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DaD - Now what?
I'd like to help monetarily, too.

As far as being the treasurer goes, is all you're saying that you need someone to manage a separate Paypal account to pay the server fee once a month?

If that's all that's involved, I wouldn't mind helping out. Not like any of you know me or anything, but just throwin' it out there.
Oops, forgot to mention...

I'm 22, so any problems of helping with funding (ie. scamming parents' credit cards, etc.) isn't really a problem. I mean, really, $5 CAD isn't a huge financial drain.

I'm also in the last year of my academic program and always totally free on AT LEAST one weekend day, and most evenings during the week. unless this treasurer job is much more complicated than it sounds, then I don't think you'd hear, "Uh, yeah, I didn't have time to pay the server fee" from me.

All I need is for someone to tell me how to pay the server via Paypal (ie. what transaction number or whatever I need).

Again, just throwin' it out there.
sad that it is like this. i can host the whole homepage from my home theres just 1 bad thing :)
i got 200gb hd, BUT 1024/512 connection :P i doubt that will go any fast.

but its a offer :) ill do it for free. love this site ;)

oh yes btw, its easiest to catch me on msn,
You know what's really weird about this whole thing? The entire volunteer squad is made up almost entirely of new people. I mean, you'd think all of the DaD old guard would be clammering at the chance to help out, but it's the people most likely to be referred to as "newbs" who're coming to the site's rescue.
Sonimon Wrote:You know what's really weird about this whole thing? The entire volunteer squad is made up almost entirely of new people. I mean, you'd think all of the DaD old guard would be clammering at the chance to help out, but it's the people most likely to be referred to as "newbs" who're coming to the site's rescue.

That's mainly because a majority of the Old Guard have a lot of other things taking up their personal lives. Are you insinuating something about our loyalty to this place?
Lol and I'm no newb, I've been an author here for a couple years now! It's just the first time I've actually gotten the chance to speak out. You know, we should put a regular chatroom on this site....

Anyway, here's where we stand as far as positions. Here are the people who have VOLUNTEERED for a position on the site:

Funding Board
Wisemon - $7.50
Kousu - $7.50?

lol Make sure everyone knows what you all want to do for the site, I think that's the way it goes. :P
Well...... actually, yeah. I mean, you'd think that people who've been here for so long would care more than people who rarely post or who just joined. I mean, how busy are you when you can't send a few dollars via paypal? DaWOLFE is the only person trying to lead any kind of charge to save the place and he hasn't even been an active board member up until now. This place used to have a lot of crazed fans who'd bitchslap their own moms for insulting the great DaD. Where'd they all go?
Yeah I'm kinda with Da_WOLFE on that one. I've been comming to this sit for a couple of years; its just only recently I joined to offer my abundant, yet useless advice.
fox~zen Wrote:Yeah I'm kinda with Da_WOLFE on that one. I've been comming to this sit for a couple of years; its just only recently I joined to offer my abundant, yet useless advice.

Me three.

Da_WOLFE Wrote:Oh, snap! Sorry, Kousu! Great, two for the funding board! Kousu, will you be covering the other half of the cost or less?

Well, I wasn't actually planning on that much. I don't want to make that commitment since it would be agreeing to shoulder the cost of the half the entire site; I'd prefer to avoid that precedent.

However, that's not a problem I hope because:
senjuro Wrote:I'd like to help monetarily, too.
I for one don't have any money but like I said I'd help around the board if needed (and wise wants to help and he's been here for a pretty long time)