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  yet another Teen Titans thread
Posted by: milk me! - 01-19-2004, 05:20 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (8)

From reading posts here and there, it looks like more than a few of you are into Teen Titans. Never bothered with it myself until today. Wow! What a sweet show! I've been looking for something to fill the void left by Digimon (as I can't watch it without cable in my apartment) and I think I might have found it.

I was a bit hesitent to get into it at first, because the style reminded me too much of other cartoons I didn't like (namely the last couple incarnations of the Batman series), but actually tuning in and watching for a few inutes changed my mind instantly. The characters are far more expressive than Bruce Wayne or his Dick ever were, and the plots are really interesting and look like they could get really immersive over time. Plus the animators weren't afraid to draw actual chests on any of the girls (always a plus) and I actually somehow found that Beast Boy to be kinda cute (despite the fact that, to the best of my limited knowledge thus far, he's kind of a freak and stuff).

Other fans here? I know you've been drawing fanart and posting it in the artists section, but discuss the show or say why you like it now. Also, I caught a commercial on Cartoon Network while away the other day for the upcoming second season of it. Will Kids WB still be showing season 1? I want to get a good handle on the plot before watching much more, if possible

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  How to Improve the Internet
Posted by: Gnostic Metatron Prime - 01-19-2004, 07:25 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

There's lots to love about the internet, but then, there's plenty to hate about it as well. Here's a few ideas that might fix the internet:

1. Ban any type of adware that undermines a person's control of their own computer. This includes any type of coding that adds links to someone's favorites list without their consent, or that changes their homepage without their consent, or that downloads programs without consent.

2. Put more government regulation into the cyberporn industry. Honestly, the only reason that the internet's red light districts have become such hives of scum and villainy is because the Better Business Bureau hasn't come after them. We ought to create a law saying that all porn sites must register with a special government branch or bureau, and that those who don't will get closed down. This way, we can put an end to the blind links and evil adware that have tarnished the porn industry.

3. Create free government web hosting. This might help improvement #2 get underway. The government offers free or low-cost hosting for anyone that asks, thus creating less pressure to use adware or illegal advertising tactics, because people won't be afraid of not having the money to pay for web space. Of course, the government could reject people who use the hosting for illegal business purposes. It would certainly be a huge boon to the independent hentai artists in need of hosting for their pics, since the free web hosts are all uptight, and the private ones sometimes aren't very nice.

4. Legalize Kazaa. The Recording Industry says that file-sharing is costing them millions of dollars a year. What a crock of shit. The reason they're losing millions of dollars a year is because THEY'RE SPENDING MILLIONS OF DOLLARS A YEAR on spoiled musicians. For christ's sake, Mariah Carey got paid several million to leave her old company after her bizarre behaviour, and despite this, she got yet another company to sign her, with even more money. And God only knows how much money Courtney Love has wasted in various lawsuits, or how much she's wasting in trying to get her daughter back. And yet, for all that wasted money, she's produced no new music of her own since leaving Hole. [/b]

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  Bizzare Happenings
Posted by: Arrowhead - 01-18-2004, 08:07 AM - Forum: General Chat - No Replies

I went to a party last saturday night... no, actually I didn't, but that is besides the point. My point is this:

Something weird yet cool happened to me last night. A lot happened. On one of the forums I recently signed up to and began to frequent I only really went to the normal talk, the welcomes, and the rpg corner. Posted something in the story section but rarely ever check it.

Last night I noticed that there were whole PAGES missing from the big RPG a few of us were being active in and those pages contain pretty significant info. This perplexed me since pages of text don't just get up and walk away. If they did then pages of text would be a lot easier to get a hold of since you would just need to go to downtown L.A. and pick up one of those runnaway pages that have no money, no home, and are addicted to some drug which you could not even begin to pronounce. Those pages would be in desperate need of help and so you would go out and find a place where they belong and a place where they could be successful. This isn't the case, though, since pages do not just get up and run away no matter how much you abuse them.

To satisfy my voracious appetite for answers I decided to go the the complaints/suggestions page to see if there was anything happening there. Turns out that there was a flame war going on without my knowledge to it. I was suprised... well, maybe not since I never went to the complaints/suggestions page ever since I found nothing to complain about nor suggest. The forum was an ideal forum as far as I was concerned.

