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Magical Starsign. - Printable Version

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Magical Starsign. - Shadowknight - 01-03-2009

In a distant world, there exists a school where only the gifted are allowed entrance. Students come from all over the galaxy to train there. They are taught how to focus their abilities and control them. Many enroll each year, however very few stay long, after a few days the students are given their first test, to summon their familiar, if they succeed they may stay and continue to learn and train with their abilities, if they fail they're sent home on the spot. The ones sent home are the lucky ones, for after that day the training increases ten-fold, mastery of the arcane doesn't come easily and this new batch of students are about to learn that the hard way.


Name: Duh
Teacher/student: Teacher or student? Kinda obvious one.
Race: Species, breed, whatever you wanna call it.
Age: 16-20 student 30-50 teacher.
Sex: Male or Female.
Orientation: Straight, gay/lesbian, bi.
Description: What you look like (Pictures acceptable)
Affinity: Your element (Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Electricity, Holy, Shadow.)
Spells: One defensive spell and one offensive one to start out with.
Weapon: If desired.
Familiar: Your 'pet' must match your affinity (IE Affinity: Water, Familiar: Toad)
Backround: Little bit about yourself.
Other info: Likes, dislikes, whatever.

Familiar: The familiar will help during fights and otherwise just be a companion.
Species: Use you imagination, no huge limitations.
Description: What it looks like
Affinity: Has to be the same as your characters.
Abilities: What can your familiar do?


1. Absolutely NO god-modding! Anyone who does will spend an hour listening to whiney protest songs from the 70s.
2. No killing off other member's characters unless you ask permission. You can seriously injure them, though.
3. The weapons can either be traditional or modern. The characters come from many diffrent worlds, some more adanced than others.
4. Your characters should not be overly powerful at the beginning of the RPG.
5. You can only control up to THREE characters, this does not include familiars.
6. Familiars start out small, they grow and become stronger along with your character.
7. Please post any new spell, new ability, or upgrade in an OOC.
8. Please write in dialogal style.

*My Characters*

Name: Shadow
Teacher/student: student
Race: Wolf
Age: 18
Sex: Male.
Orientation: Straight.
Description: Wolf
Affinity: Wind
Defensive: Aero (Forms a wall of wind around himself)
Offensive: Wind Blade (Creates a blade of wind or imbues a weapon with a razorsharp wind edge)
Weapon: Katana.
Familiar: Wind tiger
Backround: Bored with life back home he's come to the school basically just to find something interesting to do.
Other info: A bit laid back, easily bored.

Name: Slash
Species: Feline
Description: A 3 foot tall white cat with black stripes.
Affinity: Wind
Abilities: Can create a frictionless air pocket allowing him to move at lightning speeds.


Name: Kattrina
Teacher/student: Teacher.
Race: Feline
Age: 30
Sex: Female.
Orientation: Lesbian.
Description: Katt
Affinity: Holy
Defensive: Divine intervention (Creats a shield around herself or someone of her choosing)
Offensive: Smite (Lashes at an enemy with holy light)
Weapon: Claws.
Familiar: Holy Dragon
Backround: A new teacher at the school, this will be her first year teaching.
Other info: Like normal cats she has a love for fish and a disdain of water.

Name: Ryuu
Species: Dragon
Description: Whelp
Remains mostly in his whelp form for convenience.
Affinity: Holy
Abilities: Incredibly strong and deadly with his claws and tail, also can breath a devastating holy breath.

RE: Magical Starsign. - Bee - 01-03-2009

Name: Brandon
Student/Teacher: Student
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Species: Timber Wolf
Affinity: Shadow

Dark Fog; darkens the area around him, to lessen the chance that he'll be hit. When more adept at this, he'll be able to cover entire buildings in pure shadow, but now, he can only cover himself.

Spectral Orb; can hurl a softball-sized orb of Shadows at an opponent, that'll momentarily stun or disorient the opponent. May seem more defensive than offensive, but, when he gains knowledge and strength in Shadowmancy, he'll be able to deal actual damage with it.

Weapon: M-14 Carbine Assault Rifle: http://www.black-wolf.ru/review/weapon/rifles/m14/m14_pic19.jpg

Familiar: Grim
Background: overly quiet and serious, has few friends, therefore, not alot is known about him.

Other Info: a very good shot to make up for his lack of skill, has seen his familiar on several occasions, but, he never seems to show up when he's actually needed.


Name: Krieg(German: Warfare)
Species: Grim, Hellhound, Dog Of Darkness, what have you.
Description: he looks like an overly large, solid black German Shepherd, with deep red eyes, and longish fangs. The kind of dog that's surrounded by superstition of bad omens and death. Well, he will be like that. Now he looks like any other cute German Shepherd puppy. A small black fuzzball with cute floppy ears.
Affinity: Shadow
Abilities: can allow him to use shadows to transport himself and others short distances, temporarily hold opponents still by immobilizing their shadows.

Lemme know if I need to change anything.

