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  That tim'a da year's come.
Posted by: DragonMasterX - 03-15-2010, 01:34 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (12)

So, tomorrow's my first day at College this year, and as such I've to move to my new apartment which we're renting at the city of Mar del Plata. Place's new, and like seven blocks away from my favorite gym, and it's also probably a lot more blocks away from college, but I guess I'll have to settle for with what I have.

Sigh, I'll have no free internet for a while, at least until I've gone and done the required paperwork for it to be connected. That and I don't even know if that apartment has a phone line yet, hope it does and that there's no trouble in me setting the net up.

That all means I'll have to stay away from a while, catch up on novels and maybe play Guitar Hero to pass the time, and of course start looking for a new Gym or just measure the distance and decide to keep going to my old one. To this effect, my activity here will be drastically reduced until I can get internet at my new home. So, yeah. Just wanted to let everyone on here know. Wish me luck, I'll need it not to drive myself insane.

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  I’m wandering ‘round confused, wondering why I try.
Posted by: Wisemon - 03-14-2010, 11:54 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (18)

I know I haven’t been on here very often lately. I had a girlfriend from September to mid-October, and it was awesome. She was as close to everything I’ve ever wanted in a girlfriend as I think I’ll ever get. She liked me too, but she broke up with me over a good intention that went wrong due to a breakdown in communication. She forgave me for that, but because I tried too hard to sway her back into a relationship, and because I’m “too honest, too naïve, too innocent, and don’t have enough life experience,” she said she was done with me and cut off all communication. I sent her a letter, but I doubt she read it.

I have met like a dozen girls since her who have seemed to be interested in me, none as good all-around as my ex, but I think they deserve a chance if they’re willing to like me.

They all lie. They all play games. Just this week, I sent out emails to four different girls that were perfectly calm, normal, just suggesting times or ways we could get in touch, all girls who said they were interested, and not one of my emails got a response. I even had a date for this weekend, and she just told me to send her an email to confirm the place and time. I sent it, no reply, tried an alternate method, and still no reply. Another girl I went on a few dates with, I tried to plan the third with her, but she’s been “busy” for a month, and other clues strongly indicate she’s seeing someone else. I gave her a chance to come clean, subtly, but she didn’t, and she had touted her honestly previously. What the hell?!

I wouldn’t say I’m desperate, but I really feel the hole in my life more than ever. It’s more than that though. I feel like I’m losing my identity. I play along, and I trust them, and in further emails, I have to pretend like they’re not snubbing me or lying to me. I badly want to call them on their bullshit. My ex played the same tricks; I know, but at least she had lots of other stuff to like. I just want a girl who likes me and doesn’t play games. She also has to be attractive and reasonably intelligent, but that’s about it.

I know men play games too, and in many ways, it’s because of that women are the way they are. I wish there was a way to kill all those men and start over, or something. I don’t know those men though, wouldn’t want to, and I’m just really pissed off at women right now.

And I'm aware that courting several at once is a game too, but with my kind of odds, I don't have much choice, and at least I would be honest about it if I were asked.

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  Don't judge me, but....
Posted by: Crim - 03-13-2010, 11:10 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (44)

I have.... questions.

Are you familiar with the flavor of chicken flavored Ramen.... noodles?

Have you ingested semen lately?

If you can answer yes to both of these questions, please answer the next one:

Am I the only one noticing that one tastes like the other?

Though I'd like to say I used good judgment in placing this thread, feel free to move this to a more appropriate forum if necessary.

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  Butt injections with caulk gone bad (ROFL!!!!)
Posted by: Lost - 03-11-2010, 05:24 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (3)

No. No. I won't spoil it. Watch the video for yourself.

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  So high up it the sky. Falling so ever low.
Posted by: Ryan - 03-10-2010, 07:45 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (20)

You know those days where you just wish it wasnt really a day? But moreso like a fight to the death with the hated?
What about those days where you feel happy but in the end blank?
or those days that dont really make since unless you know what is going on?

A lot of these questions run through my mind. But not all the time. Most of the time are the questions I think are moronic.
Like..... Even though I hate everybody. I cant stand them. Why do I feel so.... Down? Contradicting alone?
i cant stand people.... But yet I want to be near them? No..... Maybe it is the fact that to me my whole life has been kinda.... Alone.
Solitude. The most best thing.... As a kid. I stayed home and played games 24/7. On occasions did I leave the house.

But now I don't even WANT to leave the house. I get offered to go to friends. But then my mom would go "No I dont know the kid"
Alright. Fair enough. I am also failing one class. But I passed this test so it should boost my grade up a bit.
But that doesnt make me wanna leave. It makes me wanna puke. So nervous. So cluttlered. So..... Hated.
As emo as that sounds it honestly true. Not a lot of people like me do to the fact I dont act normal.

I love guns and violence. Who doesnt? People dont matter to me anymore. So what? I mean if people didnt
matter to me in the first place why should I care now of all times? If someone dies oh well. I'll see them in 30 years.
If someone commits suicide. I don't care. Troubled life happens all the time. You cant handle it? Sorry to be you.
I am ignorant. Yeah. But I think more of it like this. If I don't know them then I don't have to stress it. If I do. Spit on your grave.

