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  So anyways...
Posted by: DragonMasterX - 02-03-2009, 12:41 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (31)

How's winter for you guys? Summer's killing me, but man, work really paid off! Got 3k (With a plus included!) in total, and I already bought my DS, going crazy over the wi fi connection! I LOVE IT! So yeah, having lots of fun, seen lots of humorists, actors, actresses, models and stuff like always in the balneary, we had a party on the 12th and we danced all night! Man it was hilarious. Fortunately Cuba Libre didn't really knock me out, so I was one of the few who didn't go to get drunk. Had to work the day afterwards anyway! And me not getting drunk gave me the

So yeah, been having fun, working my ass off 10-11 hours a day, and now I can buy whatever I want! <3 Ahem... within human (Argentine change-type) reason, of course.

But enough about me! How's winter been all this time that DaD was not accessible? Been having fun?

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Posted by: senjuro - 02-02-2009, 12:11 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (48)

We're back online. Be sure to tell everyone you know about the new domain (.ORG), and post in your forums for people to come back!!!

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  Come give your MSN ^^
Posted by: Shao - 01-10-2009, 08:58 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (3)

Hi everybody^^ I just have that ideas... Now I have a bad internet conection(BOOOOUH) but I can post it's^^... A lot of peoples here like to ''chat'' with others people... So all the people who want it's(Shit... I really suck in english ¬¬) just post your MSN adress, so i gonna list them all here^^ You can give a YAHOO adress if you want^^ I'm french... But I like a lot to speak with others peoples^^ and a lot with english peoples^^

Members MSN or YAHOO

Shao :

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  Thanks a fucking lot
Posted by: MISTER BIG T - 01-10-2009, 12:43 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (20)

[Image: 1191614254922.gif]

Ho hum, I like meh blacks lollolool

When I get more "happy birthdays" from Tagged from people that I've never even talked with over people that I've spent so much time and have lost so much to do for, I realize something's truly wrong. When on Wow, I got gold, cake, and huge party, there was little to no fanfare around here. Not even my closest friends in this forum said a single thing and that, well pisses me off. I am not lame enough to make my own birthday topics on principle but I would have thought that by now someone had done one. Seems I'm not wanted enough for one to be warranted.

[Image: 1194064958165.gif]

Monster made of ANGER

I'm going to play Smackdown and go beat up humans with flaming barbed wire bat now to vent off some anger. Bye, bye, bye and thanks from the fish.

[Image: 1193610024132]

That wasn't candy

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  I'm truly at a loss...
Posted by: Bee - 01-09-2009, 02:40 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (30)

I know I don't have many friends here. Some think I'm too callous, some find me boring, some haven't even talked to me. But, please, I really need help, right now.

My dad met a woman online, and they fell in love. She's in California, and they were talking about having her move here, to Texas. They were gonna have a wedding.

Last saturday, she got raped by a gangmember. Close to $1000 that she was going to use got stolen from her. She got beaten up pretty badly. It was kinda nice, she was so worry that my dad would be angry about losing the money, and all my dad cared about was her safety.

Well, they caught the guy that raped her. He signed a confession and everything. Tonight, roughly 10 p.m. CST, she was approached by two of the guy's gang member buddies, and verbally threatened her life. She called my dad, crying, not knowing what to do.

My dad called around, trying to get a collection together, to try and get her here, but to no avail. He's going to send what little we have left from his Social Security check(I've tried getting a job, but business is too slow whereever I try), leaving us completely broke for the rest of the month.

I've already planned on looking into a Harrington & Richardson .32 Automatic Hammerless Revolver for her protection, but, that'll only work when she's here, and when we'll be able to pay the weapon off.

I'm at a loss, I really am. Please, any ideas, words of support, anything. Thank you for your time.

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  There's so much shit around me, such a lack of compassion
Posted by: Wisemon - 01-02-2009, 01:45 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (15)

Yesterday, my toilet would not flush. I couldn't see a clog, but I figured there had to be one. So, I drove out in the middle of a snowstorm to buy a plunger. I used the plunger, and my toilet still wouldn't flush, and at that point, it had begun to overflow. So I called the maintenance guy last night, and he came with his snake and got it working again.

This morning, after my morning dump, the toilet would not flush again, and again, I tried plunging to no avail. Why can't they make toilets for people with high-fiber diets?! It's ridiculous.

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  Happy New Year!
Posted by: senjuro - 01-01-2009, 03:45 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (12)

Hey all,

Happy New Year from the eastern most timezone of North America!

Hope you all had safe and happy holidays, and wishing you all a super prosperous New Year! Take care, and have a great '09!