RE: Magical Starsign. - Lonely Werewolf - 01-03-2009

OOC : Similar to anime series Zero no Tsukaima. XD


Name: Faiz
Teacher/student: Student
Race: 2-tails wolf
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Orientation: Bisexual
Description: Here
Affinity: Electricity

Defensive Spell: Dispel (Create an invisible a wall full of electricity)
Offensive Spell: Lightning Claws (create a sparks on his small sharp claws and able to extend the power to his sword.
Weapon: 3-foot long and 5-inch thick gray sword.
Familiar: Thunder Dragon
Background: An orphan which currently living with a guardian which is a female yellow fox. His guardian sent him to the school as she discover something amazing on him.
Other info: Likes to be silent all the time and speak in low tone when needed.

Name: Mizuki
Species: Anthromorphic Dragon
Description: Here
Affinity: Electricity
Abilities: Able to spread the lightning attack range almost 500 meter and use the thunder power especially during thunderstorm to increase the attacking strength.

RE: Magical Starsign. - icerenamon - 01-03-2009

Name: Rashiel Androvich
Teacher/student: Student
Race: Fox (mixed blood)
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Orientation: Bi
Description: Appearance
Affinity: Water (biological)
Spells: Offense [ Blood curse; water in blood starts to bind together, forcing dissolved molecules to clump together. Sounds simple? Its deadly. ], Defence [ Blood Barrier; Forms a reddish barrier, when touched upon the same process as Blood curse occurs to the affected region. ]
Weapon: Bullwhip, Six-bullet revolver
Familiar: Lok-teel
Backround: A vengeful teenager who firmly believes that there is no such thing as equality. He still clings to a bitter past and fantasizes about his (dead) little sister. His fascination with anatomy is taking him on what seems like a slow track to insanity, or zero morality.
Other info: Addicted to tea and wine. Loves fine living and dining.

Familiar: Lok-teel
Name: Deo
Species: A colour-changing slug-like creature which is able to conform to all sorts of shapes. Special characteristic is being able to parasitize other living beings and break off into small clumps of living flesh. When injured the wound turns into hard crystal and breaks off from body.
Description: That difficult to say, but it often takes on the appearance of a cuttlefish and clings to Rashiel with its tentacles.
Affinity: Water (blood)
Abilities: See above

RE: Magical Starsign. - Mai - 01-04-2009

Name: Ayumi Arai (Ms. Ayu)
Teacher/student: Teacher
Race: Human
Age: 30
Sex: Female
Orientation: Bi

Description: [Image: vanessawallpaperqq1.jpg]

Affinity: Fire
Spells: Red Flash - A ring of fire erupts around her, protecting her from incoming attacks.
Eruption - Her body and scythe are consumed in a blaze, turning her into a human fireball.
Weapon: Scythe
Familiar: Koko

Backround: Needs the job because she's almost an alcoholic, and always broke. She's not a very conventional teacher, and mostly does what she feels like. She's a very skilled woman though, underneath her attitude, and her students usually do well. She won't tell anyone what she did before she arrived at the school though, and she enjoys the rumours people create about her past.

Other info: She likes fighting, spirited students, smoking, drinking and sleeping. She doesn't like smartasses, weaklings or not being allowed to smoke.

Familiar's name: Koko
Species: Lion
Description: An unnaturally large lion, blood red in colour.
Affinity: Fire
Abilities: Flare Breath - Koko can breathe fire!
Eruption - Fires erupt all over his body, much like his mistress's ability.

RE: Magical Starsign. - Frisk E. Coyote - 01-04-2009

Tell me if this needs editing!

Name: He's known simply as "Jester"
Teacher/student: Returning student. He was expelled for being too violent several times.
Race: "Phantom Mime" (A race of semi-malevolent, trickster-like magical beings.)
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Orientation: Unknown
Description: Rather tall and thin, he stands at a good 6'9ft.
Affinity: Shadow/Darkness
Defensive: Shady Marionette: Uses his own shadow as a weapon or a shield. It can travel as fast as shadows, and when the situation is dire, his shadow and him can switch places with each other.
Offensive: Ballad of Blood: A haunting song that makes targets' shadows attack/bind them. Throwing cards at the shadows also give them the ability to slash them, leaving eerily beautiful rosettes of blood in the air.
Weapon: Cards and a Violin
Familiar: Hellhound
Backround: A seemingly apathetic individual, he has attended the school several times in the past, only to be expelled for brutalizing his training partners. He returns two years after. This time, he wants to become stronger, and is training his "self control".
Other info: Likes sweet food and dislikes rap music. His cold, melancholic (and creepy) appearance hides the heart of a sadist. He is also a mute. In his realm, his "friends" thought it would be funny to cut his vocal chords out and sew his mouth shut as a prank. Thanks to this, he is considerably less powerful than other Phantom Mimes, as their more powerful magics and curses stem from vocalization, either by singing, invoking, or saying an incantation. He has a mouth on the palm of each hand, complete with teeth and tongue. They seem to have a mind of their own and often argue. They will usually act as an interpreter for Jester, and will help him cast spells to a degree. He also eats with them. It is rare, but if he really wants to speak, he does so telepathically.

