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  ok i need help finding lyrics to a song from a xbox game
Posted by: fastford_rebel - 08-21-2005, 05:59 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (1)

if any one ever played DooM 3 they have this kick ass theme song. in the song there is whispering that u really cant understand. its driving me crazy to find out what they are saying, i tride using windows media to play with it and i got some of the words i think. I searched a few sites to. if any one knos them or can help me, please answer...thanks

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  DaD - Now what?
Posted by: Chibi Renamon - 08-21-2005, 12:21 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (387)

New thread since it contains some new and important info.

Alright, I spoke to the hosting guys and checked out one or two other offers. Then I did some pondering.

The bottom line I see right now is:
The site *can* be hosted here. Completely. And it wouldn't be too expensive.

I won't pay the fee. This is a decision I lost a few nights of sleep over, but in the end, I settled on it.

The few of you who actually followed the course of events should know where I'm coming from, but I'll give you the long version anyway.

I started working as "DaD Staff" more than two years ago. July/August 2003, to be exact (depending on how you count - I basically joined staff in July, but the first official update had been in August). I joined to do the updates. The agreement had been that Togashi takes care of everything and just gives me the converted lemons and the pictures so I simply integrate them into the site.

About a month later, I became the staff. Read: Togashi had left. That sorta sucked since he had left with a whole bunch of material. There had been a huge pile of stuff to add, and he hadn't given that to me. Remember the "Due to some major system failures, I am forced to ask lemon authors to resubmit[...]" announcement at the end of '03? Now read this paragraph again.

I suddenly had to deal with being the Admin of the DaD. Due to some sort of cosmic coincidence, I had poked Toga for all the passwords and rights before he poofed. Mail passwords, FTP passwords, Admin rights on the board. Everything except for some sort of official introduction as Admin. Telling people that I'm suddenly the only guy in charge had been odd for them and for me.

Last year, Togashi came back, announcing that he'd be back for good and that everything would be okay. At this point, I had been unwilling Admin for more than a year. I had to deal with people, complaints and threats Toga had promised to shield me from. Trust me, that's not fun, especially not while people still just see you as Toga's underling.

I decided to quit. Site announcement, I think a forum thread, a PM to Togashi. It all had been sent after a week of pondering.

However, Togashi had already been gone again.

Another half-year of idle hissing at the guy who had TWICE abandoned me without a word.

This time, Togashi has apparently left for good. No trace of him, no word, no money. I think it's safe to say that he is no longer the Admin of the DaD.

When the DaD went down, I had to dig out the host's mail address from an old board backup. I had already snapped into the mindset that I'd pay for the site since it's my responsibility and all that.

Then I stopped to think. Or rather: Two very good friends stopped me. After bapping some sense into me, I then started thinking.

I never wanted to be The Admin. I never wanted Toga's job. I had just been there to fully convert it to a new design in two weeks. Additionally, I had been there to update with stuff mailed from Toga. I fulfilled the first part. The second part crumbled at various places explained above.

This site is not my responsibility. It is not my job. My job basically poofed twenty or so months ago when I fully realized that my one superior had left the building. Ever since then, I basically just held on to the keys. I even did it after resigning simply because I had believed that it would be mean to just turn around, knowing that the site would rot completely.


The lack of funding is a major cut. Both for you and for me. It's the cut that officially leaves me alone at the top. My choices were technically simple.

1) Pay monthly for the privilege of being stuck in a position I basically resigned from more than half a year ago.

2) Find somebody else.

I had actually started to plan the "pay for it" option. Exchanged mails with the host and negotiated a pretty good price. But in the end, I decided against it.

Updates have been a rarity, and my own free time is being reduced with each month. Two years, a few updates, no lemons (if I recall correctly) and TONS of mails dealing with people I never wanted to deal with simply because the guy in charge had abandoned me. That's not a great answer to the question "Hey, what did you do during the last two years?".

Now I'm going with option two.

If you think you're up to the task of restoring the DaD (and of paying for it), say so. Or mail me. Or PM me. I'm not OVERLY picky, but I do have a few guidelines.

1) There are a few people I really wouldn't trust with the DaD. This group includes (but is not limited to) the people
- I hate (and who hate me back)
- who tried to backstab, outsmart, threaten, blackmail or use me at some point.
So if you know you belong to this group: Sorry, but no.

