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  Symbolism Examination
Posted by: AetherRose - 04-28-2010, 11:51 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (43)

Interpret, no literal interpretations please.
<object width="500" height="405"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="500" height="405"></embed></object>
(I.E. No saying, "then he asked if she could write, then he asked if she could draw") There is heavy symbolism in this video, find it.

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  Oh fuck me. >_<
Posted by: Bee - 04-28-2010, 06:31 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (1)

Names have been omitted to protect the guilty. If you know, keep your fucking mouths shut. I don't need this shit right now.

Last night, I finished up talking with a friend. I was feeling good. I wanted to keep the good mood going, so I went to IM another friend. He blew up in my face, because he had a crush on my first friend, and he said that he loved ME, and not him. I have told this first friend repeatedly over the past few years that I loved him, but not in that way. I'm engaged, for fuck's sake. To someone else, that I love more than anything else in this world.

I met my Fiance a few months back, and we clicked almost instantly. Talking to her for the first time for me was like talking to an old friend. We have so much in common it's a bit scary at times. We went on a date, which was all we could do thanks to a good 350 miles between our homes, but we talk almost every single night, either over IM or over the phone.

I don't want to do anything to hurt her. But I do not want to do anything to hurt my friends. I don't have a helluva lot of friends to begin with. Most people give up on talking to me when they catch me in a bad mood and I bite their head off.

So, out of desperation, I turned to a nonfurry, neutral 3rd party for advice. She was blunt, but she spoke the truth. She made me feel a little bit better about the situation, knowing that I had someone who could give me some semblance of advice.

Being in this somewhat good mood, I made a joke about converting her to furry, and she flew off the handle and got pissed off at me.

I'm beginning to wonder if it's even worth it having friends anymore.

I just want everyone to come away from this happy. When no one would give me a straight answer on what I should do, I had to think of a way to make everyone happy. Do you have ANY idea how crappy it makes you feel when you have to ask your fiance if you can have a boyfriend, just to make everyone happy?

She said that it was fine, and that she wouldn't leave me no matter what.

Then my 3rd party friend pointed out that nasty little habit women have of saying one thing and meaning something entirely different.


So, my friends that this involves, IF you read this. 1) I love you, like a brother, but that's as far as I will take it. I will NOT lose any of you over this shit. 2) you had your chance, man. He isn't interested. I hate to be blunt to you, but pick up the pieces and move on. You are two freaking years younger than me, you'll find someone else. 3) I love you, baby. I won't do anything to hurt you ever.


....whoever came up with these little fucking mindgames needs to get dragged out into the street and shot repeatedly...

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  Whoot, birthday.
Posted by: Shadowknight - 04-27-2010, 02:18 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (18)

24 today, well chronologically at least. Now bring me offerings of renamon and tacos!

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Posted by: Yumi - 04-26-2010, 09:41 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (7)

Ok guy's I am freaking out as I have an interview at a college this Friday and this is the second time they have asked me for another interview.
This is the first time in ages I have been like this and I need help to calm myself down before the interview!

Any of you guys got any advise to calm me down before I have a break down?

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  Those fucking kids! *waves a pitchfork*
Posted by: Guilmon and a shotgun - 04-26-2010, 08:32 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (12)

Okay, this is going to seem like a stupid rant but hear me out.

I was out walking my dog yesterday, no big deal just through the woodland and up onto the field to play some fetch. I come up the hill to where the farmer has stacked his haybales, when suddenly i see smoke billowing up from the ground. All 5 stacks of hay had been set alight, subsequently setting alight to a lot of the flammable dead fern plants (bracken) nearby. I look up into the field and see 4-5 teenagers wandering up to the nearby council estate as if nothing has happened.

What has gotten into kids these days? Since I've lived here when i was about 10, I've witnessed this shit happen more than 5 times in about 4 years. You might wonder why I'm surprised by this, seeing as it's happened before, and I'll tell you. The previous occasions, the dead bracken was set alight which is considerably less dangerous as long as it's not too much (last year it nearly set fire to the whole damn forest). The hay bales are not so much a target, it's food and shelter for livestock, whereas the bracken is just rotting down to become nutrients for the summer plants.
Now i saw these bales and i thought "That farmer either has some serious confidence in those kids in the council estate, or he's pretty damn stupid." But, I decided to follow in the farmer's confidence and thought "kids aren't that dumb, they're not gonna set fire to hay bales surely"

Alas! it seems that kids nowadays have nothing better to occupy their time with other then going "Durrp, hey theres a hay bale hurr! I'm gonna set it on fire guhys! hurr hurr!"
I was pissed, i wanted to grab a stick and bash the flames out myself, but I reminded myself that if i was caught anywhere near the scene of the crime, i would ironically be blamed simply because i was there. I actually saw a fire engine arriving as i began to leave for home (I left the house 20 minutes previous and the teenagers had already scorched a great deal of the area before i was even there), so i decided it was best i left them to it.

