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Full Version: Right. Who thinks Renamon is sexy? *she slaps me* OW!
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BDSM Disturbed: *plays with the clitoris bulb with his tongue*
Me - *moans* Ohh... I'm gonna blow up...
BDSM Disturbed: *starts hard licking the pussy*
Me - AAAH! *climaxes, gushes fluids* #^_^# Mmmm...
BDSM Disturbed: *slurps up all the juices and cum making his member throbbingly erect again. He brings it up to her entrance and starts pushing in and out*
Me - *yelps and clings onto BDSM Disturbed*
Luna: *appears through a portal* I think we got lost again.
Nath: *on Luna's back* Yeah. We got lost.

Kurtz: Oh great, two more lost people.
Saphire: Nath I love you!!!!
Nath: *blushes deeply* SAPHIE!! *grits his teeth slightly and worriedly looks away*
Luna: *frowns slightly* Nathie, have you been...
Nath: N-No!

BDSM Nath: *appears in a ring of fire* Uhm... don'cha mean me, Saph?
Saphire: No...thats her *points at BDSM Saphire*
BDSM Saphire: Hey Nath!!!! *strips naked* I took some of that drink that you took *grins*