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  Should I be ashamed of this?
Posted by: cboy - 09-02-2006, 12:06 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (16)

You guys already know about my inflation fetish, and if you don't like inflation, please put your opinions on it aside for now. I've been thinking about exploring how a young child might react to inflation and the characters I want to use are Kari Kamiya and Suzie Wong. However, at one site I brought up my idea, and the people there weren't enthused about the direction I was going.

Should I be ashamed of this? I'm not planning on involving the sexual area of inflation in my stories involving these two characters, yet people are dropping hints that I'm pedophilac. Am I doing wrong?

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  What pisses me "nirazhon" off!!!
Posted by: tommy - 08-31-2006, 07:31 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (4)

When people talk to me about a request, and get upset when they ask me for work for a unknown "Video game" IE a game they are working on then get sqweemish when I drop a 10$ a pic deposit, and he asked me for 3 and backed down, it's a deposit so people don't try to rip me off for my work for there custom game.

Grrrr Twisted

okay people if your going to ask me to make you art for a game that your making learn the info!!!

Also Remember I don't charge for requests if it's work of stuff on the market!!!


Thats like Toonami, Viz, manga, marval, darkhorse, HENTAI I don't care!!!

Just do me a favor people don't back down and walk away talk to me chit chat BULLSHIT with me

I'm Reasonable!

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Posted by: rorancrystalwolf - 08-31-2006, 02:03 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (49)

I want to hear your favorite comedians and why. I find people who don't like comedy are with out a sense of humor or they are more of a horror fan. Who do YOU like?

I for one like Mitch Hedberg * RIP*, Dane Cook, Ron White, Robin Williams, Jim Carrey, and Lewis Black

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  Weird dreams
Posted by: MISTER BIG T - 08-30-2006, 07:54 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (44)

We all see weird dreams sometimes! But I see weird times all the time!!! Don't believe me? Let me tell of some!

- I once saw a dream where my scary ex raped me and climbed into an oven and then my best friend ran to sight wearing hockey outfit. Then everything exploded and I woke up. This happened while we were still together.

- After starting to write on "I shall fuck your corpse tonight" I saw a nightmare where I was murdered and castrated by my friends after I had made fun of some movie on my site and I became a ghost with super powers.

- I have gotten simillar super powers very many times in my dreams, by many VERY weird ways. The castration murder is one of the most normal ones. Me diving into swimming pool full of stomach acid and saving a talking floating head named George from there isn't.

- I once saw dream where my turtles eyes popped out of their sockets and they jumped out from random toilet bowl they had been in at and I was wearing clown costume and juggling eyeballs for some reason. Then I stopped and held them while they bled on my costume, painting it bloody red and I cried and ate them.

- I sometimes see dreams from future. I mean, word to word, place to place, EXACTLY like I dreamt. These dreams are totally random and never of anything important though, so it doesn't bother me. I realized this first time, when I was a little kid and went like "Hey, I saw a dream that I'd see this movie!"

My parents didn't believe me and just said I had read that the movie was going to come from paper or heard of it.... But I hadn't.

- Most of my wet dreams (Which I get rarely nowadays) involve vampires, car driving around, and luxury hotel rooms. Oh and no nudity nor sex.

- Week or so ago, I saw a dream of this magical bed. It had two sides, one of which was good and other was bad. It also made the people into *drum rolls* SHEET ZOMBIES!!!


- I saw dream of some immortal killing other "immortals". Kind of like highlander expect more awesome because he wore clown costume and killed one of them by eating him out alive with dull fork. I think he died when two immortals split his skull in half and tore off all the contents inside.

- One time, I saw dream that was sort of like Creepshow 2 and from that deadly weed story in it. Expect it turned out no one had died in the end and they were now just lacking skin and had super powers. It also had some random minotaur but I can't remember much what he did. I think he had machette or something.

- When I was a kid, I once dreamed of Ducktales crew driving around in the purple low rider of Wario in a random wind tunnel from Turok 2, when suddenly one of those spiders from Ocarina of Time that gave you token when you killed them descended into middle of them. Then they all exploded.

