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  Hell on wheels
Posted by: - 04-06-2009, 07:01 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (9)

I've hopefully got a fire test coming up this Monday evening...and I'm not looking forward to it. Not the test I mean, I always look forward to them...but I loathe the drive to and from the testing site.

While taking these tests, I've learned two things about life: while common sense isn't very common in life, it's virtually nonexistant on the road; and the place you're most likely to meet the most assholes is on the road.

Case in point on the first lesson; if for some reason you feel like going 100mph on a fifty mph road and the person in front of you wants to obey the speed limit, what purpose does driving up so close you're practically kissing his rear bumber and risking an accident if you speed up or slow down serve, especially if the other lane is open for you to pass him?

I can't count how many times I've been in that situation and for whatever reason, the other person feels the need to almost kiss my ass before getting the message that I'm not going to speed up and his best bet is to pass me. Honestly, do they get some kind of high from trying to scare people or get into an accident? If so, I hope they're prepared for the consequences...and I'm not talking about being sued. I have special plans in mind for anyone who ever gets me into a car wreck by being stupid.

Case in point on the second lesson: You want to know what's worse than the above? It happening at night, because then you have to deal with their damn headlights turning your cabin into day, making it hard to see ahead of you and doubling the chances of shit happening.

Yep, sometimes I have to take tests late in the day and drive home late at night, and again, I can't count how many times I've met some asshole who feels the urge to get right up my ass and shine his lights on me. Heck, sometimes they're feeling extra malicious and decide to turn on their damn high beams. Again, what is it with these people?

Is there some magic effect on the road that turns off peoples' brains and makes them complete dicks? Or do people already like that just feel a sense of freedom on the road?

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  Missing in Aggravation
Posted by: Guilmon and a shotgun - 04-05-2009, 09:03 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (4)

Hey guys

I'm sorry for not being online in the recent times and this is probably the most i can post for now. Basically, my super-intelligent Seagate 500gb harddrive decided to bugger up; it won't be detected by ANY computer and is currently sitting next to me with a small axe buried in it's grinning aluminium face.

yeah...but seriously though i will be back soon, but i have lost ALL my stuff due to technical fuck ups and what with exams stalking behind, i probably won't be able to post, let alone play my video games.

To all my fellow Roleplayers i apologise in advance for my tardiness and to all of those who might otherwise miss me, i apologise too.

peace out


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  Girlfriend's Day.
Posted by: DragonMasterX - 04-05-2009, 02:17 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (32)

Today, the first Sunday of April, Girlfriend's Day is celebrated here. I just wanted to make it public that I miss Lily a lot, and that even though I cannot say more than I did in the mail I sent to her, I'm just really glad I had the chance to meet her and start to understand the meaning of these warm feelings I've received from her throughout all these months.

So... trying not to make myself sound like a silly fool, I can't wait until you can make a comeback, hope you can make it back soon! We all miss you, me in special.

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  What? Ryan is now Selling? No way?!
Posted by: - 04-04-2009, 02:06 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (12)

Well i am wanting to buy a new Mac computer or start saving up for computer parts systems idk. But my allowance is never more. :(. I cant get a job because of my parents. So i am doing the best i can in media. So i am now selling my work onto you guys and other forms. I am going to start up a pay pal account soon. Once i do i am going to try expanding more and more. But what am i here for if i don't name what i can do and show you examples? Well you guys. I am doing the best to multitask with school and all but its spring break for me so i am trying to get the best of it. So lets get started shall we?

Before we do though. One more thing. You name the price! No lower than 2 dollars though. Its all depending on what though.

Okay now lets get started.

Graphics and Logo's.
Now people. I know a lot of you have a site of some sort of place that needs a logo or site layout or some of the sort. Now how would you like your own?

Go to this site for examples.

Media Intros or videos.
There are a lot of people who like movies. Maybe you might want your own intro or some form of video made for your channel or such and such?

A lot of media is a good detailed bit. You can e-mail me or PM me. All info is in my profile. So please come on and try to help me out a bit :P.

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  What the hell?!
Posted by: - 04-03-2009, 12:01 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (7)

No one has made Lost Requiem a B-day thread yet?! wtf. Anyway happy 20th birthday dude. I hope you enjoyed it.

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  Spring is in the air.
Posted by: - 04-02-2009, 02:02 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (31)

Ah. Went outside not even 2 hours ago "10:30" I smelt the good old spring air. Ah i love how the fragrance illuminates through out the woods. Smells so good. The flowers are blooming and the air is blowing. Then the sun is roasting our house. So yes its spring time.

What do you like about spring time?

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  April Fool's Day
Posted by: UnknownH - 04-02-2009, 01:33 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (8)

Ok people Dig the wax out of your ears and listen up!

So, anyone see any of these pranks on the internet? I left one in one topic and I found a big list of them.

So which did you find?

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  ALERT! - Conficker Virus
Posted by: attackofthematt - 04-01-2009, 08:18 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (32)

there is a new virus that is supposed to be pretty bad coming out tomorrow for more info go here

and to scan your computer for the conficker virus use this link

im using the microsoft download to do a full scan on my computer now

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Star Call to action: moderators
Posted by: senjuro - 04-01-2009, 02:16 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (10)


Because of some shuffling around of the roster, a few positions have come open. I'm accepting requests for the following forums.

The Debate Room
The Artists' Domain
Author's Den - Requests
The Yaoi Steam-Room (2 positions)

Please send a PM telling me which boards you're interested in, along with your approximate weekly activity (ie. hourly, daily, weekly, etc.). Positions are filled on a first come, first served basis. I'd really like to get these positions filled up, so send in those PM's! ^^ Thanks everyone, and have a Happy Easter!


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Information The Ghost Survival Manual
Posted by: Bee - 03-31-2009, 07:41 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (10)

Okay, this is for those who believe in such things. Those who don't, you really don't have to chime in, or even keep reading. Those that do believe, please, feel free to add in, share stories(preferrably actual events that happened to you, not fictional ghost stories), or add tips.

*puts on a sport coat and glasses*

Welcome, to Ghost Hunting 101. We'll cover the basics here. First of all, some guidelines. Ghosts are people, or at least were people, prior to death. As such, you don't want to fuck around with them, unless you don't mind being stalked by a spirit that can walk through that locked door and you at the same time.

Basic rules for dealing with a ghost:

- be polite. Never shout, get angry, or scared. This will only make them angry or scared.

- do so at your own risk. Ghosts are etheral beings. Spirits. They can walk through shit. If you have a spirit follow you home, ask it to politely leave in a calm, flat voice. Once again, don't anger what isn't stopped by doors and locks.

- keep an open mind. Just because you don't find one on your first try doesn't mean you should give up. It means you should try again.

- Never, NEVER EVER, ask a ghost if it knows that it is dead. Ghosts are spirits that are either lost, or afraid to pass on. Telling them that they aren't alive anymore will only anger them. Please see the move Poltergeist for a good example of what angry spirits can do to you.

- proper equipment helps. Though, if you know what to look for, you really don't need it.


This is really for us amatuers, as I don't have the available funds or minions to launch full-scale investigations into spirit activity. Basically, if you feel compelled to do so, or if you're looking for a good spook, keep reading.

The following objects are helpful in ghost hunting:

- a digital camera. A cameraphone will do in a pinch, just make sure it's a high-megapixel one. Preferrably with a night setting.

- flashlight. Always helpful

- a dog. Any breed, any gender. Dogs can pick up easily on things that most humans either cannot or will not pick up on.

- your hands. I'll explain this in a bit.

- a calm, collected, and brave mind. You're delving into the unknown, so it's okay to be scared, but don't freak out at a frog jumping from tall grass or a spiderweb.

- friends. Sometimes this'll help the above situation, sometimes it'll only make things worse. Just remember, most ghosts don't want to hurt you.


Possible dangers: depending on your choice in religion, you may feel dealing with such spirits may drain you of your mana, life force, chi, etc. If you, at any time, feel that this may happen, just stay home. Watch TV. Masturbate. Just do something other than this. Don't come crying to me if you try to ghosthunt and end up laggy and unresponsive. Not my problem.


Times to ghost hunt: usually, around 3 a.m. This is because, in those of the Christian Faith, or anyone who's read the bible, God is supposed to be the weakest at 3 a.m., also known as "The Witching Hour". This is also the supposed time the borders between the spirit world and our world are at its weakest, allowing them to pass over easily. But, you know, whatever your faith dictates.

NOTICE: I strongly suggest NOT attempting to summon ANYTHING at The Witching Hour. You're delving into shit you don't know about. Never try to summon a spirit to talk to. You'll end up, 9 times out of 10, getting one that'll harm you, either mentally or physically.

NOTICE: I also strongly suggest not attempting to use a Oujia Board to contact the dead for the same reason, but that's just my belief system.



Usually, the most logical places. Older cemetaries, around abandoned hospitals, old prisons*, funeral homes, and nursing homes are the biggest hives of spiritual activity. Just don't get in trouble for trespassing on private property. Just stroll by on the sidewalk, or if you can get a tour of the place, even better. Just snap a few pics.

*old prisons, especially ones that held mass-murderers and the like, aren't recommended, due to the nature of the spirits there.

Cemetaries are usually a prime choice, due to the fact a large number of spirits wander these places, trying to either find their way to the afterlife, or try to deny the fact that they've passed on. The children's sections of cemetaries are often even better, due to the fact most children that have passed on are scared and alone, looking for their still-living, or, deceased parents.

If you do manage to get a "Scooby" in your gang, by all means, use him! Dogs are very good for picking up on spirits. If they seem to start getting curious or start playing with seemingly thin air, take a photo! If they cower, LEAVE. Dogs are often very good judges of character, and if they start to growl or cower, GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM WHEREEVER YOU ARE!!! You'll know you're safe when the dog calms down. Just remember to obey all leash laws and pick up after them.

Use the flashlight for, of course, being able to see at night. YOU CAN GHOST HUNT DURING THE DAY, but it's often much more productive(and much more spooky) at night.


Types of Spiritual Phenomena:

Cold Spots: the simplest one to spot. In older buildings, sometimes even new ones, you'll come across a cold spot. Once you verify this cold spot isn't because of an A/C duct right above you, or something similar, then start snapping pictures. Spirits usually absorb energy from their surroundings(one of many theories, just the one I choose to adhere to), causing a pocket of cold air. These cold spots are sometimes accompanied by a certain smell. May be perfume, may be old man funk. You never know.

Orbs: you're filtering through your pics, and you see splotches of white. You MAY have a ghost on film! Orbs are often dismissed as dust particles, and sometimes that is correct. But, if you can verify that the air was clear of small particles such as that(such as on a clear night near a cemetary) there's a very good chance that's spiritual energy you've caught on film.

Ectoplasm: similar to orbs, but less...round. They can look like streaks, blobs, maybe even sometimes have distinguishing features. Most importantly, make sure it wasn't a lens obstruction. 7 out of 10 "ectoplasm shots" were either hair, cigarette smoke, or something similar. Tip: keep long hair tied back and don't smoke.

APPARITIONS: the fucking motherload. What every ghosthunter wishes to get on film. A clearly visable, figure, standing or doing something where you KNOW no one was there when you took the photo. Some of these will scare the ever-loving dogshit out of you, mainly because you expected dust-orbs or hair-ectoplasm. These are often criticised and photoshops and fakes. This is why it helps to have friends there to collaborate the story.

Verbal/Audiographical communication: also know as "white noise". This stuff, frankly, scares even me. You record on a tape-type voice recorder in an empty room, then play the tape back to see if you hear anything. You may end up with something garbled, but, a good set of headphones and keen ears can dissect what is said. If not, hit up somebody you know that has audio equipment, and have them dissect the message on the computer. When you hear it, bricks will be shat.


Now, you've had your fun, you have some pictures, maybe an audio recording. You're tired, and you have baggies full of dog poop you're tempted to set on your neighbor's porches and light on fire. Are we done yet?


Sometimes, spirits will notice you noticing them. Ghosts don't have a lot of people that know they're there, and they found a new one! Sometimes, you'll have a ghost follow you home. Evidence is in cold spots and strange occurances around your house. If this happens, just say aloud, as if to no one,

"I know you're there. Please, leave me alone. I wish you no harm, but I kindly ask you to leave my home."

Or something along those lines. Usually, they'll leave you be if you ask real nicely. If not, consult your religious leader for a possible home exorcism.


So, basically, that's it. I've been around the block on this a few times. I've lived in haunted houses, I've seen things that can't be explained. I've taken pictures of the Galveston Island State Cemetary(a state landmark, that survived the 1900 Hurricane) in Galveston, Texas, and have had spirits follow me back to the Hotel.

I've seen too much to not believe in ghosts. How 'bout y'all?

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