Familiar's Name: Garmarus
Species: Hell Hound
Description: About the size of a very large Great Dane. Starts a lot smaller. And cuter.
Affinity: Shadow/Dark/Unholy
Abilities: Can open "dark corridors", portals to other areas. Can also imbue edges with a razor sharp shadowy aura, making normally harmless things like paper, or cards, or sound waves, very deadly. Can spew black fire.

Name: Horyomaru, "Horyo" for short. (Horyo means (War) Prisoner.)
Teacher/student: Student
Race: "Reijuu" (A race of animalistic warriors. Intelligent, valiant, devout and proud. They are referred to as "Sacred Beasts", and appear more feral than "Anthros".)
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Orientation: Straight
Description: About the size of a large wolf.
Affinity: Light/Holy
Defensive: Akarui Scrambler: Scrambles the photon molecules around him, rendering him very hard to see. He can also imbue his paws and swords with photon molecules to make his movement and attacks considerably faster.
Offensive: Hikari: Attacks with beams, streaks and whips of concentrated light.
Weapon: Katana and Wakizashi.
Familiar: Guardian Beast
Backround: Horyo was fed up with always being underestimated and belittled because he was quadruped. He decided to train hard and show those "Two-Legs" that individuals like him could be as versatile and intelligent as any other.
Other info: He hates, hates HATES being compared to a wild animal. He's quite skilled with a sword, is a very prodigious combatant and follows a strict warrior's code. Despite this, he has a weakness for bones and rubber balls that squeak. He loves meat. Is somewhat self-conscious about his heritage when he's surrounded by "Two-Legs". He gets along well with Familiars. He's also very interested in forging and nature.

Familiar's Name: Veloarch
Species: Guardian Beast (Cheetah)
False Form:
Guardian Form:
Affinity: Holy/Light
Abilities: Can heal and buff people, making them stronger. His more offensive ability comes in the form of his Halo and wings, which can be used to attack, defend, or even heal and bind.

RE: Magical Starsign. - Shadowknight - 01-04-2009


(01-03-2009, 09:56 PM)Lonely Werewolf Wrote: OOC : Similar to anime series Zero no Tsukaima. XD

Zero no tsukaima? Never heard of it, got this idea form an anime I watched called The Familiar of Zero, those Tsukaima guys might wanna consider copyright infringement.

Alright we've got enough to start. Teacher characters will be waiting infront of the building, students can arrive however you'd like them too.


Shadow let out a long yawn as he walked leisurely up towards the large building, holding his pack over his shoulder inside were his clothes and other things, "Well, suppose it's better than being bored all day." he thought aloud.

*School Grounds*

Kattrina stood waiting in the school's courtyard, her tail flicking around a bit nervously, Damn first day jitters, I'm sure I'll do fine. I shouldn't be so worried. she assured herself.

On the ground next to her Ryuu cooed softly, trying to cheer his master up.

RE: Magical Starsign. - Lonely Werewolf - 01-04-2009

Quote:Zero no tsukaima? Never heard of it, got this idea form an anime I watched called The Familiar of Zero, those Tsukaima guys might wanna consider copyright infringement.

The Familiar of Zero is an English version of Zero no Tsukaima. XD

IC :

A cream-coloured, 2-tails wolf stepped out from the school's main entrance and walk forward to the courtyard while carrying his pack on his back. After a while, he saw a female feline and a dragon standing side by side. "It must be the teacher and her familiar..." He thought while walking closer before stopped and facing to the teacher and the dragon.

RE: Magical Starsign. - Frisk E. Coyote - 01-04-2009

[School Workshop]

Horyomaru watched as veteran students and some teachers prepared the smithing mauls and fires for the forge. He was fascinated by the art of smithing and forging, and greedily took everything in, trying to learn how it was done. He was an early riser, and so he got to school earlier. "So this is 'school'? How many things can I hope to learn?"

[School Cafeteria]

Jester silently raised a muffin in front of his face before a long tongue wrapped around it, and the mouth on his palm gobbled it up unceremoniously.

"Delicious!" Said his other hand.

"Mnfm pfrpmh pmf kumphfy?" The first hand stated through a mouthful of pastry.

RE: Magical Starsign. - Bee - 01-04-2009

Brandon stepped quietly onto the school grounds, trenchcoat wrapped around his body, and hat low on his brow to hide his eyes. His rifle lay strapped across his back, and a military-issue duffel bag was held in his hand. He left a lot behind to come here. His meager friends, his broken family, his one true love. He promised them all that he'd come back to them on his war-torn homeworld as use what he learned to protect them.

He stepped up to the teachers, and looked the feline with the Dragon square in her eyes, ignoring the twin-tailed wolf next to him.