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Sad What to do when someone breaks your heart
Posted by: PrairieDuck - 07-06-2009, 10:49 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (23)

On another forum site,a guy stomped on my feelings,and broke my heart. He kept pestering me to mary him,go out with him,etc. But when I finelly said yes to him,he tells me that he's going out with someone else. What the Hell? Now I hate the bastard,and can't stand to be on that site when he's there.

I hate and detest guys who think teasing and flirting is a fun game. I hope that sob goes to Hell as painfully as possible.

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  I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing...
Posted by: Bee - 07-05-2009, 09:51 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (14)

Why there isn't one of these yet, I have no clue.



Here's to barbecue, drunks playing with volatile explosives, bikinis, girls, girls in bikinis, explosives, and celebrating the freedom of your country by blowing up a small part of it.

Okay, so maybe the past eight years kinda...sucked. But we Americans here can't forget the good times. So, if you're legal(you should be), down another beer and light off some more bottle rockets. Maybe aim them at people for what my dad calls a "Bottle Rocket War"., enough from me. What do y'all plan on doing/did(depending on when you read this) on this day, America's Birthday.

...personally, I slept all day, and I'm going to work tonight. Meaning no fun with alcohol and explosives.

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  Getting your drivers license
Posted by: Gol22 - 07-03-2009, 05:23 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (5)

Even though I am happy I got my drivers license so I can drive anywhere I need to or want to, it leaves me open to have everyone ask me to take them everywhere they need to go. Reason for all the 'free-time' is that I have no job and I'm trying to search STILL. Its nice that the car of mine runs decently, but there are still some problems with it.

Advice, just for those who are working on getting their license and are unemployed, DON'T MENTION IT TO EVERYONE. They will feed of your freedom and make you take them places or run errands for them!

Just a little something... its only been a week since I just got it and I'm in my car more then on my feet.

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  El Oh El.
Posted by: DragonMasterX - 07-01-2009, 11:43 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (12)

And so, my Winter Break turned from two weeks to a full month just today.

After the provincial elections, the Health Minister Director decided to issue out a "National Health Warning" decrete which was made effective today as of 16:00hs in the afternoon. My classmates and I lingered for about 10 minutes earlier until our Administration Principles teacher came to say: "Bye kids. See you on August." and then we got a formal speech from the guy in charge saying that Classes, Exams, the Faculty Office and everything related to the University and every social-group hangout facility would be put on halt until 3/08. Worried about the amount of Argentinian victims "Type A" Flu has claimed, the government has decided to stall the illness from propagating anymore, thus persuading people to stay indoors and at the same time, prolongate and forward our anual Winter Break.

Tomorrow morning I had a Maths I exam I hadn't studied for.

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  Michael Jackson died
Posted by: Harie Krauzer - 06-26-2009, 08:59 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (97)

Here's a random link to it.

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  Sing us a song of the century
Posted by: Wisemon - 06-22-2009, 05:55 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

The long-awaited new album from Green Day is the logical progression from “American Idiot,” which means both good things and bad things. On the one hand, the songs are far more complex and evolved than their 90s hits. On the other hand, they are lyrically and structurally pretentious. Here’s the breakdown of the “21st Century Breakdown”:

