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Magical Starsign.
OOC: Yeah, sounds fine, lets keep things moving.

Hyouzen gave a loud yawn as he started to awaken, the dragon's body recovering quickly after the tough training over the weekend. He then overheard the announcement being given and smirked a little, remarking, "Oh, maybe that hottie Vook will go to the ruins."

Arc was meditating quietly in the corner before he heard the dragon lumber out of bed and shook his head. "Master needs to get a life."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
OOC: It's all good man, it's all good.

IC: "So today's the big trip, think those kids can handle it?" Salem said as she leaned in the doorway to the teachers lounge. She been waiting anxiously for this trip for the past few days and had packed and repacked and had her bag waiting at her feet, she was determined to help her partner with or without any ones help.

Herzeleid soon joined her meister and Katt in the teacher's lounge, making a bee line to the coffee machine "They better be, this withdrawal is killing me..." the succubus groaned as she fixed herself a nice espresso with plenty of sugar.
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Well if they can't the teachers certainly will." Katt said as she stepped aside from the coffee machine, not wanting to accidentally get caught up in it's frenzy, "Don't worry we've gone exploring through these thing's countless times, most of the artifacts in the vault came from old ruins, I'm confident we'll find what we're looking for without much difficulty." She smiled with confidence, unworried about any danger.

Just outside of the teacher's lounge a small grin spread over the lips of a tall red dragoness, So, the teachers are leaving for the day. Very interesting, the timing's quite convenient. she began walking away, her tail flicking around behind her.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Dorothy sighed in relief, having taken most of the remaining day off on Sunday studying for Herzeleid's sake. She was glad she had been able to pin point the location where an artifact of her books' specifications could be found, but she was now hopelessly tired and would not be able to attend the excursion, yet at the very least she could count on Katt's competence to find the item. She decided she'd sleep in late and then give classes.

(Kitt & Yachiru's room)

Yachiru had finished brushing her pearly-white fangs and was still dressed in what seemed to be a very expensive but pretty pink colored night gown. She spat on the sink, washed and cleaned her paws, dried and then went to their shared spot to prepare for a hot early morning shower, when she heard Katt's announcement. She immediately translated that a school trip could give a boost to her overall grades, so she HAD to go! She became increasingly excited as she bounced in front of Kitt's bed, "Ne, ne! Kitt! Wake up!" she nudged, "There's an excursion! We should go! I heard it's going to be to some ruins, that could be so interesting! Hm, what clothes should I wear?" the salamander pondered out loud.

(Karomaru's & Shadow's room)

Karomaru rolled on his belly at the higher one of the twin beds, his long blonde hair being the first thing to fall off the rim of the matress before his drowsy face showed to Shadow, his weary eyes looking down on him as he muffledly asked: "Are ya going...?"


A dragon of the same stature as the red one was waiting with both his paws in his pockets and leaned on the wall. Discretely walking forwards, he joined the female in her strolls, "They can't be so stupid. Can't have all the teachers go and leave this place defenseless," Mar whispered, making it so they were speaking quietly as they went.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Kitt blinked her eyes open, stretching out and yawning on her bed, rubbing at her eyes a bit as she looked over at Yachiru, "Huh? Wha?" she asked, still half asleep. Then she recalled, there had been a small message telling students about it on one of the bulletin boards, "Oh, right. That did sound interesting." she smiled as she jumped out of her bed, "Yeah I'm going, it'd be nice to get off campus for a bit." she smiled as she nudged Flare awake, "Hear that Flare? We're going on a field trip." she smiled.


"I'm still recovering from the weekend training," Shadow groaned as he threw off his pillow and sat up, "Think I'd rather stay here and deal with Slash than running through some abandoned ruins."

"Someone call me?" Slash smiled as he dropped down from the bed's posts, hanging off the rafters that covered it for a bit of privacy in the dual rooms, "I say we go, who knows might be awesome, ancient relics, untold treasures,"

"Deadly traps, countless monsters, no gaurantee of your safety." Shadow added.

"Like I was saying let's stay here. Relaxing's always good."


"True, but it will make our job easier. Less teachers means less eyes everywhere." Thorne smiled, "Always nice when our jobs get easier." she chuckled.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad

After a quick shower, Hyouzen emerged from his dorm room, ready to take on whatever the day had planned. The water dragon looked around and frowned, uttering, "Isn't anyone else gonna come?" Though he didn't want to miss out on the opportunity to hit on some cute teachers, it would still suck to be the only student going.

"Not everyone takes cold showers, master. Give them a minute." Arc sat atop of the dragon's huge shoulder, shaking his head at the hulking dragon's impatience.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Hee, of course there's other people coming, cutie." Vook giggled softly, appearing behind the bulky dragon, dressed nicely but slightly casual, also showing off a good amount of her large cleavage, something the principal didn't particularly like, but she'd do it anyway, when higher-up officials weren't around. "We're not going on this trip with only a couple people, hehe!" she added, patting Arc's head gently. "And good morning to you too, Arc." she added.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"G'Morning, Ms. Kyrian." Hyouzen chuckled a little once he turned around and smiled eagerly towards Vook, noticing her sexy attire before telling her, "Looking good, teacher. Nice to see such a cutie is coming on the trip."

"Morning!" announced the ice golem in a cheerful manner towards Vook. He then noticed what his master was trying to do before uttering quietly to the dragoness. "Careful. Encouraging bad behavior is bad."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Yachiru suddenly jumped out of her own closet, dressed into what seemed to be a short-skirted pink colored miner outfit with flash-light helmet included, "How do I look?" she asked with a cute smile and wink to Kitt, "I think I'm ready to explore some ruins!" she claimed.

(Shadow's and Karomaru's room)

"That was Kitt's sister, Ms. Kattrine..." Karomaru groaned, one of his eyes closed, "Kitt's probably going. Must. Go-aaaaah!" he exclaimed as he fell off his bed with a loud thud. Quickly sitting up on the cold ground, the half-dressed human boy put a palm to his nose, "Oww-oww-ouch!" he shook his head, trying to brush the pain off and raise to his feet, "Ahem. Like I was saying," he quickly cleared his throat, both eyes closed, though there was a red spot on his face, "Reno and I are going," he said, going over to pick Reno who was still peacefully asleep.

"Rowr?" the puppy drowsily woke up in his master's arm, obviously wanting more sleep like everyone else.

"Come on, boy. We gotta go impress Kitt! Dangerous place. We get to play heroes again!" he grinned enthusiastically and ready to go. Except he still was wearing boxers and a loose t-shirt.


"To be a predator, you sure are a lazyass," Mar commented on the side as they turned on a corner and stopped in front of the cafeteria, "We still need to know who of the lot is going to stay. Any suggestions?"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Uhm, overdressed maybe." Kitt chuckled a bit, "How many outfits did you bring?" she asked curiously, she had only brought with her a few outfits, nothing really fancy either, mostly just some shirts and pants, "You do look like you're ready to unearth some ancient ruins though." she smiled.


"Good luck with that, I'm staying here. Had enough excitement to last me a lifetime. Wouldn't mind some good ol' relaxation for a change." Shadow yawned as he stretched out.


"I'm not lazy, I just enjoy things easy." Thorne shrugged with a little smile, "Less time spent working, the more we can spend having fun." she purred softly, "You hunt down your little kitty friend yet?"
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad