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Photo Milestones
Posted by: Lukos - 04-28-2009, 05:27 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (35)

Do you remember your first post? Thousandth? Two-thousandth? If you can remember them or find them in your post history, describe or repost them here, and enjoy a little reminiscence about the milestones we've reached in our post counts.

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  Day After Day. Same shit.
Posted by: - 04-28-2009, 12:51 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (15)

I am stuck. On a schedual. Daily. You see we have 26 dogs. A good handful have bad mange. We are doing are damn hardest to help them heal better. But i have been getting tired lately. For exsample. We gate off our dogs into seperate sections. I am having to step over the gates. Well today i tried and i kept falling over. I felt weaker. I am having problems bending over. Some troubles waking up in the morning. But i am never fully awake. Rings around my eyes. This is my daily schedual.

7:00am get up

9:00am let puppys out to run and medicate them

12:30 put puppys back in pin.

1:15. Rotate. Meaning let the big dogs out.

3:30 2nd run

4:00 put dogs up for nap time

7:00 release doggies again. (Rotation)

9:00 Bed.

Thats the days i am off. I get a break between rotations so it isnt so bad but this is the worst part. school

7:00 get up and get dressed and let dogs out.

7:30 leave for school

3:30 Come home from school

(Continues normal)

I am getting tired. I feel dead. I feel like shit. Any tips? Also i dont want to head "Change the schedual" I mean advise for not feeling so tired and week. I am used to the time setting just not my body. idk.

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  Fucking bitch!!
Posted by: DragonMasterX - 04-28-2009, 03:00 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (22)

My sister. Egoistic, selfish bratty 18 year-old lady, in college, who moved in with me. Explosive mix, and now I know why.

She's a fucking hypocrite in everything she says or does. Just yesterday, we went to have lunch at a restaurant, and we were all having fun, until she and mom decided to gang up on me and, as they practically said, attributed the entire mess-looking apartment to me.

That's just wrong. My sister fucking LIVES in the apartment too. I don't define myself as the perfect collaborator, since 90% of the time I need to be told what I need to do, but when they tell me and I find it within reason (Which most of the time I do), I just do it and shut my mouth about it. I don't go whine to mom and dad just 'cause "my sibling's been a meanie and is not doing what they are supposed to!". Bah. Boogus.

She might clean the oven sometimes, and the sticky stuff I always forget to clean after cooking with multiple saucepans (Which isn't much anyway), but that's as far as it goes, everything else is what I do as well. Two weeks ago the bathroom looked pretty bad and dirty, so I just decided to clean it up and put some reagent on the toilet so the water would turn crystalline again. Until I did so, she had never done a thing about it. I never bitched, and just told her what I had done and explained what it did so she could do it too. It wasn't even an order!

Garbage. "Oh, this bag's full, it needs to be taken out." WELL EXCUSE ME, PRINCESS! Can't your delicate hands take a simple trash bag downstairs and put it out?! She hasn't ever taken a full trash bag out, never.


"I don't wanna do the dishes, I'll do them in the morning."

"Sure, do them later."

Next night.

"Naw, I don't really wanna do them now, I'll do them,"

"NO! I want the kitchen to look clean, and those dishes ready to be used."

"Uh, no. Stop fucking with me, I'll do them when I want, if you want them done earlier, do them yourself now." If speaking my mind and doing what she exactly did the day before makes me the main attributor of the apartment's mess, then off with her hypocrisis. I won't make myself responsible if she doesn't either, and that's fucking that.

Cleaning. A few weeks ago we decided we'd team up to clean the apartment. She said I could just pick up all the trash outside (Fallen leaves, since we're in Autumn) and sweep over the floor so she could clean. I was alright with that, and after a while I was done, so she could clean. A job well done.

Exactly three days ago, we had agreed on the same, but when I said I'd sweep, she said "No, you did that the other time. I'll sweep this time, and you'll clean.", so I thought: "Fair's fair.", and agreed.

She sweeped the narrow hall for a bit and then left to hang out with her friends. Fuck no. That's not what I had done the other time. So I decided until she'd sweep, I wouldn't clean. However, the brat decided to stay over her friends' house for two nights and only came back for her college stuff. Fine.

