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Magical Starsign.
"Heeeeeey, don't space out! They're leaving!" Yachiru took Kitt's paw and dragged her away from the center after Katt's group left. She hurriedly caught up with Vook and Hyouzen, "Hey, Ms. Kyrian, was Arm telling the truth about demons haunting this place?" she asked to reassure herself.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Huh wha?" Kitt blinked back to reality, having been a bit distracted by the stones, a bit of an oddity of hers, for some reason she always found it difficult to ignore anything bright or shiny which always seemed to distract her from even the most important tasks, "Oh right, sorry," she quickly said as she started walking again, catching up with Vook, Yachiru, and Arc, "I'm sure he was kidding," she said with a nervous laugh, "They wouldn't, actually let students down here if there were demons or something... right?" she gulped slightly, her tail was twitching around wildly, the fur on it sticking up on end making it look almost as thick around as one of her legs.


"Come now no need to be shy." Katt smiled walking behind Karo and forcefully pushing him forward, "Just don't let them surround you and you'll do fine." she insisted before putting her finers to her lips, letting out a sharp whistle, "FRESH MEAT!" She shouted, the three skeletons in the room turning their attention towards the noise, each spotting Karo and starting to lumber towards him, the clinking of bone striking against the remains of their armor echoing through the small room as they approached.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Wha? You're not serious?!" Karomaru gasped and turned around to argue, but a cold shiver ran down his spine as armored skeletons started to approach him from behind, "WAH! Those things are actually alive!" he screamed in disgust, feeling quite scared at the monsters. His grip on kerlderiver tightneed, "But there's only three of them... they move slowly, too..." he thought, entering a defensive position to gauge their power.

(Vook's Group)

Karomaru's almost girlish scream made it to Yachiru's ears, which stood straight up to attention, "Eek! Did you hear that?!" the petite salamander jumped, tightening her grip in Kitt's paw, stopping to walk.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
The nearest skeleton came to a slow stop infront of Karo, slowly lifting it's arm a large chipped and worn axe gripped between it's slender bony fingers. It moved surprisingly slow, more than likely due to the fact that it didn't have muscles or tendons to help it along with it, as such it seemed almost to move in slow motion as it swung at him with the axe.


Kitt shivered violently as her ears pressed flat against her skull, the fur on her tail and face sticking out even more than it had been, "N-not if you d-didn't," she said, whipping her head side to side, expecting some large grotesgue demon to lunge out at them at any second, large teeth gnashing with monstrous fangs, "NYAAAAHHH I DON'T WANNA BE EATEN!" She screamed out, scaring herself with her own imagination.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"They ARE slow!" Karomaru said, his mind now set into battle as he dodged the first blow. He made sure the other skeletons were at a safe distance before he crouched and delivered a side-slash at the skeleton's spine just below the ribs. He didn't know its weak spot yet, but he would hit until something would work!

"Why don't you make it interesting instead?" Arm said, seemingly playing with a welkynd crystal as a football player would with his ball, bouncing it repeatedly on his right footpaw, his claws still in his pockets.

(Vook's Group)

"Eeeeee! I don't want to get set on fire, either!" Yachiru cried as she suddenly hugged Kitt tightly, her own imagination having pictured a similar scenario except the creature was launching fireballs at them.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
(Vook's Group)

"Everyone relax, I'll protect ya!" Hyouzen was a bit uneasy himself, but he drew his claymore and took a strong stance, trying to find the source of the scream. "Hmmm, sounds like that came from the direction the other guys went. Vook, do you know the path they took exactly?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Oh, don't worry about it." Vook giggled softly, shaking her head. "There are a few monsters down here, but they're relatively harmless. Even new students could easily dispose of them." she added, stepping toward Yachiru and Kitt. "Calm down, girls. I'm here." she added, smiling down at them, her tail swishing a bit.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Careful with those," Katt smiled as she glanced over towards Arm, "Sure you know what happens if you accidentally break one of those things open." she winked.

The rotted and decayed old bones crumbled like dirt from the strike, the skeleton collapsing forward onto the ground, it made a weird clicking noise from it's mouth as it's jaw moved, probably attempting to speak despite the lack of a tongue and lips. It gripped the ground with it's fingers as it dragged it's upper body forward, leaving behind it's severed and useless legs, grabbing out and latching a hand around Karo's leg.

"Stubborn little things aren't they? Told ya you gotta take down the head."


"Th-there aren't, really demons down here? Are there?" Kitt asked, still hugging Yachiru tightly as her ears darted around wildly, searching for any noises, sometimes locking into a position from the sound of a stone chipping away from the wall and hitting the ground.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Holy shit! Get away from me!" Karomaru shouted, swinging kerlderiver in a childish, panicked fashion until the hand was pryed off from him, "Damn! Head, huh?!" he frowned, looking at the head of his recently felled enemy. He was about to swing his feet at it, but then he noticed the other approaching skeleton "Off you go!" he said, kicking the bone head in the monster's way. The head impacted against the other skeleton's. "Score!" Karomaru cheered this time, Reno happily barking from his beneath him.

"What can happen?" Arm then asked, noticing that Karomaru had slayed two foes and only one remained. "Oh well, according to school we're supposed to use the Scientific Method, right?" he laughed, rearing one of his legs back before he kicked the welkynd crystal in the direction of the last skeleton, aiming to shatter the mineral on the creature's bones.

(Vook's Group)

"We're alright..." Yachiru gagged, Vook's prescence reassuring her, but her breathing impaired as Kitt's strong hug compressed her, "Kitt... I can't breathe..."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Katt suddenly had her arms wrapped around Karo's waist, jumping backwards towards the rest of the group before throwing up a thick barrier infront of them. The welkynd crystal sailed towards the remaining skeleton who raised it's weapon and struck at it, shattering the crystal. Almost instantly a massive wave of blue smoke crashed against the shield, causing the entire ruins to shake violently from the shock of the explosion. As the dust clear Katt lowered her shield, the remains of the skeletons reduced to nothing more than ash, the walls nearby covered in black soot, "That, is why you don't want to break them." Katt growled a bit, "The sudden release of magic can be quite deadly," she said, panting slightly, "Lucky you didn't bring the entire ruins down on us."


"Oh, sorry," Kitt said with a slightly nervous giggle as she released Yachiru, "I kinda panicked there and," before she finished the ruins began shaking wildly, dust and small cunks of rock falling from the ceiling, "AHHH IT'S THE DEMON!" Kitt screamed as she again latched onto Yachiru.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad