Digiartists' Domain Community!

Full Version: Right. Who thinks Renamon is sexy? *she slaps me* OW!
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Disturbed: *member flops out* woops
Renamon - 0.o *looks away*
Caomon - :shock: *teleports*
Renamon - Good idea. *also teleports*

Me - ^_^
Disturbed: *blushes and covers himself* Sorry I didnt mean to point.
Me - ^_^ I kinda guessed that. >_> Hey... where'd they go...?
*turns and his member flops around* I need new pants
Me - ^_^ Sure! *spawns a pair*

Xen - *enters through portal* ^_^ Hm-hm-hmm! *spots Disturbed* :shock:
Disturbed: Thankies *starts to slip his pants on*
Me - No prob! ^_^

Xen - *looks away quickly* -_-
Disturbed: *zip* ah there...whats wrong with Xen?
Me - *prods Xen in the back* Homophobe!

Xen - *jumps* Did you have to say that!?