In the restaurant, she and mom bitched at me, when we were having a good time. They ganged up on me and attributed the mess of the apartment to me alone. Well, fuck you both, I don't live alone, and if you talk about teamwork, then fucking drill it into her head, because I don't want to waste my time with it.

Talking. Yes, it's impossible to talk to the whore. If I act like a friend and joke around, then it's alright, we even get along. I like cooking for her, or other people, so sometimes I talk about recipes, and she immediately goes: "Geez, all you talk about is food, it's sickening me, so stop already!". And then, while we're eating, she bitches at me if I talk about how I'm going to prepare the meat next time. Then she went:

"Know what I wanna buy? This stuff, it'll probably taste really good with-"

And I interrupted her.

"Didn't you just say you didn't want to talk about food? Thought it sickened you." She glared at me and then played angry.

When I talk to her about something serious, or something she didn't do when I had asked her to, her first reaction is to look back two or three weeks ago when I had forgotten about something she had asked. Doesn't matter if the problem already had been solved, she still hounds me with it and pretends that's all she needs to get rid of me.

When I completely disprove that little theory of her, and keep talking about the importance of being honest with each other about what we do around in the apartment, and to not bitch about who does more, because I never fucking do, she starts shouting. If I shout back, she goes: "Stop shouting." and gives off an arrogant smirk. I hate being shouted at. If I try to talk to her again, she goes ape and regresses about 10 years in age. "Yeah yeah yeah, whatever, yeah yeah." And doesn't talk coherently until I leave.

Damned, fucking asshole. She hates hearing my voice or only listens when I talk to her as anybody else but her older brother, is that it? Why didn't she fucking say so BEFORE she moved in, and didn't go living off one of her friends? Fucking. Selfish. Assholish. Self-centered brat.

And I know the pattern. I know I could have fucking avoided her and mom's bitching. The communication is plain obvious. All she had to do was talk to mom, badmouth me and cover all her finer points, while exposing whatever things bad I did, apparently suddenly "forgetting" about all the other things I did.

FINE! Is she gonna keep pushing it? Who does she fucking think she is? The apartment is not hers, neither is mine. Each of us had to give 1,000 bucks to our parents so we helped with the rent, so it's completely shared. What's what she wants me to do? Go down to her live and go whine to my parents that she's being a complete bitch and on top of that, since I have the chance, inform her of how a "Good boy" I've been in contrast with her? No man. That's messed up. That's fucking messed up. Why in the flying shit-covered fuck would I want to be a complete assholish dick and pretend I'm some sort of domestic hero and she's the dusty witch? No, fucking no. I'm not like that, but I'll fill in my parents what I think about this fucking matter, and I'll tell things straight, that while I'm not perfect and don't cope 100% with theoir expectations, she's no perfect angel either. She has her finer points, just as I do, and both of us have our moments of sloth, but neither is fucking over the other one. You don't do what she did to me. When someone worries about you, cooks thinking of rations for two people instead of one- When you always try to put up with your assholishness and try to explain things calmly and all you do is shout like a raped whore - When you've been crying for hours and that someone takes you in their arms and craddles you, listening to all of your worries and problems with college and parent pressure, you don't fucking do this to family. You just don't.

And I'm fed up with it. Period.

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  Meet the new look of DaD's chat feature ^^
Posted by: Lord Patamon - 04-25-2009, 04:59 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

Well my friends, as you surely saw it, at least the ones who often use the chat feature, it was really really plain. Just the chat box around a big white space all so lonely boohoo

So I took the liberty of give the chat feature a big make up, so I proudly present you the improved look of our lovely chat:

the chat is still the same functionality talking, but now we have a nice background and logo and the links that we have on the forum header, you know, the game gallery, the memberlist, the forum help, etc. to make it more integrated to the forum in some way since I felt it was too lonely without any color.

I'm sure the Gabumon fans will love it XD

So enjoy the chat now with a new make-up :D

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  *sigh* Bad and stupid news.
Posted by: - 04-24-2009, 11:37 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (8)

I just dont get sony.

