt-action, hadn't failed me yet.

After 24 hours of fighting, our Vermacht (28th Grenadiers, even though I didn't get a single fethin grenade) finally encroached Irene's limits. Most of the allies that scouted ahead had fallen apart, and their bastions fell into disuse, until our Engineers refit them for a command post.

I was hit alot in that damned city. Everyone was. Mines in the road, Mg's in these neat buildings, an Ally crouched in every ruin.

But we won.

The entire regiment swept the city street to street, alley by alley. At night, someone would throw flares down corridors or mount flashlights like lug bayonets. Glow in the Dark paintballs spelled of the fighting past. We had the allies retreating near the city limits and our soldiers secured the city center.

Then the mission arrived.

Five crafted tanks, each metal hull sporting a daemon machine gun, pushed forward. Our poor General didn;t even stand up before her and the retuinue of body guards flatlined with hundreds of paint hits. The squads were helpless. Grenades couldn't kill them. The drivers avoided the mines like some sixth sense. It was hell. Before the next afternoon the bastard Allies took back the city center and was pushing us out.

Unfortunately, by the last day, the Panzerfaust and Panzershrek teams failed to knick all of them. One still remained.

Wish I had a camcorder or something with me....
Hot Damn, Marine! Sounds like another event I need to put on my schedule for going to in the future (I plan on getting heavily involved in Paintball as I get more and more financially secure).