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Poll: Genius or Fool?
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Crazy or a Genius?
Aside from posibly discovering immortality, Alex also has some interesting theories about Science and religion. His ideas are very diffrent from the accepted 'normal' ideas. Is this guy sane, is he a genius or is he a fool? We may laugh now, but what if he is right?
Note: I am an affiliate. That means that if the link is clicked by at least 80 different people, Alex will send me a pair of these rings for free... I hope. The link will take you to the main site though.

From his site:
---->Why does Alex Chiu teach people how to build their own Immortality Devices? Why does Alex Chiu give out FREE Immortality Devices?

ANSWER: Once a while, some nice hearted people will spend some money and buy the devices from me. I don't need so much money. All I need is enough money to pay for rent and food. I believe that the Immortality Device is the most important invention in human history. But now, so many people are laughing at it. This invention is so incredible, it makes people laugh. But this invention is so important to me. So I am teaching everyone how to build the device. I am also giving the devices out for free. I think it's very important to educate people about this new invention. I don't want this invention to be forgotten because this invention is the most important invention in human history. I must educate everyone and make sure everyone knows how important this invention is.

What can you do to help? You don't have to spend money to buy the device. Just help Alex Chiu spread the word about this invention! Tell all your friends and relatives to come to Build the device yourself. Teach others how to build the device. You can copy the graphics from and put them on your own web site so that you can teach your friends how to build the device. Don't let this wonderful invention be forgotten. Help make people realize how important this invention actually is.[/sup]
I thought about it for a while, but I will not support such a thing. Much of what that site says (yes, I clicked on it, whoop-de-do) is unrealistically optimistic. Immortality will not appeal to people's logic. People will still have children, even though they don't need to, and eventually, we would all kill ourselves from lack of resources.
I could go on ranting forever, but I don't see the point. It's clear to me you actually believe in this, so you are free to do so. I won't hold that against you. I, however, do not wish to be immortal, so I will not support it.
I think he's a complete nutter. That immortality thing is a load of bollocks, and so are quite a few of his ideas. But then again, some other of these ideas appeal to me (I even thought of some myself before I ever visited that site :P ). I'd say he's a madman that's had a couple of lucky shots.
Whoa! That's just AMAZING! Of course he's a genius and for all we know, he just revealed the greatest theory in human history. *giggles* I wanna stay young until I die, wee! ^_^

Though, the site was so crappy I couldn't really browse through it, so i'll have to ask ya, WHERE CAN I BUY A PAIR OF THOSE RINGS A AND THE FOOT BRACES??? :shock:

*Gives the link Nikuramon posted here to all his friends!* -^_^-
I want that stuff just so I can walk around and have people come up to me and say, "What the heck is dat shiz?", and I be like "Immortality shiz" and dey be like "Whateva"

I can imagine people walking around in a bunch of body wear saying "This stuff will make me a god in the next life!" Heh, if he pulls something more bogus than immortality, I'm gonna get Medevil on his arse.
Well, I reviewed more of that information, since this same kind of situation happened to me before where I thought it was bad, but now it's going to be a big part of my life. I'd have to agree with urban that, while he may not necessarily be right, he does have some points that could be scientifically sound.
I have ordered a ring from him so I can test it for myself in the sense of healing. Healing, after all, is great. I'm going to play pretty rough with my cats so I can get sratches that would normally amount to scars. I already have one scar as it is from an accident with one of them. If it's as good as he says it is, it will not only heal me quickly, but might even remove the existing scar I have. Even if it fails, I don't mind paying the small amount he asked for.
As for where you can buy them yourself, you can go to the main page, (or if you want to add clicks to me, will make no difference on the destination). To the right of the pie chart near the bottom of the site, there are links for buying them or even making your own. I'd make my own, but I know my craftsmanship is often shotty if I'm not working with something sturdy like wood or metal.
So, yeah, I'll support it now, but not entirely. Majorly, I'm concerned about the healing and mathematical philosophy, not immortality. In fact, it may not necessarily make us immortal, but expand our life expectancies. I also agree that the universe could be translated into a mathematical equation, but I do not call it God. Doing that subconsciously says that God is a real person, not an equation like the guy's trying to say. I just call it the Universal Order. I also don't care about what history he uses to point it out, because I've learned not to trust history. That, and I'm Wiccan (if anything), so I'm not fond of him basically claiming to transcend nature. Still, our inventions seem to pretty much be the way we evolve and are on top of the food chain.
Immortality is scientificly impossible. And the "Alex Chiu's New Darwinish System" is flawed too. He's absolutely insane. The only way how immortality could be reached was if by some miracle, someone discovered how to make cells freeze in decay. Bu, if that were to happen, we'd have too many cells and our blood vessels would pop. So the only way to become immortal is to freeze ourselves in suspended animation, which is also impossible, because to do that you have to completely stop all nerve pulses, all blood cells, stop cells from decay (and from reproducing), and that's impossible without death occuring. It's not about "beleiving in the product", it's about the living cells and nervous pulses. It's really impossible, and, Alex is either a fool or very evil. Please, don't support him. Don't give people false hope
(I forgot to add this)

It's impossible to say that the Universe could be summed into a mathematical equation, also. The universe is a dynamic universe, it changes rapidly. So, by the Chaos Theory (smartest theory in a long time), nothing in the universe is mathematical. Nothing. Mathematics proves his mathematics wrong. What he's saying about the universe is what people were saying about the Earth a century or two ago. That it's predictable. It's simply not true.
I do not truly believe this invention will actually create immortality, although I do believe it would help in healing, which could help in extending lifespans. I'm also pretty frivolous with money sometimes, and don't mind having wasted my money if it doesn't work. Wisdom matters, not money.
I also believe in the universe being predictable, but we are incapable of truly predicting it. It doesn't matter much, anyway.
It does if he's giving people false hope. He's nothing more than a cultist