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The Greatest Camping Story I Ever Heard - Printable Version

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The Greatest Camping Story I Ever Heard - Nuke Mayhem - 08-23-2004

On July 30, a 3-year-old black bear invaded a camping site and snaped a table to the ground. On it was a cooler filled with cans Busch and Rainier beer. He sampled one Busch beer but guzzled 36 cans of Rainier, then scampered to a tree and passed-out drunk for five hours.

The park rangers had to get the bear out of the area but they couldn't tranquilizer gun on him because hunting season for bears was in two days, and bear meat with a dose of tranquilizer cannot be consumed by humans. They tried escorting the hungover bear out of the campsite when it climbed down from its perch, but it just returned the next day, looking for more booze to drink.

They finally decided to trap the bear and move him to a far off area of the park. For bait, they use doughnuts, marshmallows, honey and two open cans of Rainier lager(Leading to the snare was a trail of drizzled Rainier beer). It worked.

My dad told me about this story, and I think it's the best damn camping story I ever heard.:D

- UnknownH - 08-23-2004

yet in canada they may have to use lebat blue heh heh

- elvarien - 08-25-2004

.... here you cant go camping .... every patch of grass is like a mine field ... one wrong step and your foot is guzzling with dog po...... ;.; I wanna go camping x.X

- SchizoKat - 08-25-2004

wow...here it's like the opposite, there are camping grounds EVERYWHERE! most are along the rivers here, people love the rivers, they rock! ^.^ plus animals are usuly banned from them, unless the owner picks up the poo after the dog, if not, they can get like $100 - $200 fine if they don't use a plastic bag and pick it up isn't that weird?@.@

on another note, i know of a great camp fire story my brother in law told when he was 8...(i heard it from his brother, who told it to all the guests at the wedding reception 2 weeks ago)...it was hilarious! it goes like this:

once upon a time, on halloween, there were 2 kids trick or treating, and they came upon a haunted house. they went up to the door and knocked on the door and it opened by itself. the 2 kids walked inside and sunnenly in front of them jumped... a blue whale!

thats where he ended...we make fun of my brother in law for that now!

- UnknownH - 08-25-2004

uh what

- SchizoKat - 08-25-2004

at my sister and brother in laws wedding reception(on the 7th of august) my brother in laws brother went up to the mike and told a story that my brother in law had told when he was 8 that story was the one about the blue whale...does that clear it up?

- UnknownH - 08-26-2004

ok I guess so