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Exclamation Some changes to the community
Posted by: senjuro - 05-20-2010, 12:48 PM - Forum: General Chat - No Replies

Hey everyone,

There have been a lot of changes going on lately around the DigiArtists' Domain forum. This post is basically going to describe the changes we've gone through and explain what motivated these changes.

1) There are now two main Administrators
The community Administrator is me. If you want to talk about becoming a moderator or just have some questions about the rules, I'm the guy you come to.
The technical Administrator is LordPatamon. He handles all the technical aspects of the care and feeding of our wonderful forum. If you come across any bugs or glitches, please do your best to accurately report those problems to him. He's super nice and super good at what he does; he'll have it fixed up in a jiff.

The Infamous Boss Reo will still be co-adminning with the rest of us. His job is mainly helping the moderators and contributing to decisions about forum operation.

SonicHowler is the big überadmin that the admins will talk to when we have a serious problem. Generally, you should bring problem to the relevant admin and he shouldn't be contacted for board operation questions.

2) The moderators have the power.
Previously, because of moderator abuse, moderators did not have access to the Mod Control Panel. This hampered their ability to do their job effectively and efficiently, and generally lead to a lot of hemming and hawing in the Mod Forum about what we should do. I've unilaterally decided that this is a bad idea. If I can't trust my moderators with the ModCP, then they shouldn't be mods to begin with.

That being said, there is a log that records every action taken in the Mod CP, so if someone steps out of line, I'll know who it was, undo their action, and then strip them of their position.

If you have a problem, please report it to the mod of the forum section in question. If it's something they're not able to deal with themselves, they'll bring it to the admins.

3) There have been some promotions.
Because of their long-term outstanding service to the site, I've promoted DragonMasterX and UnknownH to Super Moderator status. This basically puts them in a position between the Mods and the Admins. They'll be lead mods for the community, and they'll be the people to whom serious problems are reported.

4) You can't delete your posts anymore.
Previously, we've had a lot of trouble with users deleting their posts or threads that contained useful information as it pertained to an issue currently open. To prevent that, and to remind everyone that there are consequences to your actions and that you can't behave however you want, you no longer have that ability. For most of you, that shouldn't be a big problem.

Keep in mind, you can still edit your posts, which I'm sure will make all the RPers breathe a huge sigh of relief. I am aware that someone can just as easily edit out a post to contain nothing. That's fine, but there will still be evidence of that post there.

5. No more wishy washy rules about being banned and coming back.
If you are banned once, you're done. If you come back on a separate account, it will be found out eventually and you'll be banned again. Simple as that.

I think that's about it. If you have any pressing questions about these changes, fire a PM my way and I'll happily discuss them with you.

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Posted by: Mai - 05-19-2010, 10:01 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (9)

This might be a wierd question, but what do you guys do for a living? If anything, i guess. I've had a bunch of jobs, but i've never particularly enjoyed any of 'em.

I wanna do something i really enjoy, you know? So like, if you work, what do you do, and do you enjoy it? Also, what would your ideal job be? Or just, what do you think would be fun?

This is kinna important, since i've finished school now, so lemme know, okay?!

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  Took a day off.
Posted by: Ryan - 05-17-2010, 07:02 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (19)

Although the profile was a tad bit much to make it say "Away" I am back now. Kinda had to do some self thinking and extreme masturbating. (EXTREEEEEEEME DUDE!) lol. I am back with the fully awareness that, Not everyone is going to like me. So I might as well get used to that fact. However. I still have exams coming up so yes. Also applied for a job also. :P I am a happy camper. ALSO Got some more lilo and stitch porn. xD I think some new happy tree friends with a ton of pokemon. Idk I would have to look back.

Mother bought a new digital piano for 600 dollars. I'll post pic later. SOUNDS SOOOOO Damn beautiful. I was drooling over her shoulder yesterday when I saw the thing. (Music enthusiast.) So yes something I can play that sounds oh so rapeable! <-j.k

Aside all of that. Good day. Brother left to Alabama for a weekend. I doubt he'll be back today. So yesh.

I never leave do I? Idk *hugs everyone.* I guess I just LOVE you guys too much.

Edit: If one admin out of the many doesnt like me. Tough luck I guess. He missed out on getting to know the real me. And trust me. My facade online and the real me offline is two different roles and actions. : P

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  What the fuck?!
Posted by: Bee - 05-17-2010, 04:59 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (3)

Okay, I stay up late because it's the ONLY time I get peace and quiet. A side effect of that is I sleep in late. This morning I got my ass woken up by a bunch of screaming brats that aren't even related to me because I'm just this side of being fucking homeless. I grit my teeth and listen to my MP3 player, and try and forget where I am, when my dad comes in here and tells me I need to go do yardwork, and I quote,

"Whenever you get a chance."

I was tired as fuck and I wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep. Despite my best efforts, the little shits around here were too fucking loud to fall asleep. So, now I'm sleep deprived yet again.

