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Digital Distortion (Crimson / Regingald RP)
"Well, I could always try. Though I do suggest covering your ears," Kotana murmured, pressing a few of the medals on her suit once more in a specific combination before then taking a deep breath, and then yelling. "HELLLOOOO! DOWN HERE!" The amplified voice echoed high into the sky and across the empty space in the village, as her suit's scarf suddenly shot up into the air and exploded into several flashing colours.

The blue-haired mechanic paused for a moment, before sweat-dropping. "I forgot I added that little thing last time...."

{The Invincible}

"Anything!" Kyosan grinned, happily patching his chest as he exited out with the neko, wagging his tail eagerly before heading forward. "Chicken, meat, veg, I don't mind!"

"Hmm, maybe something with chicken. Seems perhaps me and Ada can cook up a chicken treat for you two!" Lurea winked, looking towards Ada for a brief moment before smiling. "How does it sound?"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
It seemed that the aim of Kotana's signal scarf was too precise and hit the round figure square in the side, causing it to flutter haphazardly towards the ground before falling squarely in Zorro's arms. The round digimon appeared to be a bat of some sort with leathery wings, a pair of cute green eyes, a pair of feet with bloody red talons, and finally a leather mask of some sort over his head with a skull in the middle.

"DemiDevimon, just a shrimp of a demon." Zorromon squeezed the virus firmly, before adding, "So, you didn't really die and you were trying to escape, huh? Where are the villagers?!"

The rookie gasped for breath and sputtered out, "D-Die? I didn't die...what are ya talking about?" He tried to scratch away Zorromon's burly arm and added, "I...I just got here..."

(The Invincible)

"Oh, chicken curry then like I said, please." Crimson smirked and stuck his tongue out playfully towards Lurea.

"Sure, that's fine. If this things like the kitchen of tomorrow, then there should be a big cookbook around here or something." Ada then grinned as she led Kyo towards a small dining table, "Chicken curry sound okay, doesn't it?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Well then, perhaps while you are here you can help us a little bit." Kotana murmured, slowly edging up to where Zorromon was holding DemiDevimon, before then staring on the small Digimon, her crystal blue eyes suddenly training themselves coldly on him as she murmured. "Where would one of your kind find a safe home? A safe place to be?"

{The Invincible}

"Of course it sounds alright, made by you two, I doubt it'd be anything short of amazing!" Kyosan laughed, folding his arms and nodding eagerly as he could even taste the meal already on the tip of his tongue, being that hungry as he slowly slid down onto the seat.

"Well, we can whip it up for you then!" Lurea smiled positively, leading Crimson to the same table for a brief moment, before then looking towards Ada and then the kitchen. "We should be able to make something you'll enjoy, at least."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Zorromon loosened his stranglehold a little on the digimon, allowing him to breathe. "Hmmm, I guess you're right. Even if IceDevimon survived the battle, it would take WAY longer for him to reach rookie level again."

Demidevimon groaned still trying to escape Zorro's grasp as he uttered, "Humph, so let go of me you big ape..." The cute mini-demon then had hearts fill his eyes upon seeing Kotana, the blue haired human causing his tiny heart to thump. "Oh baby, I'll show ya whatever you want." He managed to squirm out of Zorromon's grasp and fluttered close to Kotana. "Don't know why you're cave hunting, but all of my species can fly so we usually hide out in caves that aren't easy to reach by foot. I can help ya though...if you give me your name, baby."

Zorro rolled his eyes, but wasn't threatened by the rookie considering he was in his eyes, "just a leathery bowling ball". The fox muttered, "I don't trust this guy, Blue, but if you're willing to give him a chance, I can carry you up to any cave he finds."

"Oh, right, your species can teleport." Demidevimon nodded before he then leaned near Kotana's ear and told her, "Better watch out babe, foxes are sly creatures."

(The Invincible)

"Heh, it won't be any problem with me and Lurea in charge. Just relax and we'll be done before you know it." The feline then grinned as she walked towards the refrigerator with the dragoness before she nervously asked her in a whisper, "Do you have any idea how to make chicken curry?"

"Aw, I know you ladies will do fine. Thanks for cooking for us." Crimson grinned happily before he sat down with his friend and tried to strike up a conversation. "So, you think we're getting any closer to finding a way home, buddy?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"I've tamed this sly fox though." Kotana winked softly, giving a soft giggle before then murmuring. "The name is Kotana, and you better remember it." She then murmured, before then looking towards Zorro. "If you can help us out, it would be mighty appreciated."

{The Invincible}

"Well, we just have to hope Steven or some other person who rode this was a bad cook." Lurea murmured, nervous as well about the tall order before then looking over the many cupboards slowly for any signs of a book.

"Nowhere close, plus we still have problems here... I hate to admit it, but we're faraways from going home." Kyosan sighed as he put a claw to his head, recalling all the events up to date before then looking onto Crimson. "There's the case of the missing civilians, Steven's still alive... and a few other things that bug me. Until we find a clear way back to our world, while being able to bring Ada and Lurea with us both... we're stuck here."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Oooh, Kotana. Sounds exotic." Demidevimon fluttered off of her shoulder, still overwhelmed with desire as he uttered, "You've got it, follow me."

