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  Found an error in the last update?
Posted by: circeus - 09-18-2008, 03:32 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (18)

<s>Can this be re-stickied for signaling errors?</s>

You can signal it here.

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  What. The. Fuck.
Posted by: ParkerXD - 09-18-2008, 03:07 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (18)

I found this in my inbox...

Thank you for using our new service "Buy airplane ticket Online" on our website.
Your account has been created:

Your login:
Your password: *******

Your credit card has been charged for $679.44.
We would like to remind you that whenever you order tickets on our website you get a discount of 10%!
Attached to this message is the purchase Invoice and the flight ticket.
To use your ticket, simply print it on a color printed, and you are set to take off for the journey!

Kind regards,
JetBlue Airways

Now the Weird thing is...I Don't Have a CREDIT CARD!

anyone else get one of these, or have I been sleep-ticket ordering?

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  Let the fun start!
Posted by: Lord Patamon - 09-17-2008, 08:11 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (51)

*Walks in the stage with a mic in hand and stops in the middle and looks at the audience*

Ladies, Gentlemen, Digimon, Furries and all other creatures present.

You freaked when it only showed and error, you cried when you heard it imploded or exploded, heck you wanted to lynch the whole staff for this mess, but even when all the predictions for it to survive were negative, we didn't gave up, we fought, we checked till the last tiny possibility, we even borrowed some of Gatomon's lives for it and now I proudly announce that Digiartist's Domain Community is back to action!

*Celebration music can be heard as everyone claps and cheers, he then raises his hand stopping the music and the cheers and then clears his throat*

However this didn't came without a price, a price all of us don't like but wasn't the only way, the board is back alright but with the topics and posts as of July, 2007.

The Database before the problem happened was too big to get a backup, just the posts themselves make the database in size above 200 mb plus there are still the tables for the chat feature, and the old tables of the phpboard, those ones right now is just the tables there, I haven't restored anything on those since they aren't necesary but I have the backup of those pretty safe.

Anyhow, there were things I did managed to rescue, like the current memberlist as of september of this year, the actual moderators, and usergroups, also you will notice that your post counts are the ones as of September of this year, that is because they came as part of the memberlist database part I managed to rescue.

There are still some visual things that need to be fixed, like change the emoticons to the ones we are used to, and a few other images but is nothing that can't be done within the administration panel by our good admins.

I also updated some of the plug-ins since the versions here weren't compatible with the new version of the board, here are the changes:

Games Section: updated to beta version to work with MyBB 1.4.1 which is this version, I got a script to add more games if our Admins allow that to be done, there are some games already in the server from the old game section of years ago that can be re-added, as a test I re-added a skiing game and it worked perfectly.

Gender Plug-in: Changed it for a different one which works better, this because I found out some glitches on the old one on unregistered members and when users didn't had any gender selected.

Shoutbox 2.2.0: Updated version of our trusty Shoutbox

Board Message 2.0.0: Updated version of the board message plug-in

Spoiler BBCode 1.2: Updated version of the old spoiler BBCode, to use it is the following code:


Usergroup legends 2.0: Updated version of the usergroup legends plug-in that shows the usergroups on the bottom part of the forum index on the stats area.

Also the pms as of July, 2007 got restored as well but I left the recent ones you sent today, well yesterday since is Wednesday already.

Some of the moderators already got back to their forums, that part is still worked on, is just matter to reassing the moderators to the forums, they already had their moderator status so the only thing left is select them to mod their respective forums, there is a cache of DaD as of Sept, 2008 on Google, with that one we can see who are the actual mods for each section and restore them.

The section Anime-tion and the Subforum Connect which is inside the Video Game Central forum will start from scratch since that section got built this year.

The bad note comes on the rps, lots of rp got lost with this so we have to restart them all over again, I'm deeply sorry about that, I couldn't save them, not even the script I use to backup my own forum database worked for this.

Anyhow, that's a general overview of the changes done to the board, we gonna be working on this but you all can start to post now, if you see any bug or issue just tell us, oh and your pm count is also the one it was before the problem, another side effect of using the current memberlist but is nothing that will hurt the board.

So now let the fun begin!

*Walks off the scenary*

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  Wonderful news!
Posted by: Fallen hearts - 07-28-2007, 09:55 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (7)

I know some of you will remember a while back when me and my man were fighting to gain custody of his nephew Kenny.. Well, I just thought I would update everyone on this.. Took me awhile to figure out how to put this up and where to put it..

