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  Failed attempts at living simple lives are what keep me coming back to you
Posted by: Wisemon - 11-19-2008, 12:34 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (61)

Perhaps you’re wondering why I’ve been posting less frequently lately. Well, I’ve been busy, and I’ve been trying (and failing) to have a personal life. Most of all, I’ve been staggering my post count so as to coincide my 5000th post with my five-year anniversary. I pride myself on my efficiency, and this is no exception. So, now for the big shout outs (one of the many trends I think I accidentally started). This could go on for pages, so I’m only picking the first ten who come to mind.

Unknown: Sure, you’re obsequious, but I know it’s only because you’re a peacemaker, an all-around friendly guy with a sense of humor that is sometimes quite cunning. And I know you think you’re like me, and I think you’ve become more like me in the years we’ve emailed each other. Truthfully, I think you’re a much nicer and easygoing person than I am, but I can’t say that for sure because as we all know: you’re Unknown.

Zeph: If you’re reading this, I appreciate that you made an effort to befriend me. In terms of our ability to rub people the wrong way and our unabashed pride and passion, you and I probably have more in common than Unknown, which is why he is such a good friend for both of us.

Lonelygabu: You give out the best compliments of anyone here, and as I’ve said repeatedly, with your intelligence and cordiality, it is ridiculous that you can’t get a job in retail or another service industry, even in this economy.

Reclaimer: Hearing your adventures in restaurant management and dating make this board seem more realistic, and you, Unknown, and I do a great job representing the faction of social victims here who are relatively normal.

Senjuro: You’re quite possibly the only one on this board more intelligent than I am, and obviously, you’re talented. It’s a shame you’re wasting that talent by going to a school where you’re taught to hone it and use it for a profession. When you get to the bottom of this post, I would appreciate your professional criticism, despite my certainty you’ll tear me a new one.

Cboy: It doesn’t matter how many times you change your name; your posts give you away. I sometimes find myself agreeing with you, but even when I don’t, I like how you usually make a good effort to defend your arguments.

Ray: Thanks for the fan club suggestion, and for stroking my ego in general. I’m never sure if you’re being serious, but either way, your posts are hilarious and perturbing.

DragonMasterX: As I said in your 20,000th post, you got them fairly honestly, and you’ve been here long enough to have earned it. Of the foreign teenagers on here, you’re definitely one of the more thoughtful.

Nate Hunter: I had a good time with your contests and reading your detailed analyses of Digimon, Marvel, etc., not to mention your lemons. You seem to pop up whenever there’s a post on Digimon sexuality, so I’ll assume there’s a chance you might read this, unlike…

urban dream: I figured I’d throw in one old-school, long-gone name to prove I really have been here five years. You do the Swiss proud.

Crim: You’re not one of the first ten, probably not even one of the first twenty, but I’m giving you special mention because you read some of my stories and sent me comments on them.

Now, some of you may recall when I posted a song on here. Since then, I’ve recorded about fifteen tracks with just vocals. I plan on mixing in piano with them eventually (since I failed to learn the guitar this year), but for now, I’d like to share what I believe are two of my greatest talents: writing and voice-actor-inspired projecting (I stop short of calling it singing, Senjuro).

The first one is one I posted before with music mixed in, but I think it sounds better (certainly clearer) this time. Let me know what you think. I’ll be linking a new one every week in this thread, just in case you thought I might be leaving after 5,000 posts.
<object width="300" height="110"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="300" height="110" wmode="transparent"></embed><a href="">A Boys Last Stand (Vocal Edit) - Benjamin Wiseman</a></object>

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  MSN Problems
Posted by: Lost - 11-18-2008, 06:12 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (7)

I keep having problems with MSN. Even with the best connection, MSN will stop sending posts, and it says it's due to a connection problem. Anyone else having this?

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  Break out those Straitjackets and enemas...
Posted by: Frisk E. Coyote - 11-17-2008, 07:37 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)


Happy 19th Birthday Psycho-Pork!

