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  Heeeeelp....Digimon World RPG3!!!!!
Posted by: Zephyr of Darkness - 02-18-2004, 08:40 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (10)

Hi...Just in case anybody here has played DW RPG3,will you please tell me what to do?I'm stuck in the spot after you defeat Gallacticmon.I've already defeated Kurt,all the BKs and beated all human duelers.So what's next?How could I access the true Tournament?If you can,please give me a hand.

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  Ha Ha! The Conservatives Lose Again!
Posted by: Gnostic Metatron Prime - 02-17-2004, 02:04 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (18)

San Francisco issues marriage licenses to 118 gay couples, despite laws against it. My faith in the idea of freedom has been restored.

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  need help on a report please read..
Posted by: jshivak - 02-16-2004, 11:14 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (2)

hi all sorry to bother you..
I got to do a report for a world polotics class.. it's dumb.. but i got to interview someone who either doesn't live in the U.S. or has been overseas for 8-10months..

so i'm still thinking up questions to ask but this is the only place i meet anyone from outside the u.s.

i wont say anything in the interview about this site and so on so don't get
worried about that.. but the guist of it is taht i have to ask like 10 -12 questions to someone from overseas.. i'm still thinking up the questions but i'll post them probly monday night.. If you can please respond by tuesday night.. i know it's an odd request.. well let me thing up some questions now while i'm thinking about it so you can get a head start..

1) What is your view on the United States of America in general?

2) What is your opinion on the US's war on terrism?

3) What is your view on the US's relationship with your country and what
could the US do to improve it's relationship with your country?

4) Is the U.S. consumed with power and have gone power mad and wish to control the world?

5) What do you feel is good about the United States? Please cite some evidence if possible to show basis of statement.

6) What do you feel is bad about the United States? Please cite some evidence if possible to show basis of statement.

7) Does Hollywood control the minds of United States citizens?

8 Does U.S. television, movies, and video games polute the minds of citizens and children to commit acts of violence?

9) What is your opinion of the U.S. and the Free Trade Agreement?

10) What is your view on the U.S.'s immigration policies?

Please try to use like 2sentences or so for each question.. more if you wish thouhg.. I'm again sorry for putting it up with short notice.. i hope someone reads it though.. i really got no where else to go to talk to people outside the u.s. that i know of for an interview like this..

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  I am sorry...
Posted by: Red Mage Dragon Tiamat - 02-16-2004, 08:06 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (16)

Well I looked over the board and opened the whole topics and made my thoughts earlier and I came to the result that I made a big mistake and spammed too much here.

Sure the board lives more but somehow I think it was wrong and I am sorry for spamming that much.

I dunno why I did it again, but I hope you don't get too mad with me. I will still post but I will return to the old way I posted before this all started again.

Forgive me please.

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  Another sucky ass, backstabbed, sexually frustrated V-day
Posted by: GanymedeZero - 02-15-2004, 08:45 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (15)

Okay folks settle down and i'll tell yah a tale. The story starts with me G-zero, average guy living somewhere's in So Cal. Anyways before the middle of the week started my life has been pretty standard, I have a great girl in my life who is my best friend, I just got a new webcam and had full intentions to cam with a girl, all and all life was pretty nice for youres truly...until last wendsday and today when all hell went up. First off I tried calling my friend Tanya last wendsday, now before I go any further let me give yah all a short history lesson about her and me. I first saw her at my anime club over a year ago and y'know when they say "love at first sight?" well the first time i glanced at her I totally fell for her, she was ultra cute with a great curvacious body, beautiful red hair, pale skin, and glasses that just fit the package perfectly.

Well after that I started talking to her, getting to know her and whatnot and pretty soon she and me got close to where we would spend almost all of anime club just hanging out and talking. Well pretty soon I had feelings for her above that of "just friends" but me being a shy guy and all I kept them pretty much bottled up till my birthday when thanks to one of her friends we both admitted we liked eachother alot. Well after that the summer what kinda a bummer even though I knew she liked me. Yah see we had a first date a week after my birthday and it was like the-best time I ever had with her, we just talked and talked, laughed, it was all pretty fun and cool^_^. Then after that I couldn't get on a date with her for a month since she was busy trying to get into berkly college. And well during the summer even though I tried to possibly be her boyfriend she wasn't interested because in her words "I'm to busy to have a boyfriend right now and i'm not really looking". Well that pretty much sunk my heart straight to hell after that, but after awhile I agreed that she is pretty busy in her life so she and me stayed friends non the less.

Okay now flash foward to a few weeks ago where my love life got one major boost! First off I met this really nice girl online that liked me alot and we RPed almost every day and talked about like how we wish we where there for eachother and whatnot. And also my friend Tanya invited me over to her house to hang for the afternoon. Well hearing that the first thing that came to mind was "booty call!". But being the gentleman that I was I didn't try or do anything that might of lead to any Intimacy when I hanged and watched anime with her that day. Well...after that day things went to hell and once more last wendsday.

