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  Favorite (non Anime) Cartoon when you where a kid
Posted by: Tank Cop - 08-29-2004, 11:12 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (25)

My Top favorite and still is to this day is SWAT Kats!

I loved everthing about them!

My fav of the was Razor. He has the skilling, brains, and a great style to him!

Where as T-Bone was to much strenght of the team and not much else.

Damn I wish they sold DVD's of that show or still aired it.

What really needs to happen is a come back! I mean they are doing it for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, why not SWAT Kats?

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  What do you do when the last of your friends are gone?
Posted by: The Reclaimer - 08-28-2004, 03:31 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (10)

So I have basically taken notice that the three people I consider(ed) my closest friends don't really give a crap about me. I mean they always hang out and never invite me, though they always "mean to call me." Biggest of all I'm pretty sure the one I consider my best friend lied to me recently, because he and the other two all took the same week off, they were all going up north (though apparently not together) and all of their plans fell through...(not together? BS!!!) yeah they are hardly friends if they lie to me and I think the only reason they will only hang out with me is if my best friend is there because the other two have the hots for him.

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  And it stings; yeah it stings
Posted by: Wisemon - 08-28-2004, 03:20 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (20)

I've killed about twenty yellow jackets in the past four days coming out of the storage room in my basement. Logically, I went in and looked for the nest. I checked everywhere, and I couldn't find the nest. Still, yellow jackets keep coming from the room. If you read my "urk me" list, you'd know that arthropods, such as yellow jackets, fall under it. Smacking the little bastards with a fly swatter is somewhat satisfying, but knowing that they'll keep reproducing is really pissing me off.

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  The "Proyecto Sombra" Team
Posted by: Shinya_Kyoto - 08-28-2004, 04:34 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (15)

We finally have a name for our spanish fansub group and if you want to know Proyecto Sombra means, it means Project Shadow. Here's the names of each members and the countries they are from:

Lord Patomon (Mexico)
The X Filter (Spain)
Coxy1987 (England)
Shinya Kyoto (Mexico)

And here is DVD box art for vol.1 of Sonic X subbed in spanish. It will contain three episodes which you will see in the picture that will post up:

[Image: carac.jpg]

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  My B-day thread(Now lets pretend like you care)
Posted by: Nuke Mayhem - 08-28-2004, 02:35 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (7)

22 years ago, I was brought into this world this very day, slaped on the ass by some perverted doctor. Now I'm gonna celebrate it with you(and with my family at pizzarea later tonight). All want for my B-Day is just to be with my family........ and get a hot busty chick for a gf, to titty-fuck me at my comand.:p

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  Hidden from the world
Posted by: The Reclaimer - 08-25-2004, 02:42 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (3)

This is a poem I did when I was pissed that everyone thought they knew me but no one does because I don't let, them.

Here I am
Standing right before you
But you can't see me
My lies distract you
This mask I wear won't let you see
The real me
How I feel
What I want to say
Never to be revealed
Because I'm scared you'll turn away
I pretend to be happy
It's all an act
I'm really scared and insecure
I pretend I don't care
But it's all a cover
It's easier to pretend I feel no pain from another
Than to admit that I feel alone
I write this in pain
It will continue as I go on
And this mask will one day fall
I'll be myself for all to see
But until that day
No one will know the real me

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  Resurection of the old
Posted by: elvarien - 08-25-2004, 01:31 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (16)

about once a month I used to .. checkup on the old almost dying pages of the DaD in nostalgia yet ..... as I checked today .. the place looked more lively and active then .erm .. normaly almost like in the old days :P .. anyway as more and more people seem to creep out of the woodwork it looks like a suitable time for me to make a reaperance here ... fassionably late but here nontheless ... heh I`m seeing so many new names ... I wonder who recognises me ... elv teh renamon addict :P

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  The Greatest Camping Story I Ever Heard
Posted by: Nuke Mayhem - 08-23-2004, 10:39 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

On July 30, a 3-year-old black bear invaded a camping site and snaped a table to the ground. On it was a cooler filled with cans Busch and Rainier beer. He sampled one Busch beer but guzzled 36 cans of Rainier, then scampered to a tree and passed-out drunk for five hours.

The park rangers had to get the bear out of the area but they couldn't tranquilizer gun on him because hunting season for bears was in two days, and bear meat with a dose of tranquilizer cannot be consumed by humans. They tried escorting the hungover bear out of the campsite when it climbed down from its perch, but it just returned the next day, looking for more booze to drink.

They finally decided to trap the bear and move him to a far off area of the park. For bait, they use doughnuts, marshmallows, honey and two open cans of Rainier lager(Leading to the snare was a trail of drizzled Rainier beer). It worked.

My dad told me about this story, and I think it's the best damn camping story I ever heard.:D

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  a family love/hate sorta thing sone to be a pulpy fiction th
Posted by: GEOMON - 08-21-2004, 06:36 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (7)

is it wrong to hate your own family just becuse they dont approve of your ways...i am gay i belive in tech religon(digital revelations) i am agenst any sort of organic thing and only like that what is mechanical...but for that my family hates it even right??? its my choice so why cant they let me be who and what i am???

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  Inside me is a black tornado
Posted by: Zephyr of Darkness - 08-21-2004, 10:29 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (14)

Well, the tornado is the strong wind with all my feelings mixed.
I'll tell you:
Today, I was having a normal b ut rather angry mood. I was in the Uni and I found a guy I hate cuz he treasoned me, but I still talk to him cuz he seems to be trying to do ammends. We began talking and in a moment he complained he had to go to a faraway place in this rainy and cold day. I asked why did he have to, and he aswered me that his girlfriend lives there. I don't like the guy, and my agenda is so fucking full that I can't even think of having a boyfriend, but whenever someone, like this fart, tells things about a mate, something like a black hole with a tornado inside me opens up. This tornado is made out of sadness, envy, anger, jealousy, pain, depression... among the feelings I can identify. I never had a boyfriend, though I had plenty of chances at high school, but I didn't like any of the guys that liked me. No matter how much my rational mind tells me:" Never mind about have a career to finish, and you'd need to earn money, and polish your art skills, and have plenty of other profitable things to do", a place in my soul writhes in pain whenever sb brings this topic out. Like a wound you remember you have when you touch it. And I hate it. Why should that kind of love be necessary in your life? But this part of me won't submit to my strict logic, and torment me like this.
To finish: That fart ruined me the day. I walked away slowly in the rain, overcome by sadness. And as I write this, though the sadness slowly decreases, that hole is still there. And it only needs to be touched to hurt again...and again...and again.....

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