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DaD - Now what?
Hey, I'm fairly mad at Togashi myself. Soni, go ahead and bring out the mob! But let's keep that stuff in the rants. That's exactly what it's for, you see. Let's keep this thread for fixing the DaD.
i dunno if it came up yet, but if it did, im sorry. i only read the last 2 pgs.

why dont the DaD merge with DHZ?
It did. And it's not gonna happen, though I forgot why and it's almost 1 in the morning so I really don't feel like looking to check right now! :D

Plus, in my opinion anyway, I think it's nice to have our own site instead of merging with Soni's.
Well as of middle of october i'll be able to help out a bit on the funding side, possibly as a backup. Also i think you should go to and ask them nicly how there story section works as theres is all altomatic and would save you a lot of work. Also try making a gallery like there, it promots both new art and old art while keeping everything nice and tidy.

There gallery is run by Everything is altomatic, would save hours of updating time.
Guess now it's only a matter of time. Wait and see.

I knew you could pull the DaD back together Wolfe. ^_^ Thanks.
At this point, I think it's probably best if when people offer to donate money, we let them, instead of saying "You can be a backup member." As far as money is concerned, it's ALWAYS better to have too much than not enough. If we can have a buffer set up in case of the evaopration of contributors, so much the better. That way, more able benefactors don't have to take an extra hit for the needed fees.

As far as my treasuring duties go (I am the treasurer, right??), should I go about setting up a new Paypal? Or is there already one done up for the site we can use?
Blackout12 Wrote:Guess now it's only a matter of time. Wait and see.

I knew you could pull the DaD back together Wolfe. ^_^ Thanks.

lol Thanks, Blackout! But I'm not taking credit for that. It's the people who have volunteered to help who are REALLY getting it back in shape.

senjuro Wrote:At this point, I think it's probably best if when people offer to donate money, we let them, instead of saying "You can be a backup member." As far as money is concerned, it's ALWAYS better to have too much than not enough. If we can have a buffer set up in case of the evaopration of contributors, so much the better. That way, more able benefactors don't have to take an extra hit for the needed fees.

I see where you're going, but donations are ALWAYS accepted. We're looking for someone to actually help pay the bill. And we're thinking of rotating it so that it's easier on the members of the funding board. We'll ALWAYS accept donations, because I definitely agree--too much money is a heck of a lot better than not enough. We want a regular, basic schedule for the members to alternate in payments for the site.

senjuro Wrote:As far as my treasuring duties go (I am the treasurer, right??), should I go about setting up a new Paypal? Or is there already one done up for the site we can use?

Hold your horses! We don't know who is who yet. Chibi's cleaning up, and when he's done, he'll let us know and give us what we need to run the site.
Consider my horses held ;) I'm just getting anxious to start actually DOING something. But I guess we do have to wait for Chibi to make the "royal proclamation" before anyone can really get ANYTHING on the go.
Me too, you bet! I want to get this up ASAP! :)
Hmm, I don't know why, but...

I think Da_WOLFE should be the new leader of the site.