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Posted by: MagusKnight - 01-01-2009, 02:27 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (17)

Okay I know this rant seems pretty retarded, and this is my first time posting a real rant, I expect no repies but that's what everyone says and they still get where goes... :(
I fucking worked my ass off and endangered my main character on SEVERAL moments, and what the hell do I get for it!? A CLASS THAT CAN EQUIP EVERY WEAPON AND USE NO SKILLS!!! What's wrong with that picture!? It would have been easier getting every class for just 3 battle,s instead of wasting 1/4 of the game getting the shittiest class possible!!! I mean that was a damn well waste of my time and what's worse is now the main character is behind because of that worthless piece of shit! It's worse than the base class!!! (Squire)
The dakr knight better not be like this or god help me...
I've been working ym damn ass off, and my character has died like 19 times getting dark knight! I'm just damn lucky I kept the main character on phoenix downs the entire time or he'd be gone! If the dark knight is any less than amazing, I will break that damn game!
So how was I?

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  Is it me? Or is people over clouded with emotions?
Posted by: - 12-31-2008, 04:45 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (8)

Before i begin this topic i would like you all to know i prevented my mom from leaving today. For that reason this is why i am bringing up this subject/Topic, So please if you can don't post how stupidly horible your life is. Yeah i remember those who did before. No i don't intend to kill myself either. Wanted to clear that up before any war broke out.


Anyway. Let me get back on topic. I am a person that doesn't really care at all unless it is something i can handle. If its issues that's normally your problem. But something happened two days ago that makes me ponder "Why?" Down here in the south, there are more family's divorced than anything else. But my family should be different. Well that's what i was told. Well my mom has raised me all good and well. She raised me to be better than what most ass holes turn out to be. Well she cant help with her own advise. "Ryan Never get angry at people. Though you can be just don't inflict hopelessness on yourself."

Oh man i forgot to explain. Sorry.

Okay. It was Monday. The day started off normal. Mother angry at Chris and dad. Because they are "Quote "Lazy bastards" I thought it was an average day. But then in the middle of it something happened. I don't know who started it. But my Mom and Chris and my Dad where having one of those "Argument/fights." After of two hours sitting on the porch freezing my ass off. I came back in to see my mom staying calm as ever. So i thought nothing happened. But then about 1:20 am i over heard a conversation between her and my grandma. She told my grandma in exact words

"I told Beth (My sis) that i was going to go on a walk and never come back" When i heard this i wanted to punch the table and walk away but i just sat there and listened. Well at 2:00 am i came out of my room and saw my mom finishing her booze (Even when drunk she remembers everything) i asked her this.

"Is there anything i can say that can change your mind?" She looked at me puzzling. (Go figure)

"About what sweetie?"

"About you leaving..." When i said this she explained that it wouldn't be normal if she stayed and i said this.

"So what? I have been through the same changes and I don't think you have any clue how this will effect me if you leave. Mom You told me once to not let emotions over rule my body. I don't even know what the meaning of emotion is. But if you leave i think i will know what it means."

I explained to her that everything in life happens. If you want to keep what you say a fact start doing what you say. Well i didn't think it worked. But when i woke up she was still there. All day.

Have any of you ever have this happened to you? Its a painful thing to hear but an easy thing to fix.

"I thank you god for giving me this this that allows me to help people"

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  About my Summer...
Posted by: DragonMasterX - 12-29-2008, 12:03 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (13)

Hey there people, local buff god of dragons just keeping up with personal events. Thought you'd like to hear what I'm up to lately-

Remember my summer job, being an additionist at my uncle's restbar at the seaside? I'm sure Wise does. I remember him telling me it was something he'd like to do.

Well, this is my third season working there, and there's been a few changes to my position, nothing that really kept anything away from the concept of taking care of the things at the restaurant's data base, but there are a few major things. Here's a list!

- For first, I'm now leading at the cash register with a rookie where I used to be last two summers. Got loads of responsability now!

- I'm half technician and half-everything in the restbar.

- Additionally to taking care of the waiters and waitresses' orders and the bill creation/oprganization/printing, and collecting the money, I now administer the balneary's inventories, stock, and its purchases' history and prepare reports and keep logs.

- I keep being called 'shorty' for some reason, but there's a lot of new people.

- My working hours have jumped from 8 to 11 ever since my last two summers. <- This is why I won't be able to be on so often around here or practically anywhere I would like to (Including DaD and MSN). Basically, all my day is, is to wake up at 7 AM, have a shower, leave for Carilo and then come back at 8:30 PM or so. Right now parents are away to spend New Year in Bragado where the other part of my family is, so I'm alone with my sister at home, so I waste most of my free time cooking and taking care of the chores she doesn't do.

- On the bright side, my salary jumped to 2,700 pesos (900 dollars for you guys) a month, not counting any possible pluses if I keep up the good work!

Won't be on so much, it's regrettable... I keep getting ideas to write stuff, and I really miss the fact I can't spend time with friends either online or out since all I basically can do here is eat, chat a while and go sleep. (Right now it's Midnight, I should be asleep for instance).

For the Zanea's Tales 2 players, don't worry, this doesn't mean it won't continue until my work season is over. But hey, we need holidays to go first! We'll continue battling then!

Other than that, I miss Lily- she sent me a quick PM a few days ago though. She's alive! :0 Nah, j/k. We miss you cutie!

And uh... if anybody wants to talk or anything, you know you can reach me by PM or IM!

So... mrrr? Can I have a Pie?

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