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  How I became a furry?
Posted by: Shadowknight - 05-28-2010, 04:16 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (33)

So after a bit of chatting with DMX where he talked about watching some old cartoons he used to I decided to do the same and look up/download some of my favorite old shows. Here's what I got:

Swat Kats: Anthromorphic felines that fly jets and blow stuff up.

Thundercats: Anthromorphic felines fighting evil and junk.

Road Rovers: Anthromorphic canines fighting evil and junk while making me laugh my ass off.

I'd be more surprised if I WASN'T a furry.

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Posted by: Takatofan1986 - 05-27-2010, 11:07 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (13)

Okay, first, I havent been here 'again' long, i used to be here a few years ago under the same name, im just frusterated and dont know where else to vent.

So, I'm gay. I also live in a small redneck town.

Back in 2002, i was... uh... used by a guy. After the fact, I found out that at my same age at the time, 15, he was already labeled a sex offender. Apparently he did the same to his cousin who was 9, and he went crazy and tried to kill his parents. Finally, i got my chance to put him away, but because of my testimony he took a plea-deal. Years later, apparently the rumor going around is that when I went to court, I the one who was being charged, not defending myself. Ive heard several people talking about one of my managers repeating this. "Did you hear that ___ is a sex offender?" And the thing that makes me the the maddest, even more than the rumor itself.... There's this wonderful thing called the INTERENET, where, you know, you can actually LOOK UP local sex offenders? And if they would actually take the time to look it up, they would see that its nothing more than an awful rumor. People make me so mad. The truth is right there but they would rather talk.

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Posted by: Icelandic_Boy - 05-27-2010, 08:54 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (10)

As I sit here in Iceland and type this, I will be graduating in a few hours. One book closes, and another one begins.

And I confess it's pretty scary, but am releaved as hell that this part is over. I now no longer have to go to school, I've studied what is obligated to me, but that doesnt mean I will stop here. Next stop, is to try and get into the art university here in Iceland. There is a new program being started, created by various companies such as CCP, the Icelandic game company that created the online video game EVE. Its a two year program with a Diploma at the end of it, and with that, it should increase my chances of getting into another art university in Florida, to learn Game Art.

And if I dont get in the university here, well...its not the end of the world. I will have to wait a whole year before trying again, but in that time I can still go to art classes in the school here, take an extra semester which I have applied just in case. I can work on getting even better, to prepare myself for the future.

Its been a long, hard road for me. Not so long ago that I, and many others would never have believed I'd be able to graduate. Not so long ago that I had zero confidance and ambition in myself, was just going through the motions, not really caring. But that has changed. I have changed. Still a lot for me to travel, but I am well on my way.

Anyway, the graduation will be in a few hours, big day in my life, and the future is looking both frightening and exciting at the same time. I do wonder where I will be a year later, but I guess I'll eventualy find out.

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  College!! Need Help!
Posted by: Yumi - 05-27-2010, 07:21 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (17)

I have passed on the first stage of getting into College, Catering but I need to pass the second stage and I need some help!

The second stage is about me making a type of dish and I will be getting assessed to see if I am good enough to get into College

I have got to choice one of these dishes to choice from and practice one of them until the 22nd of June:

1) Make a full breakfast

2) Make an omelet with chips and a salad with it

3) Make a curry with chips and a salad

Which one should I choice to make?

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  Going to Florida!
Posted by: Crimson Fox - 05-27-2010, 03:59 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (8)

Hey everyone, just posting here to let you know that I'll be gone starting Friday at about 5:00 PM Central Time Zone. I'll be down in Panama City Beach, Florida. I'll be gone for seven or eight days, and I might not have internet access down there or it will be limited. Anyways, see ya all later!

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  God help you all...
Posted by: Bee - 05-25-2010, 03:50 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (17)

Today's my birthday! Time for you to all line up and kiss some furry Herm tiger butt!

Heh, just messing. But in all seriousness, gifts of cigarettes and junk food and lithe, furry females will be greatly appreciated, and any and all live sacrifices will need to go to the Heathen Gods.

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  Storage Places
Posted by: Adym - 05-24-2010, 08:16 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (17)

Maybe I'm the only person who does this, but I like to print out hard copies of pictures and stories that I enjoy. I also print out all of my own work.

The only problem is that I don't live alone and my parents don't know about my collection. So now I live in constant fear that I'm going to come home to all my doujins and pictures laid out on the kitchen table and my parents saying "Care to Explain?"

My mother nearly discovered my collection (which is now stored in a few closing manila folders) that I kept in my desk, when she tried to clean my room for company. So I moved it into my pillow but that is only temporary.

So now I ask you all.

Where do you keep any paper that shouldn't be seen by others?

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  Kick Buttowski?
Posted by: grandphoenix1 - 05-24-2010, 06:38 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (3)

Anyone watch that show. Is it any good.

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Posted by: Yumi - 05-24-2010, 12:02 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (11)

Well I have been to Spain long enough!

These are the three main things I enjoyed
1) Fell in Love
2) Had loads of fun
3) Made loads of friends

These are the three things I hated
1) Had the worse sun burn ever!
2) The spainish people where I was where rude *no affence to people on here who are spainish*
3) The food in the hotel was crap!

So I enjoyed most of my holiday and had fun. Any questions just ask! :)

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Posted by: Venin - 05-21-2010, 12:50 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (10)

Strange titles get attention a'ight?

Anywoes, I have just completed my high school graduation and got my advanced diploma. Now, I believe I am applying to Calhoun Community College to get an Associate's Degree in Criminal Justice...yay me...I got to throw my grad. hat, nothing like throwing sharp-cornered objects in the air to celebrate how smart you are...oh!

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