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  lost agian
Posted by: GEOMON - 08-20-2004, 05:50 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (13)

Now i know you all just think wen ya see something like this is total BS and your no doubt right. But wen your BF just droped you like a hot patato i think that earns one the right to bitch and complain for taleast half of the time you were together....ANY online freind ...with whome i have had alot of flings with left me for some slutty now i am alone agian...and it hurts. Most say"well now you have your whole life ahead of you" thats fucking BS ya see whats life worth wen you have no one to love and hold..what good is life wen you have no one to to kill ones self over some one one has not met is stupid...but still even a internet realationshuip has its deep hooks in one soul it is hard to let go....i am not saying that i am expert on the relations game ..hell i have made so many mistakes in my life its lost all bloody humor.....this is now going through you head i bet"a nother bloody angesty teen twat" well you might be right.. and then agian you might times i cant even tell if i am human any more.....i feel like i have sunk so low..........................................................................................baka me
i know to think i am the only one with problems is folly and that i am not alone./...but every one has there own demons that they must at best all i can say is that once agian i am lost.....................................................................................................

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  The Script to Jurassic Park 4....It's something else
Posted by: Nuke Mayhem - 08-19-2004, 05:46 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (1)

Moriarty of Ain't It Cool recently reviewed the possible script for the next sequal to Spielbergs Jurassic Park(And rants about about some guy named "David Poland", who hates the site all together). From the review of Moriarty, this isn't the same old humans-traped-on-dino-filled-island formula, this time it's more like "dinos-rampaging-USA", "corupt-corperation-playing-god", and "super-smart-dinos" formulas(in a good way).

Small Spoilers In Quote!!!

[quote]The script starts at a Little League game somewhere in America, an idyllic scene that quickly goes bad when pterosaurs attack the kids and their parents. It

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  *pokes forum* Man I've missed this place.
Posted by: Bigman140 - 08-18-2004, 01:13 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (14)

God Its been way too long since I've posted here, probably a year now V_V. And yes for my 1 or two fans I'm gonna be writing my stories again. The only reason I've actually posted this is to see whats been going on recently here and who here can still remember me.

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  10 things that just urk you
Posted by: Casey Ray - 08-17-2004, 11:09 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (77)

pretty basic you get the idea right?

mine are in this order mimes, stool pigions, ppl who look down on you constantly, home work, class work, work, pt crusiers, mini coopers, that guy who always says i told you so or thinks they always know best, az.

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  Uhh, yeah...
Posted by: HazanZ - 08-16-2004, 03:27 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (9)

Gee, this feels kinda nostalgic... Been a pretty darn while since I've been here. My first lair... feels kinda tingly. Heh, so yeah, I'm probably forgotten by now, but I used to be one of old ones here. So... how's it going, DaD'ers? ^_^

*notices his old sig is still here* Man! This one is sooo old... ^_^;

P.S. BTW, I also noticed that my lemon page is updated at the site. Wonder how that happened. O_o I don't rememeber posting 'em up. Can someone tell me how it came to be? I'm not upset or anything, just wondering... ^_^;;;;

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  funnny movies watch or add
Posted by: Casey Ray - 08-15-2004, 01:00 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (2)

what happens when life gets to you:

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  Kids Show! Entertainment for pre-teen stoners.
Posted by: Nuke Mayhem - 08-14-2004, 08:34 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (1)

The following 14-minute masterpiece is the pilot for "Kids Show," an extremely deranged version of Sesame Street, developed by comedy writers Vernon Chatman and John Lee for USA Networks.

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  Computer problems, any insight?
Posted by: The Reclaimer - 08-13-2004, 04:16 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (9)

I've been having a very annoying computer problem. When I am surfing the net, random porn sites pop up and, though I have a pop up blocker that stops them for the most part, it is a problem for a few reasons, 1 its the family PC, 2 no spy detecting programs find anything much and 3 I don't know why it's happening and that pisses me off. The only thing one spy program did turn up was traces of something called DSO Exploit which even though I try to fix it still shows up everytime. Has anyone experienced anything similar or have any tips, tricks, advice, etc?

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  absolutely the stupidest thing you've done
Posted by: Casey Ray - 08-13-2004, 01:13 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (47)

hey i'm not afraid to admit i've made mistakes how bout you?

its just choosing the right one Wink well... my 1st drving lesson would be a good place to start i guess...

well my father took me to a golf course parking lot *oddly quite big* told me that i really couldnt hurt the truck so he wouldnt be that mad if there was a dent here or there *its warenty was almost up so if it got totaled then he got a new one and could easily say i was never to drive again (lol like he could stop me Twisted)* anyway everything went fine for a little while then some snudy stuck up SOB's decided that they were going to give me a hard time and were trowing golf balls at the wind shield from across the hedges. the 1st time one hit the door and left a dent un like my father i was getting pissed because as previously mentioned all my dad had to say was i was unfit to drive and i'd be screwed. the second time they hit the wind shield and sent a crack off to the side knowing this was going to be taken from MY pocket I said fuck this turned the truck around plowed down the hedges as they got into a golf cart and tryed to haul ass across the course i went right after them and after having one hell of a good time what wiht the course having small hills and all i ended up parking the truck and their golf cart in one of those little lake things. when the cops got there I found out that was the managers son and friends who were throwing the balls. so when my father threatened to press charges on the kids oddly it was dubbed a mutual fault, my father got the new truck, i worked my ass off till he saw fit (3 months later), no one pressed charges, but what was most suprizing to me was that my father wasn't even pissed at me... he was actualy proud of me *yet i still had to pay off the truck :\* and told me that my driving was actually pretty good (was using stick) and that i could drive his truck any time i wanted, this uterly flooring me. at the time i didnt think of it but lets face it i got him a new truck, took him on a thrill ride while geting it, and then practically paid for the damn thing while working my ass off. NOW why do i feel cheated here?

(this also how i got my little saying under my location)

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  Any one know?
Posted by: Takeru333 - 08-12-2004, 11:54 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (1)

I need TK's last name. I know what it is but I don't know how to spell it...can someone help me?

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