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  Oh, it's back
Posted by: Harie Krauzer - 03-31-2009, 11:40 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (12)

Or maybe I should say I'm back... I don't know really. I lost it when it went down and didn't try looking around until recently after watching some season one fansubbed.

Nothing really has changed for me. In some cases being a good thing. I still have a job, a working car, and a roof over my head. Also, in a few days I'll have worked at my current job for about a year. Sadly, my official anniversary date isn't until July. Then I can take a test and get a pay increase and essentially still do the same things.

Other than that, I'm still looking for answers to a few questions I have about life, well my life mostly. Then again that is certainly part of life, so it's to be expected.

Still, all in all, it is good to see you all again.

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  Going to travel soon
Posted by: Yoosei - 03-29-2009, 06:18 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (97)

Well, in a few days, yesh me ish going to travel to another country. I am going to be absent from the 4th of April to the 18th of April. Probably on the odd occasions I’ll be able to log onto the DaD but just in case, I am already explaining why I will be absent, if I don’t login during those two weeks. I am really nervous x3 and really happy too, because me ish going to meet Kurtzie in real life. That’s why I am going to travel, to spend two weeks with my cute thing ;3

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  Hmm... I was wondering...
Posted by: MagusKnight - 03-29-2009, 02:23 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (38)

Do you believe in abstinence?

What's your favorite color?

What's your favorite animal?

If you could be an animal, what would it be? (aside from your favorite, furries excluded)

Who is your childhood hero?

If you were placed into a mythical world of magic, swords, and other mythical wonders, what would you be?

And the final question: How do you feel about yourself?

A trained psychologist can use all these questions to determine your past, vaguely of course, and examine your mind. Answer to your heart's content, but be honest! If you do not wish to answer a question, then just ignore it or put a tilde.
EDIT: If you wish for me to take this little test, then I will.

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Exclamation URGENT: funding needed VERY badly
Posted by: senjuro - 03-29-2009, 12:29 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (17)

This is in addition to the other donation thread.

The cost of keeping the site afloat has recently been doubled. In a complete dick move by our webmaster, the monthly service fee is $30, due in four days. The site currently has $16 and change to its name. If you want this place to be here this time next month, do something to help.

Take 10 mintues to get a Paypal, set it up with your bank account or credit card, and donate some money. The site needs you.

Any questions on the process, PM me.

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  363 days.
Posted by: Bee - 03-28-2009, 11:31 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (16)

In two days, I have been here for one year. Over 2,400 posts.

I've made friends and verbally sparred with some here.

I've fucked up and learned my lessons. Such as:

-not to abuse mod powers when a vote concerning you is coming up.

-dont argue with trolls. They'll only make you look retarded.

-not everyone is as callous and uncaring about certain subjects as I am.

-yes you can moderate from a cell phone.


Ahh, yes. How I love technology. Motorola Sidekick Slide #01 died(R.I.P. Little Buddy.) But was replaced with this badboy, 02. Thanks go out to Kyuubi No Kistune for helping me get my net back.

The friends I've made here, while not many, they're here.

Backlasher Ray: one of the best RPers I've ever met. He showed me how to properly RP, and has amazed me with his seemingly endless supply of characters to interact with.

Kyuubi No Kitsune: he cares too much for his own good. Can't spell too good, but that only makes him more loveable. I'll forever be endebted to him for him helping me out in my time of need. Also a good RPer, we play almost every chance we get.

Rax/Altima: kinda put me off at first, and I had him blacklisted for a while, but we've made amends. Also one of my little RP brothers whom I wouldn't be without.

DMX: cool dude, I don't talk to him enough.

MagusKnight: I like you. You speak your mind, regardless of what others may think. We need more people like you in the world.

Tigerlily: excellent artist. I doubt if I can say anymore. Her art is simply awe-inspiring.

Senjuro: cool dude, BUT STOP HITTING ON ME. (I know you stopped already, but it's too much fun telling you to stop. :p)

The Shadow Dragon Pack: I've said it once, I'll say it again. Sorry for what happened. I'll be better behaved.

The Administration: a cool group, they get the job done.

My Fellow Mods: I wouldn't be here without you guys.

During my year here, I discovered I was furry, bisexual, liked Herms, and found this place to be a second home. No matter what happened out there, I could always come here. Like a favorite restaurant or bar. Where everyone knows your name...

*Cheers theme music starts playing*

...oh damnit all to Hell....

*gunshots, music stops*

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  Putting music onto phone
Posted by: Gol22 - 03-27-2009, 05:23 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (5)

I know there are phones that could have the full song from their music list on their PC and/or anywhere else on the computer. I just want to know if there is a way to do that.

My phone is a Samsung t819 and it does have quite a lot of extra memory.

It has a Music Player for... well music... but I don't really have songs that I could listen to off it.

Is there a program that could shrink down the memory size of my songs from my computer so I could send them to my phone and listen to them there?

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  Magnusknight and I....
Posted by: Kalyx - 03-26-2009, 04:26 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (17)

Just as a note or announcement, to anyone who'd care to know... Magnusknight and I are seeing each, that is. I've gotten to know her over the past several months and we really get along, rather well. What can I say...I love her. Blush

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Posted by: senjuro - 03-25-2009, 11:49 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (12)

Hi everyone.

The site's money supply has pretty much dried up since I stopped donating. I can't afford to fund the site by myself. I have bills to pay, and $80,000 worth of debt accumulating interest. $15 monthly isn't something I'm able to shoulder right now.

Currently, the site has $16 at its disposal. That is enough to cover April's monthly fee and NOTHING ELSE. If you've been meaning to donate but haven't gotten around to it, now's the time. Please!

If you have any questions about the process, please PM me.


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  Tigerlily internet
Posted by: tigerlily - 03-25-2009, 04:36 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (23)

As some of you know or don't know, today is my last day to use the internet until my brother can get my computer fix. So sorry my rp's going to be a pause so sorry about that.

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  Wow This is different.
Posted by: - 03-24-2009, 11:23 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (38)

Okay this is a new one. Well i went to retrieve trash cans today and when i was running down the driveway i twisted my ankle. Now when i did i put a lot of pressure on it. No snap. No crunch. I stood there for a second clutched my teeth together then said. Ow. Then i continued walking. Well when i got it checked out tonight apparently i could of broken it. It was swollen and messed up looking. XD I love my pain. It makes me wounder a lot. lol.

Ever had something like this happen to you?

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