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Hey You, Out There in the Cold... - Printable Version

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Hey You, Out There in the Cold... - Gnostic Metatron Prime - 05-30-2004

Ugh... In about 7 days, I graduate from High School. I know it's supposed to be a good thing, but I find myself dreading it.

I feel like I got ripped off. In the past four years, I've had only one girlfriend, and it didn't work out. I don't know whether or not I have any actual friends. People don't seem to want to talk to me.

This is probably because I have a lot of trouble with social situations. I can't speak very well, and I usually end up stuttering unless I know exactly what I'm going to say, or unless someone prompts me. And I'm terrible at dealing with large social events. If there's too much noise, I break down. Over the past two years, I've had at least 5 of these breakdowns. The worst was a few months ago during a theatre rehearsal. I was doing a scene where I had to talk over other people, and I just started hyperventilating. Thankfully someone noticed, but it probably cost me socially.

I don't know how I'm going to get through this next week. I have to attend senior outings all week, which means lots of large social events, and with the exception of the prom, they're all mandatory.

- Cyber Stryker - 05-31-2004

Good luck with that. I know how you feel, I get really nervous around a lot of people too. Near panic attacks hit me if I'm even in a crowded store. Loud noises bother me too, to the point of actual pain smetimes so I can relate.

Actually it sounds like you're going though some of the same crap I did in high school, but for me I got so bad I dropped out and got a GED instead. (Luckily I got into a program at the college where you could get an actual diploma.) Anyway what I'm getting at is that your a bit ahead of me on the game so congrats. And again, good luck.

- Wisemon - 05-31-2004

That still beats the hell out of my high school social life. I had no close friends and no girlfriend, but I did have a 50 year old woman who followed me around to make sure that I didn't misbehave. At my best, I was a novelty act that my class enjoyed, but rarely talked to.

- RaZhar - 05-31-2004

Yeah I didn't have a girlfriend at all too but I had some friend that I wish I never did have. They were a bunch of assholes who would never leave me alone and would make fun of me. I don't know why they kept calling me their friend however.

I don't know and will never know who did this to me but I remember I was using a urinal and someone came up to me and punched me as hard as they could in the jaw!
And then there were some guys who kept calling me a fagot and said I was gay in front of everyone and especially the girls. It really didn't bother me as much as they hoped because I'm not a Homophobe and I really didn't like the girls at my school because they were all a bunch of shallow bitches anyway, who'd want them?

We can all sympathize with you...