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Holy Digimon Batman! Using Digimon for crime fighting? - Printable Version

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Holy Digimon Batman! Using Digimon for crime fighting? - grabjuri - 06-18-2004

Just saw the first 4 episodes of Gad Guard by Gonzo. A great series! Has anyone thought of a group of kids using Digmon to fight crime in their hometown? Going out at night in costume to hide their identity, and then going after various criminals using their Digimon._______In Gad Guard they had the male lead who comes into possesion of the first mecha that he uses initially to protect his family. They introduce 3 cute girls his own age, each of which falls in love with him. The 3 girls each have their own mecha, which they use for their own reasons, and purposes. Plus they have a young adult Male criminal who has his own Mecha which he uses to go after the shows hero. However the guy has a little girl named Sayuri who likes and hangs out with him. So aparently he's not totally bad.________If you made the characters a few years younger, and replaced the mecha with Digimon. You would have an interesting 5th season of Digimon. With the kids doing a pretty good immitation of Batman or Spiderman._______Fighting human criminals and gangs instead of other Digimon. Personally I like it. In Gad Guard the kids rode on the shoulders of their mechas and were in the thick of the fight. I would like the kids to ride into battle on the shoulders of their Digimon instead of watching from the sidelines._____Holy Herculoids Batman!

- Wisemon - 06-18-2004

I've considered this prospect several times for part of a lemon series. I think it would most likely occur after the fourth season, except the kids lose their powers. At least, on the show, the kids lose their powers. Why the fourth season? A Digimon isn't going to risk his ass in real bullets at the orders of humans.

- grabjuri - 06-18-2004

The thing I immediatly liked about Gad Guard is the mechas appear to have their own brains. They make independant decisions. And if the kid get knocked off, his Mecha continues without him or her.________The idea of the kid using a digimon for crime fighting is fun for the simple reason of the digimon having a free will. What if the digimon decides to run instead of capturing the criminal? Not every digimon would be a hero!__________One might be a real pacifist. Another would go too far and decide to be judge jury and executioner. A third would just want the kid to like her, and would be willing to put herself in harms way strictly for approval. A fourth would be a babysitter, trying to keep the kid out of too much trouble. And a fifth would be a wise guy, enjoying making a monkey out of the criminals.________But the 4 kids would be the driving force. They and their friends would have to live with the daily risks posed by the criminals. And the adult male criminal would have to worry about the tiny girl no one seems to be taking care of. Since you want to have younger characters than Gad Guard. The adult criminal could instead be in his first year of high school._________But having digimon that didn't like risks would be fun. You knew the job was dangerous when you took it Fred!

- Wisemon - 06-19-2004

The message board has to go both ways. I get the impression that you're just here to spam your inane shows and ideas. What's up with these __________ ? What are those supposed to be?

- Anus Individual 20 - 06-19-2004

...Your ideas are cool, Grab, but, in some agreement with Wise (Although without the curtness) you should maybe fit them all into a single thread instead of posting them all scattered over the various forums.

Oh, and if Digimon can survive direct hits with huge explosive energies and building-crushing blows, I'd just go ahead and assume that they're bulletproff.

- Wisemon - 06-19-2004

Quote:Oh, and if Digimon can survive direct hits with huge explosive energies and building-crushing blows, I'd just go ahead and assume that they're bulletproff.
Remember when Ogremon was bleeding because of the Woodmon? I think they can survive energy attacks fine, but anything that can puncture might be a different story.

- grabjuri - 06-19-2004

I was talking with several anime fans about Gad Guard. They all loved the series, but were divided in two. Half loved the mecha and hated the kids. The others loved the kids but hated the mecha.__________ When I asked them about Digimon, they just snickered. Then I brought up Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball. A fist fight almost broke out among those 6 people. The passion over the moonies and the GO GO GOKUs was amazing.__________Digimon just didn't seem to catch the interest of large numbers of adult fans where I live. They only want to talk about Cowboy Be Bop, and Kiddy Grade. Both of which I liked. But no conversation is allowed among them about UFO princess valkyrie, Gravion, Gunparade march, sCRYed, G on Riders, or Digimon. Pity. I happen to love Kazuma and Kanami.

- Chibi Renamon - 06-19-2004

*blinks* O.o;

Grabjuri? *waves paw in front of face* You do realize that people attempt to start a conversation with you, don't you?

And you can safely use the Enter-key. This isn't some chatroom, where hitting Enter makes you post something. ^^:

- Gnostic Metatron Prime - 06-20-2004

1) How would preteens be qualified to fight crime? Kids that age generally don't have much understanding of the criminal mind.

2) Using digimon as weapons against other humans, no matter what the context, is immoral. I mean, would you command a domesticated, untrained dog to engage an armed robber? Or, to look at it from another angle, would you use a flamethrower on a guy who's only got a handgun to defend himself with? The answer to both questions is no.

- Cyber Stryker - 06-20-2004

Gnostic makes a good point.

There's a big difference between vigilante justice ala Gargoyles (best Disney show ever IMHO) and the judge jury and executioner mentality Grab mentioned earlier.

Tamers gave us a good look into the average digimon's mentality that if you don't take the right precautions the world is in a black and white state of kill or be killed. Human criminals to a digimon would most likely be seen a too dangerous to allow to roam free and with the sad state of revolving door justice that plagues many countries even the most well meaning digimon could make some very bad choices on how certain people should be dealt with.

As for the kids even if they had digivices that allowed them to modify their partners they'd still be in a position to be repeatedly victimized and/or traumatized by what's going on. Honestly even with careful writing I don't think a series like this would make it past the censors (in America anyway) as digimon is mostly aimed at pre-early teens, which is funny considering the ages of a good