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Video DaD video
Posted by: Kundral - 11-16-2008, 04:59 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (20)

I'm going to make a youtube video of the fan art. Obviously I wont be puting in any sexual stuff high up there. So Who would like their art in it and I'm setting the song to dance with the devil techno version. I will work tonight on it only so act quick.

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  god hates fags
Posted by: Sabre of Pain - 11-16-2008, 10:15 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (76)

the god hates fags rally is coming to vancouver and doing a protest on november 28 so me and a few hundred other people are going to be going to this rally with signs that say absolutely ridiculous things like "god hates it when you dont use a coaster" or "pepsi not coke" things like this i need an idea for my sign you guys wanna help? i also might be able to get a few friends to represent your satirical idea in the protest

this is gonna be fucking hilarious wish you guys could be here for this

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  Alice's Restaurant
Posted by: Bee - 11-15-2008, 05:12 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (9)

Seeing as we're but twelve days away from that magical day known in America as Thanksgiving, where everyone sits down with friends and family, voices what they're thankful for this year, and have a meal that can't be beat, I felt I should post this:

An 18-minute long song about an adventure two hippies had involving garbage, the police, a red Volkswagen Microbus, rakes, shovels, and other implements of destruction, and the subsequent 27 Eight By Ten glossy photographs with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one describing what they are.

The reason why this thread is here, is because, in 12 days, me and my dad will be traveling to my aunt's house for Thanksgiving. It's funny, because, I feel that that might happen during that magical day. Replace the two hippies with two greasy rednecks, the red VW Microbus with a white GMC Vandura, and Alice with my Aunt. But that's not why.

The reason why I posted this seemingly long-winded thread is to see what the rest of you guys are thankful for. Some of us might not have much, but, feel free to post it here.

I'm thankful for y'all. Y'all kick ass, your insights and thoughts are stimulating, and you guys are fun.

I'm also thankful for Ray The Backlasher and Kyuubi No Kitsune. You guys are my best friends, even though I have never met you guys irl. Talking with you guys is the highpoint of my day.

I'm thankful for Duke, my German Shepherd. He's sweet, playful, and a bundle of energy. I'd never trade him for anything.

I'm thankful for dropping gas prices($1.78 a gallon w00t!). It may not last, but I'll take it.

I'm thankful for my dad, who, despite constantly bitching at me to get a jorb, he works hard to make up for my shitty childhood.

I'm thankful for this phone, because without this, I wouldn't be here.

I'm thankful for Psychotic Porcupine and Altima, for helping me get my art posted. Thanks guys.

Well, I'll shut up now. I'm sure you guys would be thankful for it.

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  I dont know what to do anymore.
Posted by: - 11-12-2008, 01:03 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (14)

Everything seems to be pushing back on my with a force thrusting me back into the pit of spikes. I cant seem to think much straight anymore. I dont know weither i want to actualy quit living and caring or move on. There is so much i want to do and know. But the things i want to do there is no way to do any of it. I cannot grasp the conept of living in this happyness i love to spread around. i dont know weither or not am i happy or not? I am not happy for the bare reasons that to me for me there is really no reason to be happy. I wish to smile and have a GF or BF again but i am not sure if i like both anymore. I mean i do its just hard to find that "Special" Someone that everyone has in there mind to think over the bad and good stuff. I dont know anything much anymore except the bare logic of what the life i live has to offer but that aint much. I am feeling dead on the inside. I dont know anymore....Help i guess.


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  Bloggers Unite
Posted by: Shining Angel - 11-12-2008, 05:50 AM - Forum: General Chat - No Replies

Hey there guys, I'm just posting this for those of you who may have blogs out there - I'm helping spread the word cos' I ain't got a blog but I want to feel like I'm helping. Anyway, so Bloggers Unite is an initiative started by Blogcatalog, which aims to help refugees in their struggle for survival. I read this on another forum and I thought - "Hey, where am I most likely to find a bunch of optimistic, fun loving and helpful people cool enough to have their own blogs?" - and so here I am, giving you crazy peoples the message! So, here it is:

We take a lot of things for granted. We live (relatively) normal lives, coming home to our families after a day of school or work, without anymore worries than an average person and with problems that could usually be solved with some of our effort. That’s not the case of the millions of refugees around the world who can’t return back to their homes and are usually separated from their families.

