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  To certain members of the DaD...
Posted by: Chaotic Phoenix - 05-28-2009, 05:30 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (12)

I just want to apologize to all of the people here at the DaD, Past and Present (Again if I have done this already, which I think I have.) I still do want to be part of this community if I can, as I was when I first came along. With now a good bit of my... home problems taken care of now, I shall and will do my best to retain how I was before the Data Crash a few months back.

I would also like to apologize to those that I was in an RP with. I didn't mean to stop as I did, but with the stress of things that was going on with home and work I eventually strayed from them. I won't allow that to happen again without notice, and with high luck, it'll never happen at all.

And on that regard, is there any way possible that RPs like Food Fetish and Adventures of the DaD (Now called Adventures of the Worlds if that's ok) and other mass ones that I was in could be renewed or continued? Just thought I would ask was all. (Not to mention Flamebolt's been rather... pestering lately -.-)

Again, I do apologize for my previous actions -_- *bows*

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  I has a blog.
Posted by: - 05-27-2009, 09:19 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (4)

[Image: Welcome.jpg]

Zand velcome to vee lapbritory. lol anyway i update this thing as often as possible now. So if you want to keep up to date on what i am doing or what's going on go here.

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  Oh for fucks sake!
Posted by: Guilmon and a shotgun - 05-27-2009, 03:29 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (10)

"Hey can i exchange some games in for cash?"
"Sure, you got I.D?"
"Oh, thats not enough, i need an address."
"Why? are you going to send me a 'thank you' card for being a customer?"

Okay, so it's a rant about I.D cards and the retarded rulings of game stores. I understand perfectly how I.D is useful, because they need to know your age as proof of you being able to buy (I'm sixteen, so i'm okay to sell and buy the games i was trading in), but today was not as expected. Not only did i have to walk to the store due to my bike having a flat tyre, but it also chucked it down on my way.
So, after being drenched and mildly out of breath, i walked into the empty store (ironic much?) and politely asked the 17 year old spotty faced gent behind the counter if i could trade in my items. Handling him my bus pass, i expected no difficulties from this transaction but no! Apparently i needed an address on my I.D too. Why? Why the fuck do you need an address? is a name and age not enough? I mean, do you want to know my postcode too, maybe even my Social security number and credit card number? Why do you need an address?

I'm actually supporting the whole I.D Card idea nowadays, not because i WANT people to know my personal details, but because we're already at an point at time where they're asking for more then age and name at stores; At least with an I.D card that will be recognised in stores will help me just get things done.

"Trade your games in for cash!"
"Well i WOULD, if you wankers would stop faffing around!"

But really, can any of you guys tell me why they would need an address? because as as far as i can see an address has nothing to do with buying or selling a game.

*sighs deeply, facepalming* Someone get me some sugar...

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  Happy B-Day Cowboy From Hell!!
Posted by: Lonely Werewolf - 05-25-2009, 04:00 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (14)

Even though we not know each other, but what the heck. Happy b-day, Cowboy!! mrgreen

Free cake for ya!

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  Badass Villains
Posted by: MagusKnight - 05-25-2009, 01:19 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (75)

We all have those ultra villains near and dear to our heart, where words are far beyond what can describe their epicness. So, post 'em here and let's all see who gets the praise and who doesn't! Also, please mention what game they are in.

My Obvious One: Sephiroth (Final Fantasy 7 / Crisis Core)

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Posted by: Bee - 05-23-2009, 03:40 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (10)

Okay, my sleep pattern made me totally miss it, so this is a day late, but better late then never, right?

TODAY(yesterday) is(was) Kyuubi No Kitsune's Birthday!


For a present I give you....FIRE!!!!

*Napalm torches half of Philidelphia, the bad half*

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  Let me get some stuff off of my chest.
Posted by: - 05-23-2009, 10:42 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (10)

Okay not a lot of you know why i say what i say or do what i do. A good chunk say i do it out of spite to just be an ass. You could say that or you could just know the facts. I can not tell you what i have. Well i can its just i don't know how to spell it XD. Autism <==Got it right! yay. Anyway this makes it hard for me to understand rough things the right way. I have more of an open mind. More to speak than to think. I think a lot of times. But this is not why i am making this topic. I might be de-modded soon for my own and other reasons. But let me explain somethings and get these things off of my chest.

Remember when i made that topic to get a reaction off of members? Yes i know what i did was wrong. And i know for a fact it was. I (Or at least i hope i did) said sorry. If i didn't I am sorry. No i am not saying this because of the fact I might get demodded. I am saying this because i want to try to make more friends than loose them. But if i cant speak for myself or at all then damn it i am going to speak! Look Sonic Howler. I didn't need the advice and i know like the million times you told me it was just advice. But look man i don't need it because i know what i did. You shouldn't have passed down advice you didn't even care for anyway man. I am sorry you either saw things wrong or i just couldn't stand it anymore. I was tired of being taken down like a piece of trash. I know i know you hate me still because of last time. One time. ONE. I messed up.

Next to that it seems like that no matter how much i try to speak what ever i say it thrown back the wrong direction. And now when i try to even talk for myself people take it offensive. Guys i am trying to change my ways. If you cant or if you don't want me to i am sorry. Guys also tell me now. Do you want me here? If you don't let me know now and ill leave. Masquerade will understand if i leave. Ill be able to pass some sort of message by a mediator. But from these actions i am getting it seems like you guys want me to leave. No i am not saying this to get a fucking reaction (Getting tired of this. If i do it once it is taken to literal forever.) But i am being honest. Dead honest. Do you want me on this forum?