Disrespect. Thats all I have to say to those who can't commit to your life. You have so much to live for. So much you can do.
All I can tell you is those cliche lines. Screw the theatrics. I might as well be talking to a rock.
You live and you die. Yeah. Thats the simple way to explain life if you see it as plainly as I do. But I see more. But why do I hide it?
It's because the main goal in everyone's life is soooo simple.

1. Live
2. Get a income.
3. Get a home.
4. Get marries.
5. Have kids.
6. Raise kids till they are old.
7. Retire.
8. Dead.

The simple perspective of things. Dont like how I think? Wanna speak out and go "Terrible way to see life!" yeah well better than thinking
"Oh the down sides." Bang. Dead. So what if life is like this though? I mean its a lot better than seeing people die right by your side.
Day after day after day. I give no empathy I shed no tears I feel no guilt or remorse. Not for those I don't care about.
I am a sadistic person. Get over it. I am the hate of my own heart. Love it.

Maybe its the fact that when I thought I found love, I also found out it was lies. Maybe I don't see the "Positives" of life.
But why or what should I even think about to change my mind about others? every one says I shall change. No I shant.
You think that since I am suppose to be on the brink of becoming a "Normal" civi. That I shall change.
You think I am like eveyone else. Or I am just like you when you where a kid. All soooo cliche. None of that works.

Talk to people become more involved. Oh yeah I tried that. Do you know what I got from each one I did try that with?
I got flipped off and told to go ______ myself. Why? People are idiots thats why.
Maybe its the fact I havent even got to see the good in people. Nah. Never that reason.
Maybe maybe maybe. Should could would. None of it matters. I just lose interest in things.

Girls and Guys are boring. People are boring. Its just how it is. How is my life justified from the rest?
It's not. I mean my goals are simple. College. Job. Live life. Go to New york. Simple simple simple.
But now I shall take it slow.

Oh and for the record I love this. A relationship to most people is hilarious. I am not joking.
Why cant someone go without sex? Masturbation too much for them? Or so low? Bah.
People suck. But I can dig it.

"Live and let die. Live life without a lie. Live you ways. Only so cold by the days.
Should I turn my back, clack right out of a steel rack.
Imagine your goals, do not give out a cold.
Now go on. And let on. And be gone."

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  Work anecdotes.
Posted by: DragonMasterX - 03-07-2010, 08:50 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (11)

Okay, so let me state for the record that I've been meaning to share a few of these along the way during my time working at my uncle's restbar (4th summer working there by the way!), but I continued proctrastinating due to the fact I had limited access from THERE and that any time I'd spend here at home I'd barely have the energy to even think up of anything clever to say along with them. Now, having covered up for my lazyness, let me present a few stories that I found curious and/or simply ironic/interesting or that made me mad/sad at some point.

So, this guy, let's say, Antonio, works in the balneary as its DJ (although most of what he does is just set a CD on the player, adjust the volume and then he just wastes time talking to people). This guy's a childhood friend of my uncle, not to mention a somewhat charismatic individual who happens to have some sort of superiority complex among youngsters (He's probably 40-50 at this point) and loves to tell people what they should do with their lives because of what he's seen during his travels to the United States and many other hot spots in Argentina.

While this might edge around the ranty area, I'm just sounding kind of biased with my description of the guy simply because he always liked teasing me when I was a brat, and even continues doing so for the sake of old times despite I'm clearly three heads taller than he is (People often remark how I should just shut him up by compressing him to the floor singlehandedly, but. Although tempting, that's not how I solve problems with attention-whores) and let's just say I have my own kind of fun getting back at him when he leasts expects it.

For example, he likes annoying me with anything I eat during lunch break at work. Dude's kind of seated, so even if the whole personel is fed, let's say, spaghetti with sauce, he may just change it for a milanesa with a large stack of mashed potatoes. The fun fact is, he doesn't pay for it. While that doesn't bother me, he likes to pick on me aloud if I pay for a change in the menu whenever I feel like eating something I want or in case they serve fish (That's the one food I'll never like).

So, one day, I decide I want to try an item on the menu. A simple thing anyway, it was just a "Fresh Gourmet", a pair of broad buns with chicken, peppers, oregan, tomato and lettuce in it. Just as I begin eating it, he called me from his table: "Would you like high-heels with that, Missy?" he said. Don't remember how many picked up on the joke, but it was suddenly feeling like high-school again, so I decided to give him the same treatment as I did back then. Thing is, he wouldn't stop.

As I finished eating, I just did the same as always (even though I don't have to since the girls in charge do it) and pick up my plate, glass and proceed to go to the kitchen, when I hear that irritatingly cunning voice again: "You're a whiny girl, changing the menu like that. Why don't you just eat what they serve you like a man?"

So, thinking about what I knew, I just told him: "Thought I'd follow your steps. By the way, you might wanna stop letting your mouth ramble on, you're sounding like a girl your age."

While upon retrospect that sounded kind of machist and insultive to our eldery, at the time I found it quite fitting to say, and as my boss nodded at me from my workplace with a smirk (He covers for me when I go to lunch) I just noticed Antonio had decided to just shut up. He never talked to me again for the rest of the day, which I found, to say the least, utterly relaxing.