I go outside to go take care of what I was told to do, and got maybe 15% of the work done, before it started raining. Not wanting to ruin the $500 smartphone I keep my...well, everything backed up on(including the 561 songs), I called it a day. To replay what happened,

Cowboy: Hey, I got some of the garden hoe'd out, but it started raining.

Dad: then you should've gotten it done when I told you to do it!

Cowboy: ....fuck this.



What the fuck does he want me to do?! I'm fucking sleep deprived, yet I STILL went out there and TRIED to get my work done. It's not like I can control the fucking weather!

I don't see his fat ass out there in the rain! He told ME to do it, whenever I got the chance, and I DID!! I couldn't get it done because of a FUCKING STORM.

Jesus fucking christ!

Honestly...he didn't tell me it needed to be down right that second. He ASKED if I could do it when I had the chance, and I tried to get it done. I could've fucking ignored his ass! I could be fucking asleep right now!

*sighs* ....I swear, some people are only still alive because it's illegal to kill them.

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  Still around guys, still around.
Posted by: digidv85 - 05-15-2010, 11:48 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

My bitch mother found out about my psp months back and I was only recently able to take it back without her knowing. So I just thought I should take this time to say I'm back and still have a desktop computer and will be sending in new lemons in shortly. This includes another rewrite to my master project which I just finished. I missed being away and hope to provide for the indefinite future. I pray I can keep the psp a secret this time. I'm also working on a sequel to Virus among other projects.

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  Fuck People!
Posted by: Adym - 05-14-2010, 03:07 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (16)

I'm sick of the people in my life!

All of them except for a chosen few are fuckin' assholes!

Those few: My brother, my troupe, and a few of my friends!

Why can't life be perfect?! Why does every fucking person have to be great when you first meet them, then, five years down the road, turn out to be a druggy whore?!

One of my best friends got into fucking drugs because of her dead beat boyfriend and now shes hooked! So now, my natural sense says to stay away from her but i feel like shit because I can't talk to her anymore!

Then my fucking parents make it no better! They come home at night and they never ask: "Hi, Dua. How was your day?" Its always: "Get off the damn computer unless you're doing homework!" I don't even think they appreciate me as a person. I try to start a conversation with them and they always twist it back into my grades or school! Example:

Dua: Hey, Dad
Horus: Hey
Dua: So I was online the other day and I decided I'm gonna try poi!
Horus: Mhm.
Dua: You don't know what I'm talking about, do you.
Horus: No clue.
Dua: Well, It's an art form from New Ze-
Horus: I don't care what you do with your time and money as long as your grades are good.
Dua: *ears down. walks away*

So that's my dad! My mom doesn't even humor my conversations. She just ignores me until I say the word "school"!

Furthermore, every person I don't know is.. um.. how can i say this... A FUCKFACE! People here are always negative before positive! I can't get to know anybody in my area! They all criticize at the things that aren't normal before they appreciate them! Example:

Dua: Hey, I'm Dua
Elderly New Neighbor: What do you want?
Dua: I just came over to say hel-
ENN: What's wrong with your eyes? You one of them pot heads?
Dua: No, I just haven't gotten a lot of sleep lately because of school, and it's allergy seas-
ENN: I don't want any drugs! *shuts door*

That exchange pretty much summed up my social experiences with other people as of late!

I guess there are good people too. There's my brother, Qebehsenuef. He's pretty awesome. He puts up with all my bullshit and stupid ideas. All the movies I want to see, he is willing to go. You can just talk to him. But then he is going to college, so he disappears from my life.

Then there is my troupe. They are amazing. Some of my best friends. They are always fun to be around. They are more my family then my actual family (excluding my brother and a few of extended family members).

My friends are okay. One of them thinks I'm going to get him arrested for doing something stupid like being a vigilante or loitering. my other ones think I'm a wildcard who has no life. But that's why they like me.

Now, I know you are all sitting there reading this thinking: "Who the fuck cares about this guy's life problems? I don't know this guy!"

But honestly, I care that you just sat down to read this. You all have no idea how good it felt to press the "Post Thread" button and get this off my chest. And even though You probably don't give a flying fuck about this post, I will probably feel better with every new view this thread gets. Thanks for listening.


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  Warning Level
Posted by: Chaotic Phoenix - 05-14-2010, 09:02 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (11)

Why do I seem to be the only one with a 'Warning Level: 0%' on my posts? o-O" I'm a little confused about it is all.

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Posted by: senjuro - 05-11-2010, 10:15 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (24)

Need money for site: getting behind on payments again.

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  Coding now
Posted by: Jack_Pholph - 05-09-2010, 03:39 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (3)

Ok, I just finished making the html part of my site so I started the CSS coding, now is the time to submit artwork and lemons to me if you want them on there when the site is running. I have yet to think of a name so if you have any suggestions feel free to submit them. PM me or post anything you want on there and I'll make a page with you're name on it, literally.

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  Old Thread
Posted by: DatRyebread - 05-09-2010, 01:36 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (1)

Whatever here is old news really.

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