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  Got a question.
Posted by: Blackwargreymon Lover - 06-26-2004, 10:09 AM - Forum: General Chat - No Replies

Whatever happened to Togashi? There was like a month where I couldn't get here, then when I come back, it's like he's disappeared from the face of the Earth.

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  Dont u think this is stupid?...
Posted by: Alakser - 06-26-2004, 08:19 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (12)

Now i know no one here knows me but well im gonna start to post so people can know me =b.
************************************************************I have a friend that has foot fetish and he has got a lot of trouble because of that. Now people think that he ia a pedophile (which he isnt... let me explain). He is 19 years old and well, he likes soft feet, he says that most people of his age dont have soft feet, they actually have horrible feet. So then... tell me in who can u find soft feet? Yea in young people... like kids, now that doesnt mean he likes kids... he just like soft feet. And well, if he touches anyone that's younger than him he could go to jail. BTW he got a lot of trouble just because he massaged his 14 years old brother's foot because HIS BROTHER ASKED him to. SO well, my opininon is that people shouldnt be afraid of what is different from usual things. Just like any "normal person" who likes something, for example, those men that like boobs, well they know boobs must be big, soft, etc etc in order to like them... well u can find those boobs in almost every woman in earth... just like them my friend knows feet must be soft in order to like them, but those are hardly found on every person on Earth. But please tell me what u think... thats why i posted this in this board :)

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  I really need a new computer
Posted by: Cyber Stryker - 06-20-2004, 06:15 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (13)

Seriously, my had drive's a 6gig Packard Bell dinosaur that's almost always full, shared between three people, one of which (my aunt) thinks she's a computer specialist but really knows jack squat. The other's my younger brother who luckily isn't an ass and has the sanity not to screw with any of my stuff as long as I have the courtesy to do the same.

The monitor has some weird-ass quirk so most of the time everything's got a yellow/green tint to it due to some loose wiring inside but every once in a great while the color turns back to normal for a split second. (Usually while I'm working on the word processor so the stark white blinds me for a few minutes.) This is my second monitor too, the first crapped out on me after we moved, I think the power cord got pinched and it's turn itself on or off at inopportune times for months until I bought the current one I have from my asshole cousin who by the way thinks that entitles her the right to use it and my hard drive when she'd a complete dumbass. She opened an e-mail that had a virus on it after she had been warned about which is why her hard drive is screwed and I was able to buy the monitor off her.

If it weren’t for the zip drive I wouldn't even have the ability to run anything from how much is on the damn thing, a good 2/3 I admit is internet porn and the rest of which is half completed projects I'll probably never get around to finishing. Which reminds me I need more zip disks too...

As for my printer it's an old cannon bubble-jet that I'm lucky if I can even find the cartridges for anymore.

The first thing on my priorities list as soon as I get a job is to save up for something new, most likely a notebook of somesort... When the hell did they decide to stop calling them laptops? Apparently I missed that meeting.

I guess this is the year for all my electronics to be replaced since my PS2 crapped out on my just before New Years and my aunt recently got my brother a new Xbox since the old one only worked about half the time.

And get, this two of the TV's in our house have recessed power buttons on both the remote and the TV itself so we had to but new universal remotes just to turn the damn things on. One of them is a TV/VCR combo that loves to eat tapes so we've got a different VCR hooked up to it (and still some of the idiots I live with put tapes in the old one until I put packing tape over it so they couldn't) and the other has no AV connector ports so we have to use the old coax setup on it. Well it could be worse; they could be the really old TVs that needed screwdrivers and prongs to hook anything up.

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Posted by: Gnostic Metatron Prime - 06-20-2004, 04:46 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (13)

Alright. About 2 weeks ago, I graduated from high school. I had been accepted into a nice college, and I had a $1000 writing scholarship. Not bad, right?

Fast forward to today. I got a letter from my college. It said, quite simply...

They're Broke.

It's almost hilarious. The college blew a shitload of money on creating some new buildings, and now they're $77 million in debt.

To quote Gilbert Gottfried, "What the FUCK?!"