1. Song of the Century: N/A. This isn’t a song, just an opening poem kind of thing with distorted vocals. It’s not bad for what it is.
2. 21st Century Breakdown: 7/10. This is a rhapsody, like “Jesus of Suburbia,” but shorter. It’s good, but not nearly as clever lyrically as “Jesus of Suburbia.” The comparison is fair because this also seems to be a character-oriented montage.
3. Know Your Enemy: 6/10. This is the first single on the album, and also the only straight-ahead rock/punk song. It’s too repetitive and relatively lazy to be considered that good.
4. ¡Viva La Gloria!: 9/10. This is one of my favorite songs on the album. It has a nice opening piano piece, and it breaks into a high energy rock song. Gloria becomes the St. Jimmy of this album in further songs.
5. Before the Lobotomy: 6/10. This is the third piecemeal song on the album. This time, there are quick hits sandwiched in a soft song. The execution could have been a lot better.
6. Christian’s Inferno: 4/10. This one isn’t bad, but again, another disjointed song. The verses are very distorted, and the chorus is perfectly clear. I’m giving it a 4 because it seems like an idea that wasn’t fully fleshed out.
7. Last Night on Earth: 6/10. Here is where the Beatles influence becomes obvious. It’s kind of catchy, but it’s unoriginal and not nearly as moving as it should be. It feels forced, fake, pretentious, etc.
8. East Jesus Nowhere: 7/10. It’s different from anything Green Day has done, and it’s pretty good. It’s not very captivating though; I think because of all the interspersed quiet voice. It’s one of the many cases on this album where too many ideas were thrown together at once.
9. Peacemaker: 9/10. This is probably my favorite song on the album. It’s original, good musically (fiddle?), lyrically, just well done all around, but missing what it would take to be an excellent song. It should be a good radio single.
10. Last of the American Girls: 5/10. The lyrics subtly deal with a different kind of issue than what one would normally get from a punk song, still righteous in its own right. If this were an enjoyable song, it would get a higher score.
11. Murder City: 6/10. This song has catchy parts, and it’s not broken up, which is good, but it still feels like filler.
12. ¿Viva La Gloria? (Little Girl): 9/10. This is just as good as the other “Viva La Gloria,” maybe even a little better. It’s original and well done.
13. Restless Heart Syndrome: 6/10. All comments from “Last Night on Earth” apply to this one.
14. Horseshoes and Handgrenades: 8/10. I think this is the only song with explicit language, what got the album booted out of Wal-Mart. Considering that it’s not really necessary to have it, I think they should have compromised their “artistic integrity.” It’s a good rock song, but a little too much distortion on the verses, and the lyrics are a bit lazy.
15. The Static Age: 6/10. This song sounds a bit like “Church on Sunday” from “Warning,” which wasn’t a very good song from which to borrow. It feels like a filler song.
16. 21 Guns: 8/10. This is definitely the most memorable song on the album. Unfortunately, it’s also far too pompous and insincere. I’ll go into further detail on the closing comments, but this song exemplifies both the good and the bad of this album.
17. American Eulogy: 7/10. This should really be the closer considering that the opening is in the same vein as “Song of the Century,” but whatever. The first chorus is annoying, and this is yet another piecemeal one. It does get better toward the end. There are a lot of ideas here that didn’t come together quite right.
18. See the Light: 7/10. This is a good song, but it feels a little anticlimactic. Considering “Whatsername” had the same issue, I guess it was an okay way to go.

Overall, this album is pretentious. It’s like “American Idiot” conscious of its own greatness and trying to hammer its greatness into its audience. It’s not as pretentious U2, but getting there, and keep in mind, this is Green Day. Green Day is a band that started with pop-punk girlfriend songs and made it big with a song about smoking pot and masturbating. When they try to take the moral high ground, and complex theatrical structures, it feels very forced. I have to give them credit for putting a lot of effort into the songs though. This does sound like an album that legitimately took five years to make.

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  North Korean Ship Heads to Singapore...
Posted by: The Big Bad Rav - 06-20-2009, 09:38 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (29)

And I...feel so scared... I've never felt so much fear for life, mine and others around me. Everyone just shrugs off the news and go on with life...but I can't I don't know why.

The reports say that the ship may have missile or nuclear components contained towards Singapore... and the US are headed towards the ship as we speak.

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  Wal-Mart. suprise, suprise.
Posted by: Bee - 06-17-2009, 08:33 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

I got in trouble. For working.

What. The. Fuck.

I received a "coaching"(verbal warning, strike one) for getting a whole three hours overtime. Because John, one of the assistant Managers TOLD me to come into work at midnight on a friday a few weeks ago. It's THEIR FAULT I got overtime. The clincher is, on my Coaching report, they stated, that because of my getting overtime,

And I quote,

"Loss of Morale for Associate"

How the fuck is it I lost morale for getting PAID MORE?! Oh, boo hoo, I'm so depressed, I'm getting time and a half, I'm gonna go slit my wrists over in electronics while listening to Linkin Park...

*snorts* right. I believe that when me shit turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbet.

So, seriously. What should I do about my shithole store? Call the Feds? Call the EEOC(Equal Employment Opprotunity Commission)? Call my lawyer? Call the Home Office? Call my mommy?

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  Another Lakers victory
Posted by: Lost - 06-16-2009, 12:02 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (4)

Another day the inbred shitheads of Southern California further deface the reputation of the rest of us.

Seriously, what the Hell? Lakers fans have to be some of the biggest dumbasses in the universe. I mean, their favorite team wins, so they have to riot and destroy LA?

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  Invisible to the naked eye.
Posted by: tigerlily - 06-16-2009, 04:18 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (18)

Yesterday, I felt really horrible especially what happen around the world that we're living in. When I found out the children who were orphaned and abducted, they were used for sexual desires. They were conducted as sex slaves or being used as prostitutes, it saddens me that when they asked for help from the police. They did nothing, but turned their back or return to those who are searching for them. I heard my pastor talked about as he went to jail and saw these poor children caged up.

They told him, their stories. And how they were happy they are still in jail and rather not go outside at night as being used for sex. They were afraid of going outside at night. That night a woman came outside and saw two children and they have no place or some shelter so the woman told them to go to her house and if they have anybody that needs a place to stay she would let them. Of course there were 600 children, scared, hungry, and tired.

I really wanted to stop people for doing such disgusting and illegal thing. I really wanted them to halt from what their doing was wrong. I just couldn't believe why they do such horrible purpose that they would do to those poor kids.

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