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  I've finally moved out
Posted by: Astaroth - 06-03-2011, 01:27 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (9)

Yes, I've finally moved out, I've done it because of this:

I was at the house while living with my sister and her boyfriend. I forgot to chuck some stuff out (I have short term memory loss) so I end up having a 3 hour argument with my sister and her boyfriend.
She threateneds to beat me up and she also says she doesn't care if I go to the police or anyone about what has happened.
Her boyfriend threatened to kill me and he didn't care who I went to at all.

So the next day I go to college, I break down crying and I tell my tutor, she tells me not to go home, so I stay down my boyfriends Lewys's for the night, but my sister gets the police involved and they come to the house and I tell them I don't want to go home and I'm safe where I am.

The next day my sister comes to the college, I'm that scared my teachers have to hide me from her from 11 to 5 o'clock, they then ask one of the security men to drive me and lewys to his house.

The next couple of days I sort out where I'm gonna live, I'm now living in a flat, I don't have any family anymore, except for my boyfriend who is the only family I have got left.

So yeh, that is what happened and if you want to reply to this thread you are welcome to :)

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  To those that I was RPing with before...
Posted by: Chaotic Phoenix - 06-02-2011, 06:38 AM - Forum: General Chat - No Replies

... I would like to apologize about my sudden disappearance. My Grandmother had just gotten out of the hospital about a month ago and i was called on to come back down and help care for her for a time. I should be getting internet there at some point, but there's even more things going on here now than before. x.x''

I'll try to stop by here as much as possible. I've retrieved the latest update material for the site while I have a chance and expect a new update the next time I return, which is hopefully soon.

I hope everyone is doing well these days and wish the best at what you're currently doing/working on.

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Posted by: Digimon Crazy - 05-31-2011, 11:10 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (3)

umm i wanted to know is the digiartists domain still active with new stories an if so could someone plz tell me the recent ones.

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  Listen up.
Posted by: Bee - 05-29-2011, 04:11 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (13)

The following is a true rant, only some names have been omitted to protect the guilty.

This isn't necessarily directed at anybody, but if you feel that twinge of regret in your conscience when you read what I have to say, then you BETTER listen.

I have a friend, as many of you do. You may know him as Psycho Backlasher. I know him as Ray.

Today he broke down and blew up at me because of people treating him like a whore. Using him, ignoring his wants and needs for their own. I've known him for years, through this very website. I've seen pictures of himself and his family, I've talked to him over the phone. He's literally, on several occasions, pulled the gun out of my mouth and shown me the reasons to keep going. He's like a brother to me, and it makes me sick with anger at how people would just use him like a condom. Some people think all he is is an endless machine for furry yiff bullcrap. I know you should trust people as far as you can throw them if you meet them on the internet, and that's why he's one of only a small circle of people I call my friends. I ended up being HIS shoulder to cry on tonight, and I've had enough of it. He may not stand up to the pressure, but I sure as shit will.

Things recently got tough for him. Tough in a way I understand all too well. I did the only thing I could. I sent $140 dollars(roughly 80 British Pounds) to his boyfriend, to purchase a laptop for his birthday, to help ease his burden. Others joined in on the effort as well, and to those who did, we applaud your generosity. It arrived two months late, but it got there, and it made his life just a little more better. To the people who mindlessly fuck him, what have YOU done to help? You've made him hate the one thing he USED to love.

He held me together long enough for me to find the woman who completes me. Nothing I can ever do will feel like enough thanks. And some of you may read this and mock me. I don't give a rat's furry little ass. Some of you may stop talking to Ray altogether. Good riddance. It's not that difficult. We all know how friends work. It's give and take, not take and take and take until he yells at you and you get offended.

I may not have the sexual preferences to give him an RP that he would enjoy, but god damnit, I'm there for him when no one else can be. Some of you should be, as well. I don't blame his boyfriend for any of this. Hell, He's a close friend, too, and he agrees that Ray should stand up to the bullshit.

I'm not asking you to do a damn thing. But I'm TELLING you, that if that's how you treat someone you consider a friend, well, then that's the reason why Furries are despised. And as a furry, I despise you as well.

I'm sick and tired of working my ass off, to come home and try and spend time with friends, only to hear him complain about some mary sue fuckhead who's only interest is in some one-dimensional character he threw together for a onetime fling, and the other player got too attached. I have an RP going on with him, that's been going for FOUR YEARS. And earlier today, when I tried to get it working again, he ended up chewing me out about how some of YOU don't seem to get the fact that he's a human fucking being, and that he wants to do what he wants from time to time.

If he's busy, don't fuck with him. If he doesn't want to fuck, go watch some porn or something. If he does, be DAMN sure to thank him afterwards and DON'T treat him like a whore.

any and all responses along the lines of "LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!!" will be deleted. I ain't playing with assholes anymore.