The lives of most refugees are ones of survival, of trying to fit in, of enduring constant discrimination, suffering and rejection, and sometimes even torture, abuse or imprisonment. Many refugees are forced to leave their home countries because of war or persecution; they just want to avoid problems and try to find a good place to live and be happy, but many of us either ignore or reject them. What I found most shocking is that about 50 percent of all refugees are children and teenagers, who can’t get a proper education or good living conditions, and who might get abducted, abused or recruited for military service. You never know if you might have to become a refugee in the future (maybe as a result of a natural disaster, ideological persecution or a rise in violence in your country), so why not try to be of some help now. Helping will not only make you feel better, it might allow someone else to regain the life they lost or reunite with their family members.

What can you do to help? Well there are various ways you can help. One simple way is to blog about it (if you have a blog or other site), like me. Thanks to Blogcatalog’s initiative, Bloggers Unite, I found out about this important issue, and accepted the challenge of writing something helpful for once. One blog can make a small difference, and if thousands of other bloggers join too, we can all make a big difference to raise awareness on the plight of refugees. If you don’t have a site or are a member of a forum, you could always use word-of-mouth to make others know about this problem that might affect any of us one day. I hope this article could have helped in some way or another. If you want to know more about refugees or want to help the organizations that provide assistance to them, below are some links that could help you change someone’s life. But most importantly, there’s one site called Refugees United, which is a special type of (somewhat anonymous) forum that helps refugees to find and stay in touch with family and friends.

Refugees United

United States Committee for Refugees and Immigrant Children

National Center for Refugee and Immigrant Children

UK Refugee Services

So yeah, I think this is a really cool way for all of the blogs and forums out there to help make a difference that really matters, and that even if you don't have your own blog you should spread the word on every forum you're a part of and make some sh*t happen! WOOOOOO! :D:D:Dmrgreen

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Posted by: jestertheork - 11-11-2008, 05:52 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (21)

ok, time to get to know all of you, this is a good question involving your logic, partial science and something i've missed! and i'm not answerin mine for a bit, anyway;
you and your close friends are travelling by foot down a hot desert highway on a unbearable summer day seaking refuge from the living dead. you come across a deralect gas station, emptied from a possiblr riot trying to escape. taking note of the garage, you enter to see if theirs any cars.
inside are 2 rides, an old honda civic, front wheel drive, fairly good all-season tires, but no ac and would probably prove useless in sand. the other is a newer subaru impressa, metallic blue, gold rims, ac, all-wheel-drive, and a sexy super-charged V6. your carrying light supply so cargo isn't an issue. your all starved and need a ride to the nearest town, which car would you choose?
please don't make 1 excuse and leave it at that, this is actually a hard question which would ensure your survival. good luck

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  You know who I hate, Lewis Hamilton
Posted by: The Big Bad Rav - 11-08-2008, 10:38 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (2)

Hear me out once more. I just watched a re-run of the Formula 1 Brazilian Grand Prix, and the fury going into me is just plain blind rage.

I cannot believe that a bloke with such a nasty and egotistical attitude even won the damn thing because Toyota decided NOT to refuel and change the tires. Lewis has an attitude comparable to Kanye West. Now, Kanye can do what he wants, because his music is way better than country and all the other rubbish Soulja Boy stuff we got hanging around, but Lewis, you got to earn that fucking respect, not by saying 'You Wanna win, you Wanna win!'

Suck my dick McClaren, Lewis Hamilton is a fucking bigot who DOES NOT deserve this win one bit. Fuck You. Twisted

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