The whole sotry behind the flame war was that the admin got into an arguement with someone who he considered a friend, the friend said something which the admin interpretted as "I am going to leave and take everything I wrote with me," so to prevent that from happening the admin wrote a disclaimer at the bottom of each page which read "Anything posted to the forum becomes the intellectual property of the forum". By doing this he pissed off a lot of people/artists/writters, making a couple of them leave... taking what they have posted with them. As for the friend, he bitched and then left... taking all his stuff with him. After they all left, the admin took down the disclaimer and yet the flame war still went on.

Actually I found all this out later, what happened first was I went to the chatroom of the forum just to see who was hanging around. I met up with the admin there, and noticed he was having a break-down. He told me only a little bit of his story, I gave him some advice, and then read the specific thread in which the flame war ensued.

I was pissed off at how stupid everybody was, and the few who actually said things that were relevent to ending the confrontation were completely ignored. So, being a person who hates to choose sides, I stepped in, created a new thread, and became a self-proclaimed mediator. After I told all three sides of the story (friend, admin, everyone else) and gave an overall evaluation of the situation I gave a solution, a semi-compromise of sorts.

After I said that I went back into the chatroom, no one occupied the room but me for five minutes, then someone popped on in. quickly I referred him to my post to see if it was too much. He came back.

"So THAT'S what's been going on! I had no clue," -.- Not too much later my sanity was saved when the admin popped back in. I reffered him to my post, waited anxiously, and he comes back and tells me it was the most logical thing he had seen regarding the current situation.

Two more people stopped on in, I reffered them to my post, and they both came back saying the same thing. I was like "wow" and stuff. So we got into talking about what course of plan should be taken. After more and more discussion I suddenly find myself as a moderator to the forum with my ideas being put into action.

Probably the thing that amazes me most is not the fact that I went from rags to riches in one night, it is the fact I went from rags to riches in TWO HOURS. Two hours, one post, one meeting with two other people of any significant value (although in the diagram report I created I had to put in the lurkers as witnesses). and suddenly all the standards and rules of the forum are in the proccess of being completely revamped, including a whole new section dedicated to rules and changing rules, and will be completed by tuesday at the latest.


Blessed Be,

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  Quicksand_boy is no more
Posted by: milk me! - 01-14-2004, 09:03 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (7)

From now on, this is my new name.

Just wanted to tell everyone to avoid confusion. Not that it would suddenly disrupt the whole board and throw everyone into disarray or anything, but I just wanted to clarify things. I like you people and hope that you like me too, or that you can at least can tolerate my presence.

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  funniest thing I've heard in a while
Posted by: UnknownH - 01-13-2004, 04:01 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (8)

in a elementary school where I live they tried (I repeat tried) to have a rule where kids couldn't talk at all or they get sent to the office.
it lasted a week before they had a pta meeting to stop it

you know if they tried the crap in a high school it'd last a day tops!
you can't get kids to shut up exspecally little kids so why did they think it'd work

isn't school fun!?

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  Reveal thine true form!
Posted by: The One Caron - 01-13-2004, 07:47 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (85)

It's one of those shitty-ass "Show yourself threads."
Have fune.

[Image: av-28.jpg]
[Image: rasputdouchebag.txt]
[Image: whatme.txt]
[Image: booyaka.txt]

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  Won't be around for the week
Posted by: urban dream - 01-12-2004, 04:17 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (2)

Well, I won't be around this week, I'm off to the mountains to do some skiing ^^ So, see ya

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  Kirara is sexy
Posted by: Chitsumon - 01-10-2004, 03:05 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (4)

Ive only seen one yiffy pic with kirara from inuyasha in it ...just curious if anyone has seen some?

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  Taking a Psychology Take Home Test- Help please!
Posted by: The Reclaimer - 01-10-2004, 02:57 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (8)

I'm kinda stuck on this question:

Which of the following substances is most likely to facilitate (make easier) the formation of new memories?

A)Alcohol, which causes relaxation and uninhibition (though disrupts memories so this is not a right answer)
B) Valium, reduces tension and anxiety
C) marijuana, causes feelings of happiness
D) epinephrine, physically/emotionally arousing horomone.

If you know please tell me, but give some support for your answer, thanks in advance.

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  Trasformers Energon premire
Posted by: UnknownH - 01-10-2004, 01:00 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (9)

Energon premired in japan on today
and I found clips
you can get them
or you can ask me to send you the clips

the above sites and mirrors have the op and ep while I also have some clips from the show

It'll come here the 31st

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