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I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing... - Printable Version

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I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing... - Bee - 07-05-2009

Why there isn't one of these yet, I have no clue.



Here's to barbecue, drunks playing with volatile explosives, bikinis, girls, girls in bikinis, explosives, and celebrating the freedom of your country by blowing up a small part of it.

Okay, so maybe the past eight years kinda...sucked. But we Americans here can't forget the good times. So, if you're legal(you should be), down another beer and light off some more bottle rockets. Maybe aim them at people for what my dad calls a "Bottle Rocket War".

...so, enough from me. What do y'all plan on doing/did(depending on when you read this) on this day, America's Birthday.

...personally, I slept all day, and I'm going to work tonight. Meaning no fun with alcohol and explosives.

RE: I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing... - Wisemon - 07-05-2009

I took a nap today. I'll probably take one tomorrow too. I also cleaned my bathroom, not the bath itself though. That's more than I want to do right now.

RE: I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing... - Bee - 07-05-2009

Well, I do have to admit, ever since I started working at a physically demanding job, naps are slowly becoming my favorite hobby. Gotta keep the energy ready for work somehow.

RE: I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing... - Crimson Fox - 07-05-2009

Happy B-Day, America! Eh, it was kind of a lousy day around here though. It rained around here most of the day, so there weren't a whole lot of fireworks. We had some awesome steaks at least.

RE: I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing... - Lost - 07-05-2009

Technically not America's birthday. More like the day we gave Great Britain the finger and announced we didn't want to deal with their bullshit anymore.

I didn't do anything really notable today. I had a Super Star from Carl's Jr. for lunch and played Final Fantasy IX for most of the day, followed up with recording more of The Venture Bros. and doing some more Lemon writing.

Happy Liberation from the Great British Empire Anniversary... Day.

RE: I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing... - Frisk E. Coyote - 07-05-2009

Philippine Independence day was on June 12 and no one put a thread up for that either!!

-Then again, I really didn't care much for Independence Days.

Happy American Independence Day you happy American Peoples!

RE: I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing... - UnknownH - 07-05-2009

I got back from a trip and then went to a family BBQ. So not much.

RE: I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing... - The Reclaimer - 07-05-2009

I woke up and kicked my dog out of my room. Finished reading a book I've been working on. Did all my laundry, sorted through old clothes to donate, then browsed the web while watching Beast Wars until my girl joined me and my parents for dinner. Then I went to her place for a bit, now I'm home.

Woooooo, 4th!

RE: I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing... - DragonMasterX - 07-05-2009

Actually, I'd like to clarify that Argentina's independence day is on July the 9th. So not all of America was free until then D:

But regardless, happy independence day to you all!

RE: I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing... - UnknownH - 07-06-2009

I've heard that line before. But it's the North American United States ID4. If you want to be clear.