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  Damn Hypocrites
Posted by: Cyber Stryker - 05-31-2004, 07:17 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (7)

I'm really tired of seeing hentai sites where someone has made a picture of an underage anime girl and in the comments section fifty percent of the time there's some dickhead whose moral high horse requires them to troll around and berate the artist for the picture they worked hard on.

Damnit people there's absolutely no real underage girl involved in the process! Theres absolutely nothing illegal you could actually do to someone made up entirely of paint and/or pixals.

Some people take the stance that if you see it as anime then you'll want to do it in real life. This makes absolutely no sense!! That's like saying some guy was looking at a hentai picture of Gatomon, got turned on and decided to screw his house cat. (Which sounds like a funny hospital visit waiting to happen. "What happened to the guy in room twelve?... Heh heh, no really what happened to him?")

What the hell are these moral crusaders doing on hentai sites anyway?

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  Anime girl with best looking boobs.
Posted by: Shadow Fox - 05-31-2004, 03:46 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (14)

which anime girl do you think has the best looking boobs?

i think prima has the best looking set of tits.she appeared
on pokemon and she was good.

til next time

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  Tough times... but life goes on
Posted by: Stormy  Wizard - 05-30-2004, 09:40 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (5)

I'm currently having a bad problem with plant and fungus parasites. On my foot, I've got a 'Planter' wart (some sort of seed, can be deadly) and a fungal infection on my toenail, and a fungal rash on the insides of my legs. Gonna have bad surgery, and on top of that, I've got big problems with my mind, I can't think some days due to bad headaches and I'm severely failing my education. People think that I'm a retard because I'm not yapping away about what I did with my social life like everyone else. The trouble is that I HAVE NO SOCIAL LIFE!!

Yep, people take one look at my lazy eye and think 'eergh! I'm not talking to that Quazemodo' even if they act nice, I know they're doing it out of pure sympathy, like seeing a two-legged dog, so they can go $^*@*#^$@.

Also, my other toenails are all in-growing. I've had three operations so far, and at the moment it's heading for four, and I'm not amused because of doctors that don't know what they're doing.

Suppose it could be worse *cringes at the thought of story that I told in the other forum*

Still, I have all these problems, yet people think I'm cheerful, sometimes the best thing is to think 'aww, bugger it, we have one life, either like it or not'.

Just letting it out through my fingers rather than my mouth, that's all from me.

So, I hope that these problems can be solved soon, so I can get on with life.

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  Hey You, Out There in the Cold...
Posted by: Gnostic Metatron Prime - 05-30-2004, 03:09 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (3)

Ugh... In about 7 days, I graduate from High School. I know it's supposed to be a good thing, but I find myself dreading it.

I feel like I got ripped off. In the past four years, I've had only one girlfriend, and it didn't work out. I don't know whether or not I have any actual friends. People don't seem to want to talk to me.

This is probably because I have a lot of trouble with social situations. I can't speak very well, and I usually end up stuttering unless I know exactly what I'm going to say, or unless someone prompts me. And I'm terrible at dealing with large social events. If there's too much noise, I break down. Over the past two years, I've had at least 5 of these breakdowns. The worst was a few months ago during a theatre rehearsal. I was doing a scene where I had to talk over other people, and I just started hyperventilating. Thankfully someone noticed, but it probably cost me socially.

I don't know how I'm going to get through this next week. I have to attend senior outings all week, which means lots of large social events, and with the exception of the prom, they're all mandatory.

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  Man this pisses me off!!!
Posted by: RaZhar - 05-29-2004, 06:47 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (101)

Have you ever been to the, The Elder's Scrolls III: Morrowind Xbox message board on I went there because I too have the Xbox version of Morrowind (And I love the game!) and I saw a bunch of nice people who asked perfectly innocent questions and got flamed and yelled at for not knowing the answer by some dicks calling themselves Veterans. How fucking egotistical do you have to be to call yourself a Veteran? I saw a guy ask a question about Rolli the Guar and then some so called Veteran asshole started to insult him and then made a topic to make fun of the poor guy and other so called Veterans joined in! And what's the big deal with Fargoth? He's just a guy you meet in the start of the game!

And the Xbox Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic board is also bad. There's people all over there talking 24/7 about doing evil stuff and their hatred for different characters!

And then this Halo religion you see. I liked Halo too and I play it a lot on my Xbox but I thought that there were a lot better games on the Xbox than Halo. Like Ninja Gaiden, Brute Force, Star Wars: KOTOR, Morrowind, and Dead or Alive! Hell I think Halo doesn't even rank to be in the greatest games of all time section with me.

I know I'm ranting about Xbox and I know that a lot of people don't like the Xbox for some odd reason but I just wanted to get this craziness that I've seen on the Xbox boards off my chest. I'm not a Xbox nerd, I'm a Xbox, PS2, and Game Cube nerd. Owning all three consoles pays off, whenever an exclusive game comes out on one of the consoles that I really want I don't cry about it, I just get it when it comes out. And if you are going to flame me for having an Xbox or even just talking about it then I'll just say this: Grow up!

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  Ugh, the worst tale I've ever heard
Posted by: Stormy  Wizard - 05-29-2004, 04:37 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (13)

This is the worst story I've ever heard, and it is true

Warning - Not one for those with weak stomachs...

During a rugby game, one of the players had a severely dislocated hip, and was immediately sent to hospital.

It was so bad that it needed to be surgically relocated, so he was put under the gas and had so.