AWL i know you don't know or like of me much (From what i have read) But darkchibimon did give me his pass on msn to get a mail and a site. I was just browsing around. (Guys only him and DC knows what I am talking about so don't try to understand it) But i didn't hack anything. Next to that dude. If you have an issue with it don't be afraid to bring it to me. Not Wolfe. It was an issue between you and me and Chibi. (Not really chibi but you know what i mean) So please me try not to take it the wrong way.

Guys i have been trying to change for a while (Except to MK) and i am trying to get some honest opinions. So don't be afraid to be honest.

Thanks for listening.


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  Team dynamics
Posted by: Lost - 05-22-2009, 12:10 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (5)

Well, for my final project in Advanced Drawing, we worked in teams of 4 each, and the teams were chosen at random. My team ended up being the smallest at 3 *At first*, but that didn't bother me any.

What DID bother me was the sheer incompetence of half the team members. One submit almost no work or ideas to the project, the second one *Which was our 4th team member who wasn't there on the first day* kept arguing with me on what the final designs should be AFTER we had come up with the final design idea, and eventually went against our decision on the final design. The fourth team member was fortunately the most competent of all of us, but was debilitated on the 3rd day of our project because he had to go fill in for someone at his work and then had to pull a double shift afterwards. SOMEHOW, he ended up making the best work out of all of us.

I ended up spending more time and energy keeping everyone informed on what we were doing, since no one was ever together at the same time. I lost the 2nd and 3rd day trying to get the other two team members on the same damn level as me and the other guy, and the presentation was on the 4th day, one week after we started the project.

Even though we were being graded as individuals, it still pisses me off that half my team was flaking out half the time by either showing up to class 3 hours late on ALL the days, or just not complying to the team's final design. I need to learn how to work with a team, and it doesn't help if the team members aren't willing to work.

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Posted by: Frisk E. Coyote - 05-19-2009, 10:40 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (22)

I don't get alcohol. When you're happy? Drink yourself drunk. When you're sad? Drink yourself drunk. When you're angry? Drink yourself drunk. When you're celebrating your graduation? DRINK YOURSELF DRUNK.

I graduated this Monday, it was nothing big. The whole thing took about 30 minutes before I dashed for the door in hopes that I'd get home before-


Someone gets in front of me. Yay. My classmates ask me where I'm going. I tell them, and they tell me to go with them to a pub. You know. To celebrate. I told them I've never been drunk in my life and that they KNEW what kind of person I was, would they WANT to get me drunk?

They say that no one would care what I did when I get drunk cuz everyone would be too smashed to care. In the end, I go with them. Its the last time I'll get to see them, I've never really bothered making friends with anyone. I could at the very least talk to them.

We end up in a Chinese restaurant called "Noble House". The food was EXPENSIVE, but they say "Hey, its our graduation. We can't just eat at Apache Pizza!". So I begrudgingly spend my savings (About 30 Euros. Three months of fasting because my parents give me just enough money for a snack when I go to shool.) on a (admittedly, delicious) meal worth 23.10 Euros. We all talked for the first time, and it turns out... I'm a pretty likable guy, if not weird and perverse. I start wondering how much of a waste it all was... these last two years with them. We could have been friends. All I had to do was get them all in one area and just talk. The things I said creeped them out, I guess, but it also amused them. Having a great time, we left the restaurant and took a bus (One Euro) to a pub we rented out called "Bayno".

I HATED that place. The folk music was VERY LOUD, there were so many people, it was HOT and everyone had a BEER in hand. I didn't drink anything mostly because I SPENT ALL MY MONEY on (delicious) Chinese food! Here's a tip: If you want to get someone drunk, pay for his freaking drink!

Did I mention how hot it was in there? Yeah, it was freezing outside and I'm sweating like a sprinkler system inside. It felt like a steam room. I was just about to leave, when a PUB BRAWL breaks out. Apparently, some of my drunken classmates and some of the drunken... drunkards got into a little scuffle. With punching and kicking and choking, breaking bottles- I was freaking SCARED. Girls were screaming, lots of people were running for the doors, I got KNOCKED OVER and someone STEPPED ON MY HAND. Well I'm lucky they didn't trample me, but it hurt! When I got up, I see everyone calming down, but one of the guys (heavily drunk) are still rather violent. I turn to leave, and he throws a BAR STOOL at me. It hit just bellow my neck, on my spine... I was knocked over, and I hit my head on the bar. That's what a classmate said to me on the phone when I woke up in the hospital. I couldn't feel ANYTHING. For a moment, I thought I was paralyzed, but they said I was fine, I was just in shock or something. They talked too fast for me to register, I was woozy. I stayed in the hospital (St. James') till my parents came, and scolded me for being... I'm not lying here, a KLUTZ.

Like it was my fault someone threw a stool at me!!

Now its Tuesday, about 1:40PM. I was released not one hour ago, and I'm still sore. I have a huge bump on my head and I've been told to lay flat for a while.

I guess I'm just a little miffed that this all happened in the course of 48 hours. But then again, yay, no more school.

This be me venting. Thank you for reading (or skimming) through this if you bothered! XD

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Question avatars from YouTube?
Posted by: PrairieDuck - 05-15-2009, 12:31 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (4)

Is it possible to grab a video from YouTube,and convert it onto an avatar for this site? And has this idea been tried before?

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