2) I'd like to give the community to somebody who has the trust of the community. If you're some guy nobody has ever heard of, I will most likely say no. Nothing personal, but this is a community site.

That's why I'd love to see some open and constructive discussion and planning in this thread. If some people want to form a group to share the cost and the responsibility, that's great.

I won't put out numbers in the open, but I'll just drop the hint that the cost of one or two CD albums should easily cover the server cost (depending on artist ;)), assuming that the traffic stays in the dimensions of the past few months (post-dojin-removal months). Of course, you can also try to fund the site with donations or what-not. That's up to you. If you (the group) settle on somebody to be the potential new Admin (or the group speaker at least) I can give you the details via PM or mail.

Yes, this is a shock in difficult times, and I apologize for my move at this time. But I hope you understand my own position in this situation.

So from here on, no bitching, whining, finger-pointing. The site *is* running on borrowed time.

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  Tell me if this is funny
Posted by: UnknownH - 08-16-2005, 04:14 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (19)

A real austrian town is named this and what's makes it even more hysterical/worse is the sign underneath it with the two children. "Bitte - nicht so schnell" Translation: Please - not so fast
And even though some of them speak english they don't want to change the name.
Here's the proof

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  Why are people so dumb?
Posted by: Anonmon - 08-09-2005, 04:28 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

Internet porn nearly cost me my marriage, man tells forum
By Adele Horin
August 8, 2005

Sean Thackray's addiction to internet pornography began when he was 11 or 12.

Ten years later, he was still hooked. "The more I did it, the more I wanted to do it. I tried to stop several times but always failed," he said.

The 22-year-old will tell his story at Sexual Integrity, a forum in the main committee room of Parliament House, Canberra, today. The forum is being organised by Warwick Marsh, of the Fatherhood Foundation, to promote a national conversation on sexual exploitation.

Mr Marsh, an evangelical Christian, is an influential lobbyist for conservative family values.

The porn addict will join two former sex workers, including a former brothel madam, in recounting their first-hand experiences. A US authority on porn addiction, Dr Mary Anne Layden, will also address the forum.

"I consider myself an average guy," Mr Thackray says in his prepared speech. "I have a stable career. I am married and my wife and I are trying to pay off our unit. I like sport and cars and food and music and spending time with my mates

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  I hate flamers.
Posted by: DV85 - 08-09-2005, 01:34 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (25)

As you know I post off-site on where any senile motherfucker can post any sort of review they want. I logged onto my page like I do every morning to find three humongous flames on three of my stories. They were all the same; YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO FUCKING WRITES DIGIMON FANFICS!!!, If you write another one I'll stab you in your sleep! What the fuck is wrong with you?!, You are a sick child molesting monster!, Stop writing and go fuck yourself!

Now I wrote a very large statement on my page there which you are all free to read. Please tell me if you agree with it. By the way, I have a strong feeling who this flamer is but because of confidential reasons I will not release his name here. Now I know my writing is not up to ''perfect'' standards but I personally feel I do not deserve this kind of treatment. As long as you don't flame me here or anywhere else, please say what you will about my writing now and in the future. If you want to say someone's works are bad, say it in a kind sort of way. Like ''It was okay, but I feel you could have done better.''

I am also 100% against any sort of pedofilia which makes me seriously pissed off. I'm sure you all feel the same way about it as well. I also immediatly deleted every flame which I have the power to do under my account. It's not going to stop me from writing. I also plan on doing the said couple he said not to do just to annoy the piece of shit; Matt/T.K.

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  DaD - Past and Future (contd. above)
Posted by: Chibi Renamon - 08-06-2005, 06:25 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (49)

Alright, as you can see, the DaD is back. Sorta. Kinda.

I mailed the Hosting Uberdude, and he informed me that Togashi is truly missing in action. He has apparently been unavailable for quite a while now, and the same seems to apply to his funding.

Thus, the sudden "DaD cannot be reached" issue has been a (very understandable) emergency reaction of the host. The DaD's a major bandwidth hog, and without proper funding, it's a nightmare.