When he woke up, he was positively screaming in pain.

No matter how much Morphine he had, he kept screaming.

Now, guess the reason

A - The Morphine was replaced with water
B - He had an allergic reaction to morphine
C - His tendons were more damaged
D - His testicle was being crushed in his hip by the bone

Sadly, the answer is... D. Ugh! That story gave me nightmares for a whole week!

Note - the ball had to be taken off.

Don't say I didn't warn you

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  Trying to find this anime...
Posted by: :.Koibito.: - 05-29-2004, 02:11 AM - Forum: General Chat - No Replies

@_@ Ok, here's the deal. One of my all time favorite animes is Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch. But since it hasn't been dubbed (and most likely never will be, due to some things in it) it's extremely hard to find.

Well, a few months ago I found a German anime site that contained info about MMMPP, Tokyo Mew Mew, YGO, Digimon, and various other animes. But those we some of the top ones on the site. Anywho, if you went to the message board, you were able to download practically any anime you wanted with English subs! And of course, they had every MMMPP episode for download and they worked on Windows Media Player.

To me, this was very nice because the episodes downloaded very quick and the subs actually matched what was going on. But then the virus hit. T_T I had to restart my computer and can't find that site...

So what'd I do? I downloaded the first episodes from BitTorrent, but that took WAY to long....Then when I play it, it's one of those deals where the audio track is very far ahead from what your seeing. *sighs*

I honestly think I'm going to go insane. So here's my question >< Can anyone try and help me find that German site? The most I can remember besides what anime it contained, was that it had a...well...messy layout and the word Kawaii in the title. @_@; It'd be a lot of help.

Either that, or just a place to download this anime quickly and have the subs match. T_T

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  A change of name
Posted by: Stormy&nbsp;&nbsp;Wizard - 05-28-2004, 10:18 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (8)

I've changed the user name from Stormywiz to Stormy Wizard, like it was supposed to be in the first place, but by accident, I sent it to the wrong e-mail address, and never got the mail giving me the opening link, and I wasn't allowed to write another Stormy Wizard there, gawd I'm a fool :oops: . Well, I've changed it back, by cleverly adding an extra space between Stormy and Wizard, aren't I clever? :roll: hmm, yes.

Just letting everyone know to avoid confusions.

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  *sigh* Anyone know how to talk someone out of suicide?
Posted by: Shadowshard - 05-28-2004, 12:41 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (7)

One of my friends is going through a really tough time in her life... She just found out that her bf is only in it for the "pleasure", her dad hates her, and her grades aren't very she is actually considering suicide... :cry:

Does anyone have any tips to help me keep her from going the way that many others have gone?
This really doesn't seem much like a random chat piece though...

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  These are the best years of my life?!
Posted by: Cyber Stryker - 05-27-2004, 10:28 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (18)

Okay so here I am, 21 year old male and never had a job in my damn life.

Yeah that sounds bad but there's a reason for it. See there always needs to be someone to take care of my grandmother. Not that she needs 24/7 care mind you, it's just that all the 'full adults' are so damn paranoid!

Basically all I do is a few houshold chores and play with/clean up after the family dogs, all the family dogs, some of them commute. Not so bad of a gig right? Sure on paper it's not so bad but I feel like a DAMN MOOCH!!!

Then there's the bigot factor that comes factory installed in many grandparents... You know how there's just about someone in everybody's life that almost routinely says something beyond moronic and you'd love to tell them off but if you did you'd fuck yourself? Welcome friends, the drinks are on me!

Anyway I recently got a silver lining, my mother couldn't take the BS at her job anymore and offered to switch places with me if I could get a job of my own. Of course I jumped this like a pack of dogs on a three legged cat. Well here I am three weeks later and guess what? Nada, zip, ziltch, diddly squat, not a sasuage. Not that I'm giving up hope...yet. But you know when you get that feeling that the shit's gonna hit the fan? Oh yes, the spidey sense is goin' off like no tomorrow and I see my window of opportunity quickly closing and being sealed shut with gaudy pastel paint.

Do I sound bitter? You bet your sweet bippy. Thing is I've never had much of a personal life out in the real world and honestly never really wanted one. Hell I feel closer to some of you than people I know in my so called disconnected reality. I don't party, especially don't drink since I've got alcaholics on both sides of the family tree and there's no way I'm tempting the sleeping dog to bite me on the ass.

Now with the exception of my younger brother (8 years my junior) I don't really get along with my family (or people for that matter.) I'm a stubborn jackass, I know but so are they, which makes friendly relations damn near impossible. See all my income comes from the rest of my dysfunctional clan which of course makes me gnash my teeth in frustration. Now I don't mind so much having to take care of a lot of things but when the rest of the family comes over and expects me to play host and whatnot it pisses me off. and of course the usual response to bringing it up is, "You don't work, shut your hole!" As if I'm sitting around all day with my thumb up my ass. :roll: Some people just can't accept that keeping a house clean with three dogs, four kids (ages 4 to 6) running around every afternoon and the traffic of a convieniance store is hard work.

My grandmother is a doormat, she believes that her whole purpose in life is to 'help out family' and doesn't see how she's being taken advantage of no matter how many times you try to confront her with it.

Okay so I've got my fan set up and the shit's comin' over the horizon, slowly but surely and I'll try my best not to be standing too close when it arrives.

Sigh, actually I feel a lot better now. Anyone who bothered to read this far thanks for hearin' me out, it helps.

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