Okay first off you know that girl on the internet that I really liked? Well one thing that scared me about her Is she said I love you to much to me which kinda freaked me out cuz before I had a bad online relationship with another girl a few years back and ever since then i've been cautious about online relationships. So not wanting to end up like those faithful few months so many years ago I deleted her and Iggied all her messages. And let me tell yah I sooo regret that! I mean she was really nice and all and all I could of done was just be honest with my feelings about her and tell her that its too soon to say "I love you" right now. And also the fact that she had a webcam so If I stuck around with her today I could have still been friends with her and could have also done some camming with her thanks to my newly bought webcam!

Next on the bad V-day list was my friend Tanya. Ever since that day I hung out with her my mind has been filled with a whole lotta "what ifs?". Like what if I did make a move with her, what if I asked if i could kiss her or at least hold her hand. And thanks to thinking about that plus the fact that she hasn't contacted me in over a week and vice versa I decided last wendsday to call her up and talk to her about our time together in hopes that since we where still best friends she would be honest with me and tell me weither or not she wanted me to make any moves on her or get intimate. Well when I finally called her first sentence she said was "Sorry I have a friend over and I'm making dinner for him". Uhh...him? Okay I did thought at first she just had a friend over for dinner so I was cool with that and waited a few hours later to call back. And well calling back again she sounded so flustered and embarrased on the phone as she only got out a "sorry I'll umm call you back!" and hung up on me.

Well cats and kittens that just totally devestated me. Cuz from what it sounded like she did had a friend over but not just for dinner but for getting her freak on before V-day! And man I felt! I mean here I was still having feelings for her, still wanting to possibly be her boyfriend if the chance let up, and my own best friend, the first girl I ever truely fallen in love with, was getting laid by another guy. Man...I never felt so betrayed and so bummed out in my life. I mean this was the girl I hoped to loose my virginity with and someone not only beat me to the punch, but it felt like she wanted to get fucked desperatly so she went out and called up another "friend" to get laid for Valentines day!

So after calling her several times and not getting any calls back I'm assuming the worse best friend, my soul mate, the one girl in a long time that helped me break out of my fear of knowing a girl intimately and got me to pour my heart out for her. Just made the ultimate this V-day as usual i'm at home single, except for the fact that 1. I dumped a great girl because of my stupid fucking fear of getting to know girls online and 2. My best friend possibly got fucked and is still getting laid as we speak with some dude that probably looks ten times more better than me is going to treat her as just a fuck toy.

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  Fuck it all.
Posted by: servantofmyMaster - 02-15-2004, 11:56 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (9)

Please someone, either shoot me or make me laugh. Right now I'm crying.

After the day I've had, a bullet in the brain would be better than living.

Valetines day should be a day for love, not a day for what I've been through.

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  The WB has Canceled Angel!
Posted by: Tank Cop - 02-15-2004, 04:42 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (8)


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  Um ... okay
Posted by: Notorious - 02-13-2004, 11:16 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (15)

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  What are your thoughts on Valentine's Day?
Posted by: Angeteen - 02-12-2004, 08:34 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (31)

Valentine's Day is coming up. A time to let others know how much you love and care about them...and here I am caring one wit less. Wheather because it's hard to make an emotional impact on me, or because I'm just naturally apathetic, I can't really feel too much towards this holiday. Yes, I can see the point in giving someone flowers and cards, but still, I feel like "why do we need a holiday? Can't we celebrate the love between me and another without any reason too?"

I's almost like this is the the one day out of the year that people are actually meant to care about one another. I can't help but feel like this is all just some kind of marketing scam to get people's money. If I'm going to give someone a card and a gift, I could do that just about any day out of the year if I wanted. Doesn't someone feel suckered into this somehow, as if they're saying "if you don't give such-and-such a card or a gift, then you don't really care about them?"

Well...that basically sums up my thoughts on this. I'm not sure what some of you may think about them but...there they are. Feel free to comment on it as you will.

Oh yeah, before I forget to think of it, here's a pic I remember seeing that brought this conversation to the front of my mind.

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  Crazy or a Genius?
Posted by: Nikuramon - 02-11-2004, 05:57 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (20)

Aside from posibly discovering immortality, Alex also has some interesting theories about Science and religion. His ideas are very diffrent from the accepted 'normal' ideas. Is this guy sane, is he a genius or is he a fool? We may laugh now, but what if he is right?
Note: I am an affiliate. That means that if the link is clicked by at least 80 different people, Alex will send me a pair of these rings for free... I hope. The link will take you to the main site though.

From his site:
---->Why does Alex Chiu teach people how to build their own Immortality Devices? Why does Alex Chiu give out FREE Immortality Devices?

ANSWER: Once a while, some nice hearted people will spend some money and buy the devices from me. I don't need so much money. All I need is enough money to pay for rent and food. I believe that the Immortality Device is the most important invention in human history. But now, so many people are laughing at it. This invention is so incredible, it makes people laugh. But this invention is so important to me. So I am teaching everyone how to build the device. I am also giving the devices out for free. I think it's very important to educate people about this new invention. I don't want this invention to be forgotten because this invention is the most important invention in human history. I must educate everyone and make sure everyone knows how important this invention is.

What can you do to help? You don't have to spend money to buy the device. Just help Alex Chiu spread the word about this invention! Tell all your friends and relatives to come to Build the device yourself. Teach others how to build the device. You can copy the graphics from and put them on your own web site so that you can teach your friends how to build the device. Don't let this wonderful invention be forgotten. Help make people realize how important this invention actually is.[/sup]

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