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DaD - Now what?
fox~zen Wrote:Can you send an e-mail to all the recent activity members or somthing asking if they would be willing to help because that might turn up some results.

Hmm... maybe. It'd take a while, but it might work. In fact, maybe we should go through the forum member list and e-mail people about it that way.
see i'm slightly helpfull... sorta

you should probably also set somthing up in the donation section too
Da_WOLFE Wrote:Yeah, that usually is the time it gets silent, isn't it?

Well, this is awesome! We already have one member for our funding board! Now, the clock is constantly ticking, so we need to act quickly! Who else wants to help with the funding group? We also need someone to send the money to the hosting dude.

*sheepishly raises hand* Um, I'm on the funding board too. You remember all the times I said "I will help"?
Oh, snap! Sorry, Kousu! Great, two for the funding board! Kousu, will you be covering the other half of the cost or less?
hopefully half, but we won't hate you if you do less
Veemon's Followers
All we need after this is someone not to actually pay, unless they want to, but to actually GIVE the money to the hosting company. This person keeps track of the funds for the site and alerts admistrators immediately if there is anything wrong with the number compared to what it should be or the actual price of the site. Any takers on that?
Out of curiosity, how long do you guys have to get this thing together? Chibi, did they give you some sort of a "give us $___ by ___ or else!" date?
Good question for Chibi, but while he's answering that, let's keep going.

So far, we have the following who have VOLUNTEERED (by my memory) for something:


Funding Board
Wisemon - $7.50
Kousu - $7.50?

You know, I believe that question about a time limit to pay for this thing was asked about once before, but never answered. We need to keep this thing moving. We need SOMEONE, ANYONE to help with the funding board, at least as backup in case Wisemon and/or Kousu cannot cover a payment once in a while. We need a treasurer, NOT TO PAY, unless he or she wants to be a part of the funding board, but to actually send the money to the hosting company. We need an administrator. This is the one who supervises things to make sure they are in order, and covers all communication with the hosting company.
The treasurer and administrator both have EXTREMELY important jobs, though the treasurer's is more important in the sense that without him or her, there is no DaD, unless we can work something out with the hosting company that will let the funding board pay as individuals. The treasurer must make sure we have enough funds to cover each payment, and alert an administrator immediately if a problem occurs with the money we have and the money we need.
The administrator makes sure that the website is healthy and running smoothly. He or she communicates with the hosting company, and keeps staff informed of all changes or situations with the website so as to keep them on track with the maintenance of the site. All changes or suggestions should go through the administrator, so that he or she can let everyone who needs to know about a change and so that everyone STAYS on track.

WE NEED A TREASURER AND AN ADMINISTRATOR! As Soni said, time is ticking, and regardless of whether or not we have a time limit, we need to get moving.
This might be a dumb question, but why can't one of the funding board members just double as the treasurer?
Of course one can! lol They only have to say that they want to.