Okay i got the box today. They told me to print up an letter to insert in the box. Well in the box as well they included the same paper but with a different format. So i called the number given on the page to ask about it. Because it had also said on this paper "Warrinty or proof of purchase" Which if i have ever told you i got it as a gift from my old school. Anyway so i get ahold of a represenitive and she was pissy. "Sir you need to include a proof of purchase or pay the fee. Contact this "Gift giver" and get a proof of purchase from them."

So i said "How in the world am i suppose to get ahold of my old school that i dont go to?"

"Sorry sir thats not my problem. Your just going to have to pay the fee. Can i help you with anything else?"


"okay sir. Have a go-" I hung up there.

So i said fuck that ill try to fix it again. Well i took 8 hours. Hack after hack. Soulution after soulution. Nothing. I used the Universal unbricker. Nothing. I used the edit PM.S nand tool upgrader and fix'er. Nothing

"Damn this thing must be perma bricked."

I tried one last resort. Reset the flash0 and flash1 and try from there..................................


So i came to my final conclusion and said. "Fuck it."

So now i have a broken PSP. : ( I am upset now. I cant afford a new one. I cant trade for one. No one wants to even give theres up except for Anthony who doesnt know where his is. And when he finds it he will be like "Haha no."

*Sigh* I am in such a bad mood.

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  Total drag!
Posted by: Mai - 04-22-2009, 02:32 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (13)

School is TOO HARD and i'm TOO DUMB and TOO TIRED!

I can't do work, and i can't revise and i don't care!

Is it easy to get into porn? I'm not bad looking, and i think it's the best option for my future.

I'm sick of always working and always having stuff to do and having so many exams and deadlines! And if anyone replies to this saying 'Wait until you've got a job!' Or something along the lines of 'It just gets harder from here on out.' I'LL JUST KILL EVERYONE!

Plus, i was in hospital a couple days ago 'cause i couldn't breathe, so i'm still waaaay ill! And tomorrow i've gotta sit a history extended essay, which i don't know anything for, and my art deadline is tomorrow, and i've got two english essays, AAAAAND a maths NAAAAAAB!

Maybe i should just work in a cafe. Hachiko has no qualifications or anything, she's happy! But she's preggers...


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  A little immersion during anime
Posted by: Harie Krauzer - 04-22-2009, 01:42 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (2)

So I was watching an anime (You're Under arrest) yesterday with my brothers and a few friends. It was an episode with a ghost haunting the police station and a few seconds after the the lights went out in the station we started to experience a brown out. It didn't knock out the computer, but the lights started to blink in and out periodically along with one that wasn't even on at the time. At the time we didn't really know the problem, but it was just the affects of a lighting storm not too far off.

I still find it odd that during the whole brown out both computers that were on weren't affected.

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  fcc rant
Posted by: mastershake1988 - 04-21-2009, 02:58 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (17)

here today i am rant about fcc stand fuck my car to cum ps(i love masterbate) but here rant what can i say i think that fcc being fcc masterbate to pron or japan porn for my homo be XD i like fcc to fuck hard dick u know dick sry youtube poop i am not doin good. bye boohoo

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  Spoiler button now available and advanced Quick Reply Box!
Posted by: Lord Patamon - 04-21-2009, 11:34 AM - Forum: General Chat - No Replies

I did it! I managed to add a spoiler button on the post codes toolbar, so when you reply a post in advance mode or start a new thread now you will have a spoiler button, it works perfectly ^^

Now there's no excuse to use the spoiler.

The spoiler button is this:

[Image: spoiler.gif]

Pretty nice huh?

Now please take your attention to the quick reply form at the bottom of this topic.

Like the new style? just a plug-in added and now we have smilies and format bar.

Now if we want to use some format or use certain smilie we don't remember the keyboard code we don't need to go to the advanced mode, now that we have everything on the quick reply, well except for attachments but hey, we got most part of the advanced mode on quick reply :D

So enjoy this new goodies for the board ;)

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  The Chat Room
Posted by: Asesino - 04-21-2009, 10:00 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (10)

Have you ever looked up in the right hand corner of the site and wondered what that chat button was? Well, sir or madam, that is a chat room. In a chat room, you can talk to people in real time. Strange, yes?

Incredibly stupid and unfunny joke aside, I would like to get some use out of the chat room. You don't have to stop posting on the forum, but I'd actually like to have a conversation with someone without waiting a day for a reply.

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