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Posted by: MISTER BIG T - 06-21-2007, 02:27 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (27)

During its time, Titanic was the world's most expensive movie ever made and practically stole almost all the Oscars. I really don't know why because Titanic is the worst movie ever made. There, I said it. It's worse than motherfucking Teenage Caveman and that's saying a lot. At least, Teenage Caveman wasn't nearly as long to watch albeit it felt like eternity to sit through.

The reason I bitch is because even to this day, some people think this movie is very romantic and great movie to watch with someone you like. A movie that'll make you both happy and what is perfect way to end a date. Maybe thanks to this movie, you'll get lucky tonight, am I rite? (For the record, the perfect movie for that is Toxic Avenger. Trust me.)

It's not. Never watch this movie, it only depresses and wastes your time. The movie lasts 3 hours, which most of the movie you're following the wacky events of two shallow and boring characters. It's incredibble how little depth the characters have since the movie is almost nothing but resolving around the two people.

Fun fact about the movie; At one point the woman goes to icy cold water and this was actually really cold water The water the actress had to go was in fact so cold that she actually shat her panties!! Bet you never knew that.

Okay, I made that up. But wouldn't it have been a killer add on to "bloobers" reel?

[Image: condi_bush_titanic.jpg]

To the neverland and beyond!!!

My main beef with this movie isn't in the way it exploits a tragedy and almost as if demanding to be loved for the exposure ("How can you hate that movie? Don't you know how much the people SUFFERED because of those events?!") but rather from the way it tries to be "realistic" and yet, it tries to be a romantic movie. All the death and all the pain so the two adultery commiters could experience a love unlike anyone has ever felt? Sounds like a fair trade off! Meanwhile, we see a child and father introduced and killed off in next second before you can even say "bad character development." Oh and the husband of the woman starts chasing them around a sinking ship with a gun. Uhuh. Right.

In short, I think the movie could have been made so much better if they would have decided to either stick by facts or do a movie. Or they could have been really original and make a movie where the Titanic doesn't sink and it'd just sail and sail and sail.... Admit it, you never cared about the love story, you just wanted it to sink already so the movie would end.

[Image: titanic_ver2.jpg]

A sequel, set up to improve on the original concept.

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  23 and I still retain my good looks.
Posted by: The Infamous Boss Reo - 06-19-2007, 01:18 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (10)

So I officially turn 23 as of today, June 18th.


And I'm still prettier than you, Wise. Ha-ho.

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  w00tage 3000
Posted by: senjuro - 06-18-2007, 01:28 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (12)

Hey. I've made it to 3000 (finally). I guess I should acknowledge some people I encountered along the way. Once again, listed alphabetically.

Calibremon - great RPer, nice guy. Apparently a limitless imagination and a great vocabulary!

Gabumonfurry - the first person who contacted me on YIM from here. Nice guy who often gets me killed while I'm emulating because his messages pop up in front of the emu-window. :p

Herr Mullen - our token British member who adds a (sometimes much needed) touch of class to a thread.

Lonelygabu - great guy who's probably too genuine for his own good.

rorancrystalwolf - another good chum of mine with whom I talk quite a bit.

Wisemon - someone with whom I have very little personal interaction, but whose intelligence and sardonic wit never fails to make me think/laugh.

Wolfey - my best pal on this forum. He's super nice and super patient and gets things done. Oh, and he's always really polite and never swears.

If I forget other people that I talk to all the time, I'm sure I'll remember and add you to the list.

Anyway, here: *wheels out a giant cake* Enjoy!

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  A little help? :\
Posted by: Gol22 - 06-14-2007, 02:47 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (8)

I'm having trouble.

I'm trying to find a vehicle that is under or around $5,000 and has low mileage. Though there are certain things about the vehicle i need.

-4 door
-No damage
-Any anything else else that makes the vehicle just fine.

Anyone have any solutions or vehicles they can show me through links or pics please?

My bro already got his, now im working on trying to get mine before they use my vehicle buying money for something else...

