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  I don't know.
Posted by: DragonMasterX - 11-07-2008, 12:04 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (11)

This isn't a rant, but I really am lost here. My first college year hasn't been so good, I haven't fully accustomed myself to studying at this rythm yet, not fully at least, but I did a lot better than my first cuatrimester I suppose. Now I'm having second thoughts.

My career is Accountant, so in my first cuatrimester I had to study Introduction to Economy (I did good in Macroeconomy, so so in Microeconomy), Administration's Principles (My best subject at the time), and Mathematics I.

I failed Maths because I lacked study time, and I blew Economy because I got too nervous in the Final Exams (They were spoken theories).

The second cuatrimester: Contability I, Social and Economic World History, Sociology.

I'm doing good at History, and simply great at Sociology, but Contability is way too hard for me to pick up now. Depression has made me skip many classes and now I can hardly grasp any concept, my motivation for this subject is next to nill and I'm really worried about it. I really want to give up this subject and just take on History and Sociology to secure I pass them.

I really, really want to give up Contability I this year, and re-course it the next year when I'll be sure to pick up from the first class, I know my parents don't need convincing because they support me, but I really can't, I don't know how to convince myself. My first exam for Contability I was pathetic, I didn't even read it and just went home as we switched from theory to practic. I didn't even study for the second chance, I told my mother I would try hard at the second exam which is the 29th of this month, but I don't have motivation, no mood for studying, I don't even want to go to the classes. I know I'll fail, and I don't want to kid myself with an ideal that just isn't true to me.

I love assisting to History and Sociology classes, they are fun, and at least I know what I'm doing when I take notes or underline my books, Contability, well, I don't exactly have trouble in the practic when we're exercising, not even when I don't know the concepts because I'm a fast learner, but really, I don't feel like practising at home, or reading the 200 page book about theory, I'm tired, I know I'm near the end of this college year and after that I'll be done and start my summer job; it's as mom says: "C'mon it's the last sacrifice!" but I really am tired, and just don't want to do this anymore this year. Ugh.

Sounded like a rant at the end, sorry for the emoness. But what should I do? Should I just... I mean, I know I've given up on Contability I already, but should I officially declare it?

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Posted by: Jack_Pholph - 11-05-2008, 06:00 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

EvilEvilEvilEvilEvilEvilEvilEvil I just lost for treasurer to a jack ass. right now im thinking of revenge and chocolate.

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Posted by: MagusKnight - 11-05-2008, 11:52 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (14)

Later guys I've stayed here way too long, stay cool and don't lick the yellow snow! :D Lone Ranger
Umm...yeah sorry...*looks at list*
Anyone else that gives.
I'll be on some FF forums I found! Latez!
(close and delete this thread if you so feel delighted moddys)
Love yaz!!! Heart Even if I acted like a bitch you're the closest thing I've had to friends.

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Sad School bus ride and school. Pathetic.
Posted by: - 11-05-2008, 10:45 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (16)

School Bus Ride

The bus ride. Gotta love it right? Oh contraier. I hate this part of my day the most. Kids will evade me and make me sit no where so the bus driver has to stop the bus and pick and chose on where i have to sit. EVERYDAY. People have to be an ass to me because i forgot to shower one day. ONE DAY because i had to move my sister into the house now my name is stink fuck face Ryan. I sat with this kid on thursday once because i had to. I had to because no one could or would free up a space. So i started listening to my music like i do every other day. He is cussing like a mad dog at me. Then when there was room to move i stood up then he says. "Yeah thats right now get the fuck out of my GD seat" That was recent. I have been humialate and all. Here is the best part. Yesterday sence i had to sit with huim last week . Yester day he got me for it when i was sleepying. By puting an indestrial inyeasive super glue that i was elergic to in my hair. So my whole right side of my face was in seiging pain. Now my mom tells me to quit riding the bus and to let my dad take me to school. She told me to stay home tommoworo I said no because i cant miss days they are vital to me. So now i am going to school. I am riding the bus because i am not chicking out yet. Thursday and friday i am going to be a car rider. I dont know weither to just get nuts or to keep going on. Alright next factor.

Oh if the bus rideing isnt fun the school must be right? Yeah i wish. People have big mouths enough to rech the world of humilation. They speak bull crap. Three kids treat me like i am a weak bastard who is a peace of trash on this world that needs to be stomped on into the dirt on and on and on again. Thats all i am going to say it pisses me off enough.

this whole thing is so aggitating. But i dont know.

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Posted by: Frisk E. Coyote - 11-04-2008, 11:10 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (14)

A little shout out to muh' brotha from anotha' motha', Choco Bear!

Known to everyone else as Crim!

HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY CHOCO BEAR!! You just turned my age! Are joo happy now?!

*Kicks a massive cake forward*

Jiro: *bursts out of the cake, gasping for air* CAN'T... BREATHE... Oh, you're not such an old lion afterall, huh Crim?

Ace: *bursts out a second later* Honestly, why put us in the cake!? We're not harlots or wenches!

Raymond: *shrugs* Well So-REE. I don't have the budget to hire hookers to sit in a cake, so you guy'll do nicely!

Sandarro and Scales: *emerges from the top, wheezing for air*

Raymond: Are you quite through.

Jiro: INAMINUTE. Air first.

*Deep breaths*

Raymond: *tapping foot*

Ace, Jiro, Sandarro and Scales: *roaring cheers* HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY CRIM!!

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  delta state
Posted by: Sabre of Pain - 10-31-2008, 09:57 PM - Forum: General Chat - No Replies

theres this show i saw once but i cannot seem to find any site that has all the episodes theres like two episodes on youtube and thats it if any of you knows where i can watch all the episodes that would be great

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  First Furry Video
Posted by: Gol22 - 10-31-2008, 07:19 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (5)

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Youtube quality may not be so good.

First thing that came to my mind was doing something like this, but guess that idea has already been done. Guy did a pretty good job!

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Posted by: Mai - 10-31-2008, 07:20 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

I'm unhappy!

I added another piercing to my ear, on the upper rim, and my whole ear has swollen up...

I pierced it like, two days ago with my piercing gun, and it's so sore when i touch it!

But anyway, that's not what i'm ranting about. Although, i wonder if it's infected?


Uhm, tomorrow is Halloween, and we're all going out for a meal, then we were planning to have a booze up afterwards, 'cept one of my friends is a total asshole, and ruins everyones fun. Like, she has the biggest goes at me if i'm smoking, and she always has these huge rants about why we shouldn't drink and stuff.

Well, she's coming, and i haven't been speaking to her all week, 'cause i can't be fucking assed with her. Wait, i think i've gone off track.

I have to buy everyones booze, 'cause i have an id, but the thing is, i always end up paying for a certain persons booze, and i NEVER get paid back! And she drinks all mine anyways! Like, last saturday, i had a bottle of vodka, a bottle of cider and some other stuff, and she drank more than me, and i bought all of it, and she never gave me a penny. Plus, she smoked half of a new packet of cigarettes, that I BOUGHT. When i suggest she should give me like, a fiver, she makes this huge deal as if i'm such a jerk for asking.


Basically. I need to get paid. And stop being a pushover! I'm not lending any money, ever again, or buying anything for anyone who happens to be broke, but will 'definitely pay me back'.

Actually, that rant was a little awkward, huh? It's 'cause i'm confused and annoyed about a bunch of stuff, and i don't know how to deal with everything, 'cause right now is also the most important academic year of my life, and it's a little stressful.

But, you know, i don't wanna be all down and stuff.

Thanks for listening! Or reading. Whatever. ^^

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  Intresting but Uncommon facts about yourself.
Posted by: - 10-30-2008, 08:03 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (63)

This thread is to let people know what you do but it is unknown. Okay ill start off.

When i listen to music i can picture alot of stuff happening at a time (Hence how i get my ideas for storys.)

I may not act like it but i am a big video game and computer nerd. I build them madly awsome. (COOL)

There are only two people on this site that i actualy like (Chibi-kuun and lonleybluegabu<--Sorry if you guys didnt want this said ill take it off if needed to.)

I think everyone will have something like this. I am a cronick masterbator XD. Yep its that help ful.

I may act depressed but realy i am happy alot.


Thats how it works.

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  The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Posted by: The Big Bad Rav - 10-30-2008, 08:01 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (1)

Probably one of the most interesting films of 2008. I know, this is a film starring Brad Pitt, now the media maybe all Brad and Angelina, this is a film that's sounds surprisingly good. This is David Fincher's first ever PG-13 film.

If the title is familiar to you, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button was a book released back in 1922 about a man born at old age, and as he grows, he grows younger. The story is set in the late 1800's and later into the 20th Century.

Brad Pitt plays the title role of Benjamin, from old age to young 16 year old, Brad's performance as Benjamin based on the trailer is promising, an amazing talent. In addition, special effects for Brad's facial and physical appearance is one of the most advanced works ever, with the camera called Contour that scans and manipulates Brad's appearance to look like an 80 to 16 year old.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

This film has a $150,000,000 budget, mostly due to the Contour camera and special effects.

Overall, I think this film has great potential in December of Christmas week, a great story that really makes you go in wonder, I can't wait for the film to be released.

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