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  I'll miss you!
Posted by: Kundral - 03-10-2009, 12:27 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (25)

Seeing as my crappy windows 98 computer has just gone down (took 11 years) I'm not going to be on much. I'll try to be on whenever possible...

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  The Recipes Thread
Posted by: The Big Bad Rav - 03-08-2009, 09:21 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

With food becoming a common subject here, I think it's best I made a nice little place for us foodies share recipes in this simple thread. Be sure to warn if the dish has nuts, dairy or is vegetarian.

To start, I'm gonna share with you a little something I've been making and loving it lots.

It's a Salmon Miso Stew with Apples. Anybody can do this!


1 Salmon Fillet (You can use Salmon head if you want.)
2 Sachets/3 tablespoons Miso Paste
1/2 an onion (sliced)
1 Tomato
2 Green Apples
1 Red Apple
2 Tablespoons Soy Sauce


1: Prepare ingredients, peel, core and slice apples into cubes. Slice tomatoes and onions.
2: Mix Miso paste with 3/4 cup of water and stir in a bowl.
3: Now grab a pot or a wok, heat it up and add a tablespoon of oil. Start by sweating the onions until fragrant. Add the apples next and stir well.
4: Add tomatoes in the pot and then leave some space in the middle for the salmon.
5: Pour the Miso mixture in the pot/wok and fill in more water to cover the ingredients. Add 2 tablespoons of Soy sauce for taste, and if needed, you can add more miso paste.
6: Stir gently and bring to a boil. Once boiling, let it simmer for about 5-8 minutes.

You can add leafy green vegetables at the end, but it's optional.

Serve with rice nice and hot and there you have it! :D Salmon Miso Stew with Apples.

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  just a little bench racing...
Posted by: Bee - 03-08-2009, 05:32 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (39)

...or stroking ones ego. Depends on how you look at it.

Basically, I wanna talk cars. What kind of cars does the denizens of this fine website drive? Do you have a car you want? Are you content with your ride? Any new models/concept cars that you absolutely drool over?

Post it here, and lets breath in some fumes!

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Posted by: Asesino - 03-07-2009, 10:31 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (13)

I haven't been around at all, and I've figured out the reason: I'm an idiot.

As I'm sure everyone knows, the site went down a while ago and I always used to get to the forum through the site. The site was dead, so I assumed the forums were too. Today I thought, "Hey, what would happen if I just get to the forums through google?"

It worked. I'm an idiot. The end.

So now I'm back. Did I miss anything good?

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Posted by: DragonMasterX - 03-07-2009, 12:42 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (4)

No, not your everyday rant, and it's about a video-game so this may get moved if it's in conflict with this forum's standards but I still wanna blow off some steam about a game. Just check that siggy I got. See that nice card with things you don't understand? FUCK! Those three platinum stars were annoying to get.

Shooting Star Rockman 3: Braku Ace. Man! I love this game, but damn they put lots of stuff to get and do! It drove me nuts!

Starting from the right, the first star required me to beat a secret boss with humongous HP, plus a barrier that kept regenerating each time he would warp to different locations, plus he wouldn't stay still for more than a quarter of a second (Except when he attacks) and whoo. He raep'd me once. And after a few modifications to my strategies I made it look like child's play! <_<

The middle star required me to beat 3 Sigma bosses (Hence its design), which had humongous HP as well, and each of them were damn fast, and the strongest of them (Sirius Sigma), hit with attacks that did between 400-500 damage a hit, pierced defenses, invulnerability and any other protection I put up! (My max HP at the moment was 2400).

Finally, the AJ Star- To trigger the bosses I required to win 20 Wi-Fi battles IN A ROW and make one of them durate over 10 minutes ONLY to make ONE of the BB/RR bosses appear. WHAT THE HECK? How am I supposed to do that if all I run into are the top players from GFAQs who I barely can cut from their gigantic 3000 HP down to 500 and then get irrevocably owned by Red Gaia Eraser?! RRRRAWR!

So to sum it up, I went to TheUnderSquare and got a PAR code to make Acid Ace BB appear and killed him legitimally, but his trigger wasn't done legitimally- yet I got my last star and completed my Wave Battler Card (What you see in my siggy). Uh... think I just ashamed myself over not wanting to wait for 20 victories? <.<

And I'm disappointed with the difficulty with the bosses in this game, Andromeda Infinity was way harder than all of the SSR3 bunch combined, eww. Not even Crimson Dragon SP (Still gotta fight his Sigma version), despite how cool he looks, is a threat to me ;/

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  MY EYE!!!
Posted by: Lost - 03-06-2009, 08:42 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (13)

Don't know why, but as of recent, it feels like my left eye is going to explode. I'm HOPING it's just a passing pain.

In other news, my mom is leaving in 6 hours for Vegas for her wedding. I'm unable to attend because of school. Send her congrats, or I will attack you with EXPLOSION PILLS!!!

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Posted by: Bee - 03-02-2009, 11:18 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (31)

"All you do is lay on your ass and play with your boyfriends!"

Where in the flying fuck does my dad get the fucking right to say this horseshit?!

I bust my ass, underneath THREE different cars, all titled to him. When the van couldn't pass the emissions test, I personally replaced almost every single emissions control component in that van. I'm stuck, flat STUCK with my car, because I don't have the parts I need. Give me the fucking parts, and I'll finish! Same thing with the newest car. That Carlo needs parts that I don't have. I can't do anything about it!

You want me to get a fucking job?! Why don't you try and get one!! You won't! The economy is too fucked up. Taco Fucking Bell won't even hire me!

You say I'm lazy?! Look at yourself! You lay there on your fucking ass all day long. The only thing you do is make cigarettes and talk to guys(Yes, dad. There are no real women on the internet that are that slutty) all day! I have friends, because I can't afford to drive into town to talk to the friends I had in high school.

I fucking cook, do dishes, and take care of my dog. I fed his ass TWICE today, because the birds keep stealing his food.

Make your own fucking dinner, you fat sack of shit. If you think I'm so lazy, take a long, hard look at yourself. Unlike you, I don't get up just to use the bathroom, I ACTUALLY DO SHIT.

Thanks for letting me vent.

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Posted by: senjuro - 02-26-2009, 05:24 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (8)

Hey all,

I'm heading out on a choral outreach program this weekend. I'm leaving Thursday morning and I'll return on Sunday afternoon. I'm bringing my laptop, so if I have internet access up there, I'll probably be around.

If not, then I'll catch you all on Sunday. Have a nice weekend!


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  Sea Salt Ice Cream
Posted by: DarkChibimon - 02-24-2009, 07:16 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (15)

It sounds good, but is anyone willing to make it?

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  Going to a Fur-con!
Posted by: Altima - 02-20-2009, 01:18 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (19)

So yeah... tommorrow, and Saturday, with a possibility of Sunday as well, I will be at a furry convention :P

Yes, I will take pictures.... but video... I dunno, since I don't have any means to upload videos onto a computer... :/ So eveyone will deal with photos...

All right, so yeah... I'll update you guys when I get back... oh, and I may be able to log on at night during each of those days, but don't count on it... I will post in my RP's to keep everything going, but don't static me JUSt yet!

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