- When I was a child, like 3, I saw a dream where Bride of Frankenstein suddenly went "RAAR!" resulting in me pressing "quit" button and that brought Pennywise the Clown holding this shiny bag who said "So you want to escape into the bag huh? But the hardest battle still waits you. Go to the next level, once you're ready" Which is sort of weird because I had not seen either of the films and I had not even heard of video games at this age.

I'll post my funniest and most messed up story later when I wake up or am unlazy. I'll also tell of a recent farm dream I had, which involved me getting shot into stomach and naked old people!!!

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  Lolicon is Official Illegal in the United States
Posted by: Notorious - 08-30-2006, 05:42 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (36)

I had no idea that this happened, but apparently this bill was passed a month ago.

[quote=HentaiKey]Hi, we are still receiving some emails in regards to when the free section will return and I wanted to address some of the issues with it.

Earlier this year when we removed the Free section and started removing all the Lolicon people started posting on Forums that we are going Crazy and that Lolicon is legal et etc, well for all the people that think they know what

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  "Ooooh! That's gotta hurt!"
Posted by: DragonMasterX - 08-29-2006, 11:01 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (78)

Damn my luck, today in my morning gym class we were having a really thrilling Volley Ball game for a change, I jumped to block and then I accidentally fell on the wrong place for my left feet. I sprained my ankle.

No one seemed to notice, I simply ignored the pain, as I always do. Simply kept playing. But I eventually came to feel the consequences of my ''Brave'' behaviour. It hurt a lot, and I couldn't catch a ball, my teacher noticed and asked me what was wrong. I told her: "I fell on the wrong place and I think I sprained something." She told me to sit. I did so. Then I was asked to do some simple movements to ease the pain. It still hurt.

The teacher started asking repeatedly after telling me to walk around slowly for a bit: "Want me to call your parents?" And there was when my stupid obstinate attitude came out with me, responding all the time: "I'm okay. I'm fine. No, don't call them, dad's at work and mom's with my sis for a medical check-up." She still asked me for the phone to call later. But meh...
I could have come home with a car or taxi with my parents but oh no, I had to come walking half a kilometer with a sprained ankle. Now, I'm alone at home after having a shower and using some ice for my ankle. But DAMN IT FUCKING HURTS!!! I can barely move without the pain being so annoying!

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Posted by: mentalguy - 08-29-2006, 08:20 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (18)

I burnt my arm at work yesterday.

[Image: Picture003.jpg]

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  "Alright, you asked for it!"
Posted by: cboy - 08-29-2006, 06:45 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (21)

Have you ever said that to anyone and then did to them what they were asking for?

My experience was in middle school. I was trying to get to class before the tardy bell rang and I got caught up behind this one guy who was carrying a bunch of books in his hands. Well, I kept trying to go around him and he kept moving to block my path. After doing this a few times, I got fed up with him. I said to him "Alright, you asked for it," and ran right into him, knocking him out of the way and making him drop his books.

You see it all the time in cartoons or comedy shows, yet for some reason it's so much more funny when you do it in real life.

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  How can I find out what kind of internet I have?
Posted by: cboy - 08-29-2006, 04:02 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (7)

I going to college right now and I'm taking a computer class over the internet. The problem is that the program required for the class won't work on my computer because I need Win XP or 2000. Well, both of those programs cost a bundle and I want to make sure they'll work. The only information I'm missing is my internet's stats. Do any of you know how I can check what type of internet I have (I need to know the speed and what type it is, i.e. 5.0)?

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  What the hell is with the 16?
Posted by: rorancrystalwolf - 08-27-2006, 11:45 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (40)

Hey all, I just wanted to ask a question and grab some ideas from all of you. I turn 16 in a few weeks and my parents want to know what I want to do for my birthday.... to be honest I have no idea.... Any ideas from the mainstream about what to do on my special day? Last year I invited a bunch of people over for a party.. and not to my suprise no one showed up so that was a bore and then I went to a chinese restaurant whyere they cook in front of you with the flipping and the knives and such which was cool.


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