I have asked for the main WWW part of the site to be reactivated (as you can see, my wish has been granted, which I find extremely nice), mostly to get back the boards.

This has two reasons.

1) I want this community to interact, even if the interaction has slowed down a bit for a couple of reasons (my own horrible updating schedule being one of them).

2) I want to know if anybody has constructive ideas. I'm not talking about how to do updates or if we should change the color of the main site to shades of green. I'm talking about the existence of the site.

I don't have exact numbers here right now, but I'll ask the hosting dude for a few rough estimations.

Plan A is to keep this subdomain running. Yes, that means that the ART subdomain would go down, including the art on it. Yes, that sucks royal ass. I'll ask how much this would cost and I'll get back to you.

Plan B is the whole deal. Art, Board, Fics. I'll ask for costs there, too. However, rest assured that that number WILL be higher.

These numbers and the suggestions will determine which way the site goes. I don't intend on switching hosts anytime soon (unless somebody has a ultra-cheap, reliable host that accepts a porn bandwidth monster; and even THEN I'm not sure if I can redirect the domain name, which is apparently still owned by Toga), so let's focus on this host and constructive solutions.

In the meantime, feel free to catch up with fics and art here. The site is on hiatus (even though the fic archive is back up - a pleasant side effect of having the main domain online for now).

I deeply apologize for the troubles of the past and the potential future. However, I hope that we can work something out here. :)

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  Just wondering
Posted by: Deadthing - 07-03-2005, 06:40 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (1)

I'm new to posting what I write and was told about this site by a friend and was considering it until I saw that there had'nt been any updates since February. Can someone please tell me why and if there is a chance of me getting to post my work?

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  Why does anime come on so damn late.
Posted by: fastford_rebel - 07-02-2005, 09:50 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (73)

uh why does anime besides digimon come on so LATE. on saturday i have to stay up till 1 to see gundum and .hack/legend. other days anime dont start till 10-12 pm! Some people have to sleep, and i just dont feel like waiting that long.

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  if at once you dont succeed
Posted by: elvarien - 07-01-2005, 12:14 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (8)

try again

dad -- dhz merger

yeah I sorta hijacked some threads on this topic and ehm I`d like to start a hypothetical [read HYPOTHETICAL] discussion here on the merger of these 2 boards the advantages .. the disadvantages and why it did not work out last time it was tried [I missed that attempt -_- ]

now to spark things off being on the pro side I`d like to list some of the advantages and my view on the situation .. feel free to comment argue bitch on and or flame me
yeah I`m masochistic that way XD

[best way to start a good argument is by some venting no ? ^.^ V]

okay short history lesson ... we had the DaD run by some peeps.. some people left some people arrived yada yada yada DaD at several points split up in diferent fractions 2 of these being the dad as we know it now and dhz this seperation split the community in half wich at the time wasnt realy that important as both new fractions were "healthy"
well sorta at the time

[current status]
currently due to digimon lets face it .... having gotten old .. intrest dropped the community faded and we are now left with some bits of old people lots of lurkers and the rare occasion of fresh victem *cough* member

so basicly we got 2 rather weak communities on just about the same topic
wich leads me to this .... it is in the best intrest of BOTH sides to merge ... and create a healthy community again ... a project that big will spark some new intrests new communications between both communities new activity and a larger single group far .. so good

I am aware of the mini fights wich flourished between dad and dhz there but dad`s been trough much worse in the past so it shouldnt be to hard to drop past diferences ......

[site management+ simple math]
organizing a website when busy = lots of strain
1 person to pull that off = lots of stress
2 people splitting that load = less stress for both = more frequent updates = happy community = fun fun fun

so ... meh toss out some pro`s and cons and whatever is on your mind ... oh and 1 more thing whatever it is you want to say say it .. if you think someone from the dhz or someone from the dad might take offense .... say it anyway and fat whatever evil comment you have straight out into the open so we can all get a good strong whiff of it and judge it by odor scent taste and [color if its realy rancid]

for the above to work .... dont ever take anything said here personal ... ... ever .. since who cares .. its the friggin internet .. serious buisiness : )

[ah but ofcourse do take the poll serious]

edit: nvrmnd poll didnt work

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Posted by: Tank Cop - 06-21-2005, 10:09 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (29)








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