So, i called my dog away and we went home, him coughing from the smokescreen that he so merrily pranced through and me with black thunder raging in my tongue.

Those fucking kids.

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  Ya know. I've been feeling damn good lately
Posted by: Ryan - 04-26-2010, 07:33 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (16)

Its weird. How one minute you feel like you are in a world that is completely against you and you have no say in it. But then you feel better about yourself then you just wanna go around and hug a lot of people realizing how much happiness you have been missing out in the world. I am having one of these moments every single day for the past three to five weeks.

At first it was just a simple week. But then I looked at some good porn. (And I admit to every single on of my friends who ask me "Do you look at porn?" I always go "Yeah, I look at cartoons, furry, real life, sometimes shemale, all that good snuff." This does sometimes creep them out but then they shrug it off and go "At least you admit it.") but I saw this one picture that made me realize. "I need to be more open with people. Try to start a relationship with someone." I have been trying for quite a while. Talking to people and telling them about myself. Show them that I care. Even my friend nick talks to me more often. Although I am not that perfect, but then again who is? Last week I did show some emotion. Yesterday I showed anger. Kishy and I decided to play some modern warfare 2. Normally I don't get angry at a game. I get angry at the person I am playing with. But this time I was ranting about it. I did today also. So I decided it was time to lay off the fps for a while. But aside from this I have been great lately.

My education is getting odd though. Hard to find out any of my grades with all of the shorten schedules going on. But with all that going on last week it leaves this whole week open. But with that I hope to find out good news instead of bad. I have been tolerating a lot from my brother, even started being nice to Chris and do his dishes and switch his loads of laundry for him. He was thankful but I was tired. Still am tired. But thats okay. Because I feel energized enough to be happy for today. My weekend was kick ass because my brother wasnt home all weekend. :D so now I am extremely happy about that. I even got to sleep on the most conformable couch ever. EVER! Music, I have been listening to a good bit of it. Trying to think up of some ideas. But let me tell ya.

The character Sarah that I made for that fanfic, I can't stop thinking of her cheating on the protagonist while he is undercover and the protagonist falling for 625. I dunno why. Maybe because I like 625. The one chubby character that looks all to damn cute with anyone. Next to Zangoose. Although I dont think Zangoose is as chubby as everyone makes it out to be. But what ever floats they're boat. But yes. I am thinking of doing that for the story. Making the main character fall for 625 while undercover. I find it cute! (I is a sucker for cute things. Like happy tree friends porn. Its just so damn cute its addictive.)

Though yesterday I do have to apologize to my friend Markus. Cause I was tired and I didn't give him much of a shot for convo. But I am sure he will understand. He is a good person. So I hope to get forgiveness from him. I also seem to be posting a little more happy jokeful posts lately I hope people don't mind. Being happy alot is really awesome! I mean I havent been this happy in a while! I hope to stay like this. But ya know something? I have been enjoying my porn a lot more lately than normal. Weird. I actually tried cheering up Azu yesterday. I was that happy! Hm happy is good.

Well guys. This is how I have been doing a lot lately. So enjoy porn! Awesome thing ever.

btw. Cute guy in my sig. Just sayin.

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Posted by: Jack_Pholph - 04-25-2010, 04:34 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (3)

Guys my grandfather just died a few hours ago. For now everything I was doing is on hold. I'm gonna be away for the next month or so, until everything calms down. I might check in every now and then but not too often. until I return all I can say is good bye/

Havok Doom~king of ghost.

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Posted by: Jack_Pholph - 04-24-2010, 06:12 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (4)

I just started messing with my art programs and found that I have a card format. So, if anyone wants there DaD selves on a card, just send me a pic and some info and I will make it. Also, if anyone has a picture of what other people here, like Red Rover, describe themselves as please send it to me.

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  Moving out soon!
Posted by: Nick - 04-23-2010, 06:51 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (9)

It's going to be in the same town I live in now, and it's an apartment, but I've been looking to get away from the more annoying part of my family. ^^;;; Plus I'm going to have internet when I move as well! WOOHOO!

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Posted by: Venin - 04-21-2010, 03:13 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (18)

I've just step off the shores of teenaged life into a world of 18+ year olds. Do you know what this means? Well, do ya punks?! It means that my crazy randomness is considered to be MATURE CRAZY RANDOMNESS OF SUPERFICIAL COMMENTING SPAM (with cheese, oh!) I love my birthday, it signifies my existence and without my existence, nobody would say, "What the freakin' hell are you saying?" So, HAPPYNESS BIRTHDAYFULLYISTY to me. Now no one can question as to why I'm here, I can actually get/act drunk and be mature about it, OH THE POSSIBILTIES AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE *GASP* !!! Faceplants says no.

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