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  My new screwdriver, the sonic kind
Posted by: Jack_Pholph - 10-16-2011, 04:51 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (2)

[Image: IMG028.jpg] [Image: IMG029.jpg] [Image: IMG031.jpg] [Image: IMG032.jpg] [Image: IMG034.jpg] [Image: IMG035.jpg] [Image: IMG036.jpg]
The eleventh doctors screwdriver! It arrived yesterday and I've been sonic-ing everything since. It varies between a new sound and sound from the previous screwdriver. The button on the handle only works when its closed, but the button on the bottom works when its closed and open. If only it unscrewed screws.

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  My computer vomited
Posted by: Jack_Pholph - 10-05-2011, 10:47 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (7)

wensday morning at 5:33 am, my mac decided it would be funny to delete 14 gigs of files, including games, possibly my spore files, all my music, a couple important applications, 6 gigs of porn, and assorted other files. I am less than happy about it:
I HATE MACS, just when you get a good setup going, it destroys it, at least with a pc it would delete all of your files, but macs just leave you with an incomplete husk what it once was. I'm going to weep in a corner now.

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Question Where do you live NOW?
Posted by: Flo-Flo Chique - 09-30-2011, 05:01 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (8)

I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. It's kinda obvious because of my signature, but I found an image of What the city is like in the summer. Anyways, here is a few images of my city. Post some images of your city!

[Image: Eau_Claire.jpg]
[Image: Calgary%20tower%20lights.jpg]
[Image: calgary-tower_2861.273215240_large.jpg]
[Image: scaled.php?server=265&filename=skylinefu...res=medium]
[Image: Calgary_Bowness_Park_2969.JPG]
The above image is Bowness Park here in Calgary.

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Posted by: Jack_Pholph - 09-27-2011, 05:50 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (9)

You know, it interesting. Right now as I type, I have a massive headache, my left eye hurts like it got punched, I'm a little naseuos, yet I'm typing more than I ever have and I just can't stop. Anyone have any advice, evil influence, or tips for me.

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Exclamation My computer asploded
Posted by: Flo-Flo Chique - 09-13-2011, 03:28 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (8)

[Image: 71079_166176223435_849592_n.jpg]


Kk, so someone put firecrackers in my computer so when I started it they would go off. I'm so pissed CAuSEEEEE they killed my FRIIGGGIGIIIIIN EPICCCCC PPPCCC

AND IT waSSSSSSss only a PRANK?!?! Wow that is so lame :(

Now they die Twisted

Looool my brain is broken cause GLASS SHOT INTO MY FACE AND CUT IT OFF!

BTW, that's me up thar.

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  Teh pregger dragon has had his wish granted!
Posted by: Altima - 09-09-2011, 10:30 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (14)

well, over the course of labor day weekend, my mate his given birth to a healthy baby boy by the name of Rowan Calimm Contreras.

He was born on september 4th, 2011.
He is 19 inches long
He weighs 7 pounds 3.5 ounces.

2 nights ago we came home from the hospital so we've been a little tired and worn out taking care of him on our own without nurses helping us.

Just thought I'd let you guys know. also, we do not have pictures yet, the camera we borrowed to take the pictures belongs to someone else, and as soon as we get a chance to hand it pack so they can share the pictures with us, I shall share.

Another update is that over the weekend, I reminisced at the hospital, and found my old digimon Pen and paper game website, so I've been trying to work on it and get it revamped. Not sure if anyone was interested in checking it out, or helping me a little. I have a link to it in my signature.

I'll probably only be working on it here and there so expect a fully playable version by the beginning of next year or so.

And a last update is that I've been working on "video game" programming, so I've been trying to make my own furry text-based MUD/RPG. if I get good at it, I may just translate the Digimon P&P RPG into this type of gaming for easier calculating and stuff.

