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Full Version: Right. Who thinks Renamon is sexy? *she slaps me* OW!
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Nath: Nhh... It is...? *lets out a small moan, and moves his claws down to Saphire's head*

Renamon: *walks through the portal with Silver*
RA:*wakes up*Left alone again.
Saphire: *started to lick the tip of Nath's member*

Silver: Where does this go? *portal closes*
John:This place is empty.
Amat:I'm still here.
John:*jumps back:I thought you were a statue.
Amat:So did all the other random people I scared to death.*points to dead bodies on the ground*
Disturbed: *throws a pie at Amat*
Amat:*appears by Disturbed*Nice throw,though that was a statue.*opens a door that appeared by him*And so are those.*points to hundreds of statues of himself*
You certainly were busy
Amat:Yea,I was waiting for people to show up.
Sorry, I guess we just forgot about this thread
Amat:That's ok,stuff like that happen.