I'll explain a little first of all..

After we won that particular case.. I grew closer to Kenny, as anyone who lived with the little guy would.. but, in my case, it was different. I began noticing that he looked a lot like I did when I was his age.. Which brought back memories of a relationship that didn't work out becuae I was lied to.

I dismissed it at first, thinking about how it was too big of a coincidence, and that the girl I remembered didn't look much like his mom.. but, the more I tried to forget it, the more it pushed its way into my mind.

Finally convinced myself that it was possible, though why she didn't have me on the list of potential fathers is something I don't understand.. and something the courts are probably going to look into. Because we had a paternity test done on wednesday.. and yesterday we got the results back...

Happy doesn't even come close to describing how I felt when I saw the results... I am his father. This briliant little guy is my son.. Its an amazing feeling. I would have cried right there if he hadn't made a bit of a joke.. but thanks to him I was able to control myself until we got to he car.

I didn't tell many people about this, because I didn't want to get my hopes up.. or anyone elses.. But those who I told about it before were very supportive. :)

Some people say that being a parent is hard work.. But, I don't care how hard it is.. It's worth it.

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  Religion....fuck them
Posted by: Altima - 07-26-2007, 05:42 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (52)

I hate it

Religion sucks

'specially if they force you into it

My mom(a Strong Jehova's witness) want's me to go to curch with her. I always detest it, and I whine a lot about it. I always try to come up with an excuse to not go.. but frankly.. they don't care... they always want em to go.

I don't think it's right, forcing me to go to church with her... She threatened me once, she said she was gonna break my consoles/stop paying for the internet if I didn't go. Thats not RIGHT! I have my own life, I can make choices, I have RIGHTS. She treats me like a slave with church.. always trying to get me more involved in it...

She pisses me off with it, and I guess it sounds like I'm more mad at her than at the religion itself.. but I don't hate my mom, I just hate how she wants me to go to church... I should be allowed to choose to not go to church, right? anyways... when I turn 18, if she tries to convert me one more time, I'll take it to the courtroom... thats about how mad I am with the churhc-thing..

thank you for taking the time to listen/read my rant... which seems a little pathetic, but I'm not the kind of guy who get's angry all the time.. this is just something that bothers me the most.

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Tongue Dood! ANOTHER birthday!? HECK YES. ^.^
Posted by: Misty - 07-25-2007, 03:03 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (28)

Yep. I'm sure you all might have guessed by now by my enthusiasm. It's my hun's birthday today!! ^_^



The lucky freak of mine it 17 today. Just one more year and until he's legal! >:]

DUN DUN DUNNNN.... O_o Nahh. Just messing around. But seriously.. he's 17 today ^^.

For a celebration, I gots a huuuge cake with a new spy suit AND a new advanced high-tech sniper rifle. =p Maybe you can take some shots at Steve.. >.>

Sorry I couldn't be there for this birthday hun. You know I would have been there if it was possible. I would have done anything to get there. Hopefully it will work out the way I planned for next year. We've only known each other for 8 months, but it's been one hell of a ride. You've made me really happy and you are seriously the most amazing person to do so. You've made a great, positive impact on my life and it's awesome. ^_^ I would say more, but I can just tell ya on MSN.

Once again, Happy Birthday Gol!!

Love ya hun! ^_^ *kisses him*

...... One more thing.. *walks out with black and red silky lingerie on* I have another present for you.. *takes his paws and pulls him into their bedroom, closes the door and locks it* >:]


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  Happy Birthday Calibremon!
Posted by: Fallen hearts - 07-23-2007, 09:07 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

Looked down at the bottom of the page, and saw birthdays.

Happy 19th Calibremon.. Wherever the hell you are.

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  Happy belated birthday Wild Eagle!
Posted by: Fallen hearts - 07-22-2007, 11:57 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

Sorry I missed the dates on here or I would have said something yesterday..

But yea.. Happy birthday shorty.

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  Friends' day
Posted by: Zephyr of Darkness - 07-21-2007, 07:58 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (16)

Today is Friends' Day, and after I gave gifts to all my friends in real life and online, I decided to leave a little something here. Hey.

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  Character issue -- PLEASE READ AND RESPOND!
Posted by: Lukos - 07-20-2007, 04:36 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (12)

I have just updated the forums. It seems there's a problem on the developers' end. Please participate in this poll.

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