Anyway, all that was just to boast a successful confrontation, but also to condition you guys for what's to come as I found it immensly hilarious. As you might all have deduced by now, Antonio acts like your typical old-school jock, and is prone to being shocked if you act like you're playing his game and then you overthrow him. Now, we're all used to him by now, but what about people from 'outside'?

Alright, it was one ugly day during January. Two middle-aged women working for the goverment came to assess our balneary's earnings and all that yadda, as well as to take the personal data from our workers (myself included) for our 'salary checks'. I remember it clear as a day, they were sitting at Table 3, which was just in front of my work desk. As one of them processed the data from the tickets I was giving her, the other one kept taking the personel's information on their work status.

Let me say one thing about where I work: It's sort of conveniently in 'black', and every year we sort of go through this. During this time, most of the personel 'excuse themselves', and as such, only a few have to give their info out. So, during this time, we were short on waiters and waitresses, and I recall having seen Antonio verrrry flustered, since the remaining girls had so much in their hands that they barely could graciously display their mannerisms and work to a certain degree. So, being the 'problem solver' he thinks he was he decided to start 'helping' by telling the girls how to place plates and crystals around in the rests. Naturally, the government ladies saw him carrying plates and stuff.

In order to finish their assignment, the women had to take the data from one last person, that was Antonio. Both our supervisor and manager were out to take care of things outside, and I had the privilege so to speak to catch some of the conversation between Antonio and the woman.

W(oman): *Taking notes* So what is it that you do?

A(ntonio): Oh, you see, I take care of the music in the Administration's cabin.

W: *Blinks in confusion* Where is that?

A: *Points to the location, outside of the restaurant and talks some more*

W: I was under the impression you were a waiter, sir. Is that not your occupation?

A: Oh, no. You're getting it wrong.

W: Really? Well, might you explain to me why you were not in your work post, then?

So, they talk some more, and then comes the sweet part:

W: You can't be seriously telling me you're this place's DJ when I clearly saw you carrying plates over to empty tables and into those rests to set the tables up. That obviously doesn't match with your work's description.

A: *Flustered* Are you going to continue this for long? I was only helping the poor waitresses!

W: Sounded to me like you were trying to show them how to set tables up. I hardly find it consistent for a DJ to be butting in a waitress' job.

A: How dare you! I was there, being a good samaritan, and you,

W: *Trying to hold her laughter* Wait, a good samaritan? Srnk. Oh, come on. You can't be serious.

So, as they both became increasingly bothered by each other, I just amused myself with the red-faced Antonio and the largely annoyed lady. At one point in the argument though, it exploded as the woman got fed up with Antonio's antics and slammed the desk with her hands, saying something like: "Very well, if you've no interest in your salary check then so be it, out of my sight!" she said, not even looking at Antonio as she grabbed the paper she was filling with his info and shredded it in front of him. Antonio left with something shy of rabbies in his face and I just silently laughed along with everybody else.

And here I thought his 'charm' worked with everyone. Guess you can't hope to be inflexible with equally inflexible people. Anyway, that's something I wanted to type up. I'll type another anecdote shortly, feel free to comment on this one though! XD

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  Friday the 13th Movies
Posted by: Chaotic Phoenix - 03-05-2010, 08:17 AM - Forum: General Chat - No Replies

Has anyone really notice the 'decline of suspense' in the Friday the 13th movies as of late? I just watched the latest movie, 'Friday the 13th', 2009 release, and I was rather... disappointed in the killing scenes, despite that it was still a good movie. Even to the point to where I had guessed right on nearly every death in the movie that Jason or someone else does in this latest release. Even with Jason himself, acting more human than demon as we all know is to be him.

Aside from the Freddy VS Jason one, which was awesome in it's own right, the Jason movies themselves are losing their own distinctive... flavour I could say. I've even heard of a new made Nightmare on Elm Street movie soon to be released... I wonder if that will suffer the same fate as this one did...

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Music my special penpal
Posted by: PrairieStorm - 02-16-2010, 02:59 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (33)

For a long time,I've been looking for a guy that was as tall as either Ganondorf or Zaraki Kenpachi. At the end of last month,I finally found a guy that was the same height as Kenpachi while looking at a list of prisoners wanting penpals. I wrote and sent a letter to himm soon after. But I don't know when and if he'll send a reply latter to me.

How long does it take letters to travel from Illinois to Oregan and back?

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  What is the best gaming computer to get?
Posted by: aldredheron - 02-16-2010, 02:20 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (25)

Okay, my birthday is right around the corner and I have been looking at gaming computers. I've had my eye on them for a few years now, but never really spoke up about it towards my parents. I know there is Alienware and other gaming computers out there. But I'm not sure which is the best one for me to get. So to anyone who owns a gaming computer, which computer do you recommend me getting?

Both laptop or desktop.

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  Winter Olympics(2010)
Posted by: grandphoenix1 - 02-15-2010, 10:56 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (9)

Anyone watch it so far--or even given a flying fuck about it?

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