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  Didn't I hear about a merger?
Posted by: terminater1_16 - 06-18-2004, 06:51 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

Was My mind playing tricks on me, or did i read somewhere that the DAD and DHZ were talking about merging at one point?
If so, was it already killed? Still In talks?
Or am I just crazy

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  Holy Digimon Batman! Using Digimon for crime fighting?
Posted by: grabjuri - 06-18-2004, 04:41 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (27)

Just saw the first 4 episodes of Gad Guard by Gonzo. A great series! Has anyone thought of a group of kids using Digmon to fight crime in their hometown? Going out at night in costume to hide their identity, and then going after various criminals using their Digimon._______In Gad Guard they had the male lead who comes into possesion of the first mecha that he uses initially to protect his family. They introduce 3 cute girls his own age, each of which falls in love with him. The 3 girls each have their own mecha, which they use for their own reasons, and purposes. Plus they have a young adult Male criminal who has his own Mecha which he uses to go after the shows hero. However the guy has a little girl named Sayuri who likes and hangs out with him. So aparently he's not totally bad.________If you made the characters a few years younger, and replaced the mecha with Digimon. You would have an interesting 5th season of Digimon. With the kids doing a pretty good immitation of Batman or Spiderman._______Fighting human criminals and gangs instead of other Digimon. Personally I like it. In Gad Guard the kids rode on the shoulders of their mechas and were in the thick of the fight. I would like the kids to ride into battle on the shoulders of their Digimon instead of watching from the sidelines._____Holy Herculoids Batman!

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  Rant, Rant, and a word from our sponsors.
Posted by: Dark Sylia Stingmon - 06-15-2004, 02:47 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (47)

Well well, what do we have here? A piss poor excuse for a message board and website. Face it people, up until recently.. how many updates have we had? And aside from a few diehard members and a shitload of noobs, what is the DaD now? A piece of shit. Not even worth wiping my ass on and flushing down the toilet.

And where does this problem lie? Well let's see here.. we've got our ragtag band of mods which mostly either don't care or aren't even here anymore. We have our members, who well.. sorry but you guys suck too. Then here we have Chibi Renamon. Or whatever the hell his name is. I'm really wondering to myself, how hard is it to upkeep a message board and a website as submissions come in? Not very as I've done it myself for a good year or so. Oh, I forgot.. he must have this thing called a life that we all have, right? I suppose that gives warrant to act like an ass and do what you wish, right? Hell no. Don't go thinking I'm influenced by anything but my own hatred of people I find nauseating.

But you know, my problem isn't even only with that one person. I fucking hate this elitist attitude that's been going around as if suddenly because you know something or can do something others can't that you're fucking special. Well guess what? You're not! You're all an imperfect little bitch like Chibi Rena, George Bush and Bill Gates. Deal with it.

While I'm at it, what the fuck is wrong with you people? Ever since Digimon Tamers, most of you little prepub bastards have been hanging off of Renamon's furry tits since you laid eyes on her. You're sick! Get some help before you start screwing your dog you sick little freaks.

What? Got a problem with what I'm saying? Don't like it? Well you can direct all your little comments to my ass. Banning isn't gonna do shit. Already said I was gone anyway.. how many times now? at least several. Yes I posted this in the wrong forum. Deal.

EDIT: Batman's cool again.

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  Discussing who was gonna live to be 21
Posted by: Wisemon - 06-14-2004, 03:23 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (10)

Today's my 21st birthday, and no, I'm not going drinking. I think I'll spend the day at home, either writing or reading the new lemons in the update.

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  Clamp campus detectives crossover
Posted by: grabjuri - 06-14-2004, 12:34 AM - Forum: General Chat - No Replies

What would happen if the 5 kids from Clamp campus detectives entered the digistory. Pick whatever season you would like them to join. This would set up some dandy romantic triangles as the various girls, Sora, Mimi, Kari, Juri, Ruki, or Izumi would fall for Suoh or Akira. Utako wouldn't take this laying down. And Nagisa would tearfully tell Suoh goodbye. Then Suoh would chase Nagisa like mad.________Utako was only 6, but Sora and even Ruki would find that little girl to be a real challenger.________You can choose whichever digimon would best suit Suoh, Akira, Utako, or Nagisa. Should Utako's big sister Makoto join the cast as well? I kind of liked that flaky girl.

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Posted by: Tank Cop - 06-13-2004, 01:06 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (1)

Saturday, July 3rd is Fee Comic Book Day!

At major stores like Hero's and others will giving out free comics on this on this day!

For more info, then check out this site!

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