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DaD - Now what?
Wow, I'm impressed. You guys got a full list with good people. I have to admit I was starting to have my doubts because I thought too many people were just going to stay silent, or be in the same boat as Boss Reo and I. I mean I feel really useless; I've just been sitting here going "woo hoo extra hoo." Anyways ya'll have my thanks and respect. Peace out
do you know what would help, fixing the donation link on the mian page, it keeps giving a 404 error. Could explain why not many donations have been recived lately.

Also I'm still curious as to how mich it'll keep the site going as it is, and how much it would cost if the pictures were opened again.
If i get to host this site, and stuff goes well and reasonable i migth help with being a forum co-admin or something, OR maybe my cousin would like to help, im almost sure hes interested in it.
Quote:do you know what would help, fixing the donation link on the mian page, it keeps giving a 404 error. Could explain why not many donations have been recived lately.

Also I'm still curious as to how mich it'll keep the site going as it is, and how much it would cost if the pictures were opened again.
That was intentional. It's all being settled in this topic.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
I know that the main part of the site must stay here but i might be able to find anouther place to host the images on. Does anyone know what the bandwidth and memory usage of the picture section is?
That can wait, ether. We need Chibi's final word on what we have now before we go and select another host for something else. The hosting company we have now might give us a deal we can work with, or the whole thing may have to be moved. We don't know exactly what ChibiRenamon was facing just before the site went down, so let's wait for that before we worry about the extra portions of the site.
Exactly correct. And the minute I get a bank account my parents can't see that works with PayPal, you're getting a donation. I can probably give at least as much as Wisemon.

If anyone ever needs technical advice, just ask.

That makes me wonder, why need this be hosted with some hosting company? The software for a webserver can be run by anyone with the know-how and bandwidth, and domain registrars are cheaper than hosts.
I've never worked with a webserver. It shouldn't be too hard, if I can just get half an hour with the software. Then again, I don't really know if I'm gonna get to be the updater or not. I hope I do though. :)
1. It probably means switching to a reasonably secure operating system, as script kiddies like to aim things at random webservers.
2. If you are willing to learn, God speed to you!
3. If you are seriously considering creating a webserver for the site, YOU BETTER HAVE THE BANDWIDTH. Servers get bandwidths (particularly upload) that normal home internet access never sees, and that most ISPs will want extra money for.
Well, so much for that. What the priced lacked in hosting, it made up for in bandwidth. I have a Cable internet service connecting at 3x the speed of DSL (RoadRunner). But my computer's processor is slow. Plus, I can't spare that much bandwidth, because I use my computer for so many things.

But then again, that's only if I become the updater.