Digiartists' Domain Community!

Full Version: Right. Who thinks Renamon is sexy? *she slaps me* OW!
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Jes - *blinks* Ah. Yes.
Kyo: So, how've you been since then? *smiles slightly* I never had the chance to speak to you afterwards.
Justin: My Human form :)
Amat:*goes into Renamon form*
R-Amat:Chaos Gate.
CR-Amat:Well,I'm bored.

MC:But I'm not.
Amat:Why's that?
MC:I have no ides.
Amat:Thought so.
Jes - *shrugs* Tough. I was busy.
CR-Amat:Anyone wanna talk about anything?
Justin: *smiles at Jes* Hey...please dont hit me..I'm only human.
Jes - *snaps* How about you shutting up!?
Justin: Are you afraid?
CR-Amat:*appears between Justin and Jes*Don't snap like that or you will pay the price.