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DaD - Now what?

Yes, my name is Anonymousmon. I thought the site was down, but now I see fans have hope.


I'm really sorry you went through this. Togashi is nothing but one big bastard with nothing else to do. My guess is he was too lazy for this and he probably left you to take the shit while he slacked off somewhere in Cancun. But of course that's just me. I understand how you feel, and you did the right thing in resigning. You've had your fair share of work, you deserve a rest. If Togashi ever comes back again, LET'S KILL HIM!!! FUCK YOU TOGASHI FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU!!!

Oh yeah, this may be our last option regarding the Art section: Free Spaces.

They offer free services and stuff but I have yet to confirm it myself. I do hope it helps.
i belibe you only get 500mb space, please read FAQ's
Anonymousmon RELOADED Wrote:Chibirenamon:

I'm really sorry you went through this. Togashi is nothing but one big bastard with nothing else to do. My guess is he was too lazy for this and he probably left you to take the shit while he slacked off somewhere in Cancun. But of course that's just me. I understand how you feel, and you did the right thing in resigning. You've had your fair share of work, you deserve a rest. If Togashi ever comes back again, LET'S KILL HIM!!! FUCK YOU TOGASHI FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU!!!.

....We'll make a note of it.
Anonymousmon RELOADED Wrote:I'm really sorry you went through this. Togashi is nothing but one big bastard with nothing else to do. My guess is he was too lazy for this and he probably left you to take the shit while he slacked off somewhere in Cancun. But of course that's just me. I understand how you feel, and you did the right thing in resigning. You've had your fair share of work, you deserve a rest. If Togashi ever comes back again, LET'S KILL HIM!!! F--- YOU TOGASHI F--- YOU F--- YOU F--- YOU!!!

Lol you're obviously angry, but can we please not... do... that?

Anonymousmon RELOADED Wrote:Oh yeah, this may be our last option regarding the Art section: Free Spaces.

They offer free services and stuff but I have yet to confirm it myself. I do hope it helps.

It may or it may not. This site gives more than anything I've ever seen from a free host, but the problem is, most free hosts don't allow "adult images" (which is basically what this site contains). Let's get more info on it first.
Hmm, is there no chance to leave it here at least? Since we get already some money each month, there should be the chance to let the DAD where it is. We only need the contacts to where we have to send the money and it should work in the end.
Free hosts mostly don't allow adult content, and even if they do, they're usually pretty unstable, so there the DAD would be often down. And there is still the bandwith issue on those free hosts....

I'd say we need just the contact to the one who holds the money to send to the host, and he/she needs the contact to the host too. Then we should be set, from what I've seen.
How about instead of killing Togashi, we just don't build him that statue we were planning?
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
Is there enouth money going into the account or do you need more?

Well, I wish I could help out but unfortunately I really can't right now. I barely have enough to pay my college lunch lol. However, I'll help this way: LET'S DO IT EVERYONE! LET'S ROCKET TOGASHI'S ASS LOL!!!

...OK that was odd. And about the galleries, I have an idea: We could have a system similar to other yaoi galleries. We could have a forum, make a gallery (or have the artist make one in or something) and post the links in a forum and make it public. I think it'll work.
Anonymousmon RELOADED Wrote:However, I'll help this way: LET'S DO IT EVERYONE! LET'S ROCKET TOGASHI'S A-- LOL!!!

lol BETTER idea! Let's forget about Togashi and focus! lol save that for the Rants section of the site. :)

Anonymousmon RELOADED Wrote:I have an idea: We could have a system similar to other yaoi galleries. We could have a forum, make a gallery (or have the artist make one in or something) and post the links in a forum and make it public. I think it'll work.

It should, but when it comes to putting art and forums together, there is less organization. The order of messages in forums is never definite. We'll have to worry about keeping it simple to find certain pictures. As you post a message, forums will put the previous messages back. Soon, it will be harder to find certain pictures, and the thing will be more complicated. Though it may help the price factor, we shouldn't risk order and simplicity.

etherkye Wrote:Is there enouth money going into the account or do you need more?

We have the basic price, but we need as much money as possible. If not for a regular, we need individuals for backup on the funding board to help pay for the thing. Plus, we might have an extra price to consider if we can't find a free alternative to posting our art on a regular host.

In short, we have what we need AT THE MOMENT. But we may need more in the future.
YEAH! LET'S GET H..! ... Awwwwww... *puts down his torch and pitchfork* I'd been waiting for an anti-Togashi mob for YEARS :( ... Meh.