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  Ugh, damn automobiles
Posted by: The Reclaimer - 06-14-2007, 10:41 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (10)

Well I was about to pay off my tuition for next semester until I got like $350 in car repairs to make...and that is luckily with my step-dad doing the work for me and saving me like $600. It's not like it's a huge deal, I'm lucky enough to have a job where they need me on as much as they can get me, and I make okay pay so I can still afford the stuff, but it's just terrible timing because I'd rather have school out of the way so I know it's taken care of.

I should start riding my bike to work, then I'd have no need for gas until school starts again.

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  I'm twenty-four and I've got everything to live for
Posted by: Wisemon - 06-14-2007, 09:18 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (19)

You know, I wasn't going to do this.

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  I love my new job! :)
Posted by: Autumn Star - 06-13-2007, 10:02 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (7)

I started my new job yesterday. And I already love it :)

I've been learning about cars and stuff from my uncle pretty much since I could walk.. and when I got into high school I started taking classes for it. I am ahead of the class by a lot in most things, but still learning something.

I got my job, officiially, I am a "Shop assistant" but unnoficially, I'm their top mechanic.. the old guy there does good work on the really big machines.. but when it comes to the smaller stuff, I know a bit more about it. We are learning from eachother. He doesn't treat me any differently than if I was a man working with him. I like that a lot.

I get to work with my new friends Kim and Paul a little too, because the machines they use are always breaking something, or they see something else that needs to be fixed.

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Posted by: Sabre of Pain - 06-13-2007, 04:54 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

i'm probably gonna be away for all or most of the summer

so... cya

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  Something shocking happened on Raw
Posted by: Psycho333 - 06-13-2007, 04:18 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (4)

O_O :shock:

Did anyone else hear of this?

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Posted by: MISTER BIG T - 06-13-2007, 12:59 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (7)

Strip clubs are the biggest waste of time, money, and effort ever invented. It's pointless and gives wrong ideas to the people. With me, is a friend of mine who works at a strip club as dancer. To secure her anonymousness, we'll be refering to her as M.

[Image: stripper.jpg]

Behold! A stripper that's actually useful for something!!

The biggest bone I've got with the strip clubs is how much the beverages cost there. Where areas, a big pint of beer costs around 2-3 euros or so around regular bars; it costs almost 6 euros at the strip club. And if you're fooled into buying champagne, it may cost around 80 euros. (!!!)

M: When I joined the club I was told if a guy wants to buy me a drink I can't ever ask anything else but champagne, even if I'd not particulary like champagne. The champagne is regular champagne that you can buy in most stores with nearly three times less the cost and it is usually the most worst tasting one so the girls don't drink too much and get drunk off it.

Moving along, there's the dancing that happens where the girls dance usually using poles and some sort of themesong. After doing their routine, girls come and beg money off you. If you're talked into giving them money, they may try and talk you into going private time with them to a private room. If you pay extra, they may bring some champagne or friend. With extra, you may touch the woman to certain limits. To get to the touching though, you have to have already pay around 80 or so euros, because only to the private may cost 40 euros and depending on the dancer, they may charge more. Did I mention that you cannot *really* do anything but to just sit there with erection, if the girls even manage to give you one?

M: I never knew how to dance so I just decided to just jump and slowly slide down on the pole whole lot. I just rub myself against the pole a lot, as if I'd be turned on by the touch of the cold metal and people are all interested. Then I just talk some shit to some idiots to get lots of money and some drinks. Sometimes some guys pay lots of extra so I'll accompany them for the whole evening and sit in their tables in between dances or such. Then all I have to do is get drunk and talk some pointless bullshit.

[Image: 0824stripper1.jpg]

Hikari makes her parents proud by revealing she was prostitute and not a stripper.

So what's the point of going to see strippers anyway? It costs tons of money and you can only look at medicore looking women who you can't even fuck or do anything with. The only time I have ever been able to do something was when the stripper was an old friend of mine who I hadn't seen in years. So even then, it was because of our old friendship and not because of the job.

M: I don't really feel bad pretending to be interested in the people. Sometimes, some guys have followed me to a night club I sometimes go to after work and had tried to score with me at which point I bluntly tell them I don't really like that sort of men and they were only money to me.

Well, thanks from the insight! Say M, what kind of men do you like anyway?

M: WOmen


[Image: Stripper.jpg]

Uhh, I don't think strip bars are immoral enough to take girls your age into work..... Are they?

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