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  Some People Online.
Posted by: SnK - 05-27-2011, 12:24 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (21)

..Basically, this is what friggin annoys me at times.

Does it hurt to maintain a sense of professionalism online?

Is it too much to keep one's patience when dealing with people veiled behind the anonymity behind the LCD screens and username?

How about pride? Is there anything to be lost for the sake of being humble and level headed?

Nowadays, these are the kind of people are the reasons why I spend online less and less. Do they have the common sense at all that dealing socially online is equivalent to that in RL? They type/spout messages in forums that are at times derogatory despite they have no intentions of harming/insulting someone.

Goodness sake, where's also sense of sensitivity there? Or some people online just too high and mighty that being behind the monitor and the anonymous veil of usernames make them feel confident that they can get away, do what they want without regards to the possible consequences. (Which inevitably comes sooner or later sometimes thankfully.)

No, I refuse to take the answer that it's that's that with the internet, nor I have to deal with it. It's already a done answer for how many times I lost count. >:/

"Welcome to the Internet" Is also a wrong answer. Heard countless times already. Astound me with something else.

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  I'm drunk
Posted by: Bee - 05-25-2011, 04:04 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (8)

and I just turned 21.

I turned 21 in a Wal-Mart parking lot, and I did my first legal shot on the hood of a Ford LTD....god I'm redneck.

It feels good knowing I survived 21 years, and numerous end of the world prophocies...

it's hard to type...I'm drunk...I'll see you guys when I'm sober.

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  The medium is the message.
Posted by: johalt - 05-23-2011, 01:39 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (13)

(ok, I have to get some crazy shit off my chest; beware!)

The medium is the message. The age old saying of "it's not what you say, it's how you say it". The way in which something i's presented means more than the actual presentation itself. What's that? Preposterous? Ah, but not so, observe the following simple question:

Why would you want to do that?

Simple question, to which there i's probably a simple answer, nothing complicated, just a simple plea for understanding. However, now observe the exact same sentence, with a slight change in tone:

Why would you want to do that?

See what that did? Exactly the same question, but suddenly seven letters and a question mark are now tilted fourty five degrees to the right. All of a sudden the question i's now given a snobbish personal tone: it i's no longer a general wish for understanding, but a personal slight against the person being asked. I didn't even actually change how it was spoken. I just changed how it was presented.

Let's take another example. I decide, for whatever weird reason, to buy you something you've wanted your entire life (I didn't say we was using reality here, just go wit it). It gets wrapped up nice, you receive it, you feel happy, everythings ok. But let's say instead I had put it in an old box, burried it, dug it up later, then gave it to you (but somehow it's still in perfect condition inside said box). Suddenly you're grossed put. You don't even want to know what'd inside the box anymore; you're just super mad at me for giving you an old stinky box. The way in which something is delivered means more than what i's being delivered.

This ties back to what kind of clothes we wear, how we talk, how we act: who or what we are pales in comparison to if we can look like those things, if we can act and look like we know what we're doing, then if we really are barely matters! Most of our entire society i's based on this simple fact.

And that i's one of the simple reasons why me and society don't mix. I simply don't cover things up with a nice bow or pretty tinsel or a kind lie, or "dress nicely" or change my life to fit the rest of the populace when me and those around me couldn't Care less; I am who I am, and youre gonna hear what I really think, not what you wanna hear (and those my social life goes down from there). If you can't take that, then fine. Don't ask my opinion... Or talk to me in general... Or ask me to change to become "better", Cause all you're gonna get i's pure blunt honesty.

(whoo, ok, got that off my chest, thx to those who stayed wit me thus far. I don't know where that came from, I just had to say it XP perhaps I shoulda put this in rants... Oops Blush )

Edit: hth did a thumbs up get on this thread?

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  Is everyone ready for the rapture?
Posted by: Asesino - 05-21-2011, 06:11 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (20)

I know I am! I can hardly wait!

Sure, the rapture has been predicted a thousand times and they've all been wrong, but THIS TIME... I've got a good feeling about this time.

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  What is your favorite cellphone? What cellphone do you have?
Posted by: Flo-Flo Chique - 05-18-2011, 02:06 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (2)

My favorite phone is a Sony Ericsson Z520a. I currently have an LG Xenon.

Sony Ericsson Z520a:
[Image: 2783-main-medium-sony-ericsson-z520a.jpg]

LG Xenon:
[Image: LG_Xenon_610x511.jpg]

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  Computer monitors hate ME AND ONLY ME
Posted by: Flo-Flo Chique - 05-18-2011, 01:42 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (10)



*yells at roomate in the distance* FUCK OFF RICHELLE! Oh, sorry. I just had to yell at my roomate.

Oh, and just a side note, I had one blow up in my face the other day.

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