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  Things that would be funny to tape.
Posted by: The Reclaimer - 06-02-2005, 11:24 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (44)

I've been thinking of some ideas that would be fun to tape, the best one I have yet is taping a 3-day venture of staying at a 24 hour store. I'd like to find a retail store (which has access to food and restrooms) that would allow me and a friend to stay on the lot for three days (you know without trying to arrest us for loitering) and see what would happen. You know we could tape it. I know it dosen't sound too interesting but I think it would be funny to watch us tire and get bored and all that junk. Not to mention getting opinions of shoppers and employees.

You guys have any good ideas?

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  Of Course You Know This Means War
Posted by: Cyber Stryker - 05-31-2005, 07:52 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (82)

Ok first of all I

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  Won't you get the fuck out of my face? NOW!
Posted by: Wisemon - 05-31-2005, 06:49 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (32)

My mom told me that I have two weeks (less now) to get a summer job, or I'd be thrown out of the house, only because she doesn't like seeing me doing nothing (she considers writing stuff that both enlightens and entertains to be "nothing"). I've applied to about thirty different engineering jobs, and I've managed to get a few interviews, but trying my best isn't good enough for that bitch. Yesterday, she made me apply to a retail job. The whole point of me quitting retail was to get a "real" job, one suited to my skills. She said she doesn't care what job I get; she just wants me out of the house. Today, she made me dumb myself down in an email, because according to her, it's a bad idea to say that you've already handed in an application, even if they're going to ask you the question anyway. She's also forced me to tell the occasional lie about past jobs. I'm a man of principles, and I shouldn't have to sell them just to please my mom. I don't even need the money, nor the job, until I graduate, which is when I'm far more likely to get a job. My mom has heard this argument, agreed, but told me that I still have to get a job, or I'm out of the house. I don't know how much longer I can keep myself from putting her in some painful submission hold every time I make a valid point that's answered with a threat.

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  When did I...
Posted by: The Reclaimer - 05-26-2005, 03:26 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (35)

...become the enemy?

That's how I feel anyway. Like the bad guy. Because everyone at work seems to hate me. I suppose its because I ask them to work when they have time to sit around. But to be fair, it's my job and, we are there and paid to work and I let people sit around a bit, sometimes I feel like I let them do it too much, though I'm sure they wouldn't agree. I'm sure if you asked anyone at my work what I was like, they'd tell you I was mean, a hard-ass, a jerk, or a number of other things.

None of them would tell you that I'm one of the guys that does their work when they call in sick, none of them would say how I came in early, or stayed late, to help them get out on time. No, they'd insult me, because I am the enemy.

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  Send my soul away
Posted by: Wisemon - 05-26-2005, 02:50 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (9)

I bought the new Audioslave album on Tuesday, and I've listened to it thoroughly, enough to give it my Amazon type review. Overall, it's more coherent than their first album. They sound more like a band, instead of Chris Cornell singing over Rage Against The Machine. The downside is that it's not nearly as hard as the first album. With a few exceptions, every song is along the lines of "Like A Stone" or "Getaway Car." No song on the album can match the power of "Cochise," "Set It Off," "Exploder," or "Show Me How To Live." Mostly, it's the lyrics that got softer, and more abstract. Chris hasn't written completely metaphorical stuff like this since "UltraMegaOK." Other weird stuff: a lot of steady drum solos from Brad, and a lot of trick guitar work from Tom. Here it is song by song:

"Your Time Has Come" 9.5/10: The second single, and possibly my favorite song on the album, very catchy.

"Out Of Exile" 8/10: Sets the true tone for the album, soft and metaphorical, but redeemed by a riff that sounds a lot like "Defy You."

"Be Yourself" 9/10: The first single. It sounds really good, but the verses don't quite fit the chorus. I could've written better ones.

"Doesn't Remind Me" 7.5/10: The soon to be third single. It has some great lines, but it's way too soft.

"Drown Me Slowly" 7/10: Not bad, but nothing special.

"Heaven's Dead" 7/10: Sounds a lot like "Getaway Car."

"The Worm" 5/10: Worst song on the album; it's stupid.

"Man Or Animal" 9.5/10: The hardest song on the album, and one of my favorites.

"Yesterday To Tomorrow" 8.5/10: Some sort of love and time song, I think.

"Dandelion" 9.5/10: Sounds like something from "Euphoria Morning," Chris's solo album. It's another candidate for my favorite song.

"#1 Zero" 6.5/10: It's pretty lame, but it's alphabetically first on my Dell DJ.

"The Curse" 7/10: I was hoping for a stronger closer.

I was supposed to get a free poster with my purchase, but Circuit City said they didn't have them in yet, but I was free to call, and they would reserve one. In case you were wondering, my favorite song on the last album was "Shadow On The Sun," or possibly the unreleased "Gilded Dreams."

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  wtf happened to
Posted by: golfdone - 05-23-2005, 01:15 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (5)

i really want to know what in the name of god is wrong with

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  the good things in life...
Posted by: silver centurion - 05-23-2005, 12:00 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (14)

Anybody ever got that good feeling after shutting a bully up?
Today, me and my necro friends in diablo2 got harassed by two paladins.
They all decided to take a swing at them untill one of the paladins brought up his high lvl character. I however had a discussion with him ( more resembling a test of wits) and finally shut the bugger up! He exited the world with the immortal words; " I'm not dum!"

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  Anyone else obsessed with sword fights?
Posted by: Cyber Stryker - 05-20-2005, 04:03 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (109)

Not sexually of course, just really likes watching them.


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  Holy crap they've been publishing fanfic for years!
Posted by: Cyber Stryker - 05-20-2005, 03:54 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (26)

The other day I was browsing through a local super-media store, you know the kind of place that sells everything. Well while I was in the book section I saw a book that was a crossover between, brace yourselves: X-Men and Star Trek: The Next Generation. If that doesn

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  Well what do you know, Japanese dubbers suck too.
Posted by: Cyber Stryker - 05-07-2005, 01:48 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (9)

As it turns out fucking up a dub is more universal than I thought.

Awhile back I got the first series of Red Dwarf on DVD. For those of you who don

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