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Posted by: Digimon Crazy - 08-31-2011, 05:04 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (12)

Yay today is my birthday I cant wait to see how it turns out ^.^

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  I am depressed...
Posted by: Venin - 08-19-2011, 05:39 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (8)

Yeah, no funky title now. But I'm not feeling my usual uppity self and I just want to let someone know.

Firstly, I took on a request here in which I am late to post...6 months I fear that should I post it, it would lose it's value due to the course of the time waited by the requestor, whom I give apologies to.

Secondly, my parents paid for a year of college for me...and I blew it out of the water and into the scorching sand. They're giving me another chance, but I'm not sure how I could break my less-than-necessary habits, which leads to the fear of failure yet again.

Thirdly, I also fear that bothering you with the problems that you shouldn't have to concern yourself will bring about rejection and rebuke.

I apologize for my emotional outgoing but I just need words of encouragement or something cuz I'm just feeling darker and colder than I'd ever see myself to be. Sad face.

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  I need to yell.
Posted by: Bee - 08-06-2011, 05:28 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (8)

Ever have one of those days where you really need to talk to someone, just find some sliver of hope in a day that's otherwise shit? I've been having that all fucking week.

A few weeks back my girlfriend lost her computer, so I only get to talk to her for one measly hour a night. My friends are always too busy for my whining, either that or they just don't give a shit. I don't know anymore.

My dad lost his benefits, which leaves us with what he gets from social security, IF that holds out, and what little pay I get from work. Normally when my stress gets this bad I go out to the washout by the creek and go shoot my 9mm pistol. The recoil, the noise, the gunsmoke, and the destruction of the targets make me feel better. But now that the finances have been severely restricted, I can't go and do that anymore, and try and save ammunition for when it's really needed. Because of the finances being what they are, we are having to move once again, this time to where my grandfather and uncle are at, since they're willing to sell a house to my dad that's in the family for 1/5th of what we're paying for rent now. My internet, and my phone and it's marvelous 2-year contract don't work out there. Thanks alot T-Mobile. 7 years of customer loyalty doesn't mean shit when you move out to Butt-Fuck Egypt.

One of my friends is so nose-deep in his studies than anytime I bother him it's an inconvenience. Fine by me, everyone needs their education. When I try my other friend to let some steam off, He's STILL being humped by several different idiots from around the internet, and waiting an hour for a one-line post is about as calming as waiting in line at the DMV. I tried the last one of my circle of friends, the one who happens to be the closest to me by a whole 700 miles, and I get a VERY scathing text back from his number by his girlfriend saying she doesn't want him being a furry anymore and all this good shit. It was at this point I threw the connecting rod.

My life is slowly falling to shit and I have no way of releasing the stress or even feeling better about it. The Ammunition I have is now more or less worth it's weight in gold, and the few people I trust enough to genuinely care about my problems can't be around. I'm getting overwhelmed by moving to a place I don't want a go, possibly losing a job I don't even like, and all of the small number of friends that I have....they feel like they aren't even around anymore.

It's two in the morning, I have work in a few hours, and I can't even sleep because the pressure is to the point where I don't know if I can take it anymore.

I hate life, and I hate people.

I don't know how much longer I can take being pushed aside, stepped on, and having my opinions ignored before I snap and do something many people will regret. I seriously can't take much more of this shit....

I don't even think I'm asking for much....just someone to let me know things are going to get better....It's not my fault I'm not comfortable around new people, otherwise I would go out and get new friends...the ones I have I thought were enough, but I guess not....not whenever you're stuck looking over the edge and someone's trying to push you off it.

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  Storm over Haiti
Posted by: Digivolved - 08-06-2011, 08:50 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (7)

Haiti has just been deluged with rain and towns have been flooded.
It is a suprise (maybe not) that so many people are still living in tents made of bed sheets!
Millions of dollars were sent over a year ago to rebuild homes for these people. Building homes is a lot cheaper in Haiti than it is here in the U.S., and yet these sheet towns remain.
I pray for the people of Haiti, and I hope the world gets them some help soon as hurricaine season is gearing up again!

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