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  Mandatory Overload
Posted by: Bee - 10-09-2008, 07:50 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (8)

Gotta vent, once again.

Not five minutes ago, I was trying to hook the neighbor's water heater into ours, so that my showers would no longer be ice fucking cold. It's not illegal, as both houses are on the same waterline, and both water heaters are in the same place. Oh, and the neighbor's place is now vacant. No one using the hot water, so I figured I could use it.

Well, after ghetto-rigging a hose to the two tanks, I tried to find the cutoff valve to our hotwater tank. There was none. So, I thought, 'fuck it', and I turned the drain on to our tank.

My crotch got hit with a blast of ice cold water, along with the back end of my car. The car doesn't care, but I do.

I now have a very large spot on my crotch, which looks like I pissed myself. My (BRAND NEW) cordless drill is soaked, and I'm on the verge of beating that water heater with a sledgehammer.

I need to vent.

..and I'm pretty sure I won't be seeing my balls anytime soon.

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Exclamation Tip of the fucking Iceberg
Posted by: Lost - 10-09-2008, 06:49 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (13)

Do you really think the bailout is such a good idea?

Somebody should really be policing these assholes!

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Posted by: Lukos - 10-07-2008, 02:27 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (18)

So, like... what's up, and... stuff?

Here I am, a college dude, sitting in a dorm room in Tennessee, behind a bandwidth limit and site blocks. Fun, fun, fun. I'm majoring in Animation, but trying to change that. I enjoy learning to draw, but animation isn't my thing. I'm trying to find a job to pay for both school and my new car (Mazda 6 for the win!). I can't say that anything's really good or bad about being here. All I know is I'm... here. I feel like I'm on some kind of trip away from my home in Florida.

All in all, things are a little stressful, but nice. I love winter, and Tennessee's autumn is just about the same as Florida's winter, only the trees actually change color here, so I'm excited! That and our dorm's fire alarm is awesome. You have that super loud triple-buzzer, then a female voice with an English accent says, "There is an emergency in the building! Please proceed to the nearest exit. Do not panic. Do not use the elevators." It gives us something to look forward to with those late-night fire drills!

Well, I'm still the same old random weirdo I always was. Hope all's well for you guys. DaD's actually blocked by my school, so I'm talking to ya through a proxy server. Fun! Stay frosty, whatever that means.


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  Gah, earphones!
Posted by: senjuro - 10-07-2008, 01:58 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (1)

Do any of you have wireless earphones - preferably in-ear buds - that you'd strongly recommend?

I've gone through two pairs of +$100 in-ear buds, one Sennheiser, one Sony, and BOTH of them had the left earphone die on me. In between those, I've also had a Logitech headset, and had the same issue. Usually, an earphone dying is the result of internal wire damage or a broken soldering connection, two things I'm not equipped or able to repair.

I have come to the conclusion that wires are evil and eliminating them from my life will make me happy. Any suggestions?

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  I'm a PC
Posted by: Lost - 10-06-2008, 03:38 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (26)

We're a few years into using Windows Vista. Who is on the side of Vista, who is on the side of XP, and which heretics have defected to Mac? *Cocks rifle*

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Exclamation ATTENTION PEOPLE OF THE DAD!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: MagusKnight - 10-06-2008, 01:51 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (14)

Why is everything slowing down!? I used to see a new post every half an hour! Now, I don't even see one within the day half the time!!! COME ON PEOPLE POST! I'm trying to make polls and shit to help but hardly anyone responds!!! We must keep DaD alive!

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  My Online Radio Station.
Posted by: RyanCruey - 10-05-2008, 02:03 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (10)

Yes i had finaly gotten all my stuff done and moved to an english server. Okay guys like i say in the clips if you have a requested song E-mail me at OR drop an IM at

This Radio station is about to start 10/05/08 12:00 am and is going to be very very short. Like 3 songs. So if you guys wanna catch it.

The times will be annoced when i have the ideas in place. This is the Creativ Mind radio station.

Well guys i hope you enjoy. Also if you want a song post it here to.

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  The most unrealistic deaths.
Posted by: Lost - 10-05-2008, 03:40 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (22)

In movies and video games, there can be times where the way a person dies can be overly exaggerated and completely unrealistic.

Example: Final Destination series

cause of Death: Decapitation by a shard of metal kicked up by a train.

Reality: The train is so heavy, it would flatten the metal instead of kicking it up. Even if it did kick it upwards, it would most likely be sent less than a foot up rather than twenty feet to the left at 100+ MPH. And in this scenario, it would most likely just embed itself in the person's head rather than take their whole head off.

Add to this list deaths that you've seen in a movie or video game where the death was exaggerated or unrealistic.

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  title question
Posted by: PrairieDuck - 10-01-2008, 02:27 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

Is it ok if I changed my title from In-Training to B**** of digital wizards,or is that against the rules?

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  The Main Page. What do you want?
Posted by: Ghostiemon - 10-01-2008, 10:50 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (24)
Alright so I'm currently testing out a new main page. All I've done so far is put up a working mailing list. I'm going to rework the page a bit see if I can't come up with anything else. Right now though I want to know what you guys want to see on there. Just post your idea and I'll se what I can do.
Also could a few people sign up to the mailing list so I can see how it works with more than ust one person. (Me.)

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