Zorromon shook his head before he held Kotana's hand gently and helped to lead her through the snow. "Let's keep a good eye on that squirt, Blue. All we've been seeing around here lately are devils. Wouldn't be surprised if he led us straight to Lucemon."

(The Invincible)

"Shit, I guess so," uttered the virus, frowning as she helped Lurea look for a cookbook. She then sighed in relief as she retrieved what appeared to be a virtual cookbook. "Ah, here's the answer to our prayers. Show us Chicken Curry." The reflective screen then showed a scrumptious image of Chicken Curry on Garlic Rice along with a list of ingredients and directions.

"Yeah, I know what you mean, but I figured after we found Kotana, we might have been getting closer." The fox sighed a little before he then told Kyo, "Well, once we take care of this mess down here, maybe we can get Zorro to drive us up to the Mainframe. If it really is the center point for all the islands like Commodore's, then maybe we can find information on a way out."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"We have to trust him for now, we have no better leads. Besides, we can fight our way out of a jam if need be." Kotana reassured the warrior, having a more optimistic look towards the situation as she thanked the fox for his help through the snow, while trailing after the small floating bauble of a devil.

{The Invincible}

"Sounds like a plan," Kyosan nodded, feeling confident about Crimson's idea before then relaxing back in his chair, taking a deep sigh before laughing. "Though can't say this has been all bad things and fights, right?"

"Alright, I think we can do that!" Lurea read through the directions on the virtual cookbook, noting down what she needed to know precisely before then wagging her tail eagerly and beginning to collect together the ingredients needed.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Demidevimon flew near the mountain face and darted around a few caverns carved into the rock before finding one that seemed to have a viral presence. He looked down towards the others and yelled out, "Hey guys, come up to this one!"

Zorromon nodded, his sensitive ears picking up the little devil's cry before he looked down to Kotana and held her hand tightly. "Hang on, Blue. The first time might make you dizzy." The fox then summoned his teleporting power, causing his data to envelop himself and Kotana with a small puff of smoke before they reappeared inside of the cave. "Well, here we are. You feel okay, Kotana?"

(The Invincible)

Crimson looked over towards Lurea and nodded as he turned back toward Kyo. "That's true. We got a pair of wonderful ladies over there for one." The fox chuckled lightly before he added, "And it has been fun exploring an entirely new world."

While Lurea gathered the ingredients, Ada started to fire up the oven and all the equipment they would need. "Ah, this is going to turn out great. I'll start cooking the rice." She hummed as she made sure add some garlic into the rice while she started boil it in the pot.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"I'm... fine!" Kotana stuttered briefly from the slight distortion from the warp, though held herself together as she looked further into the cave, before then biting her lip gently. "Could they possibly be in here?"

(The Invincible)

"Yup, two definately wonderful ladies. Hmm," Kyosan thought, before then looking towards Crimson and nudging him as he took a look towards the ladies. "Both huh? So what do you think about Ada?" He asked, expecting an honest reply from the fox.

"Alright, let's see about the chicken..." Lurea murmured, preparing together the equipment she needed to start getting the chicken part of the recipe done, beginning to cook it while giggling softly. "I hope this'll all turn out alright, it's our first time."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Demidevimon landed gently on Kotana's shoulder and told her. "No worries, babe. If there's anything in here, I'll protect you."

The bat-like demon was batted off by Zorromon before he held her gently and told her, "We'll find out. I don't hear anyone in here though, so we shouldn't have to worry about trouble." The fox then blew a few small flames from his mouth and focused them by the wall to help light the path. "Let's go." He held her hand and gently led her down through the rocky cave.

Demidevimon groaned as he fluttered back up and stuck his tongue out at Zorromon. "Humph, this is the thanks I get. You'd better be nicer to me, buddy!"

"You're not my buddy, guy!" Zorromon huffed a bit of smoke, aiming it directly towards the bat.

"You're not my guy, friend!" The mini-demon fluttered in front of Zorromon's face and glared viciously.

"You're not my friend...oh, we're here." Zorromon pushed aside the shrimpy rookie and looked about. "Man, this place is about one head on a spike short of being the gateway to Hell."

IceDevimon's lair lay before them, a large cavern chamber filled with rather malevolent artifacts and possessions. Books with wicked looking digicode imprinted on the leather binding lay on a large shelf, while a large red lamp hung above, casting a unpleasant, unnatural light on the pentagram carved into the rock floor.

(The Invincible)

"Well, she seems alright. A bit more feisty then our Ada back home I think, but she cares a lot about ya, so I bet she has her nice side too." Crimson chuckled a little, knowing that he hadn't interacted with Ada too much in the week they've been together. "And what do you think of Lurea, huh?" He stuck his tongue out playfully and waited for Kyo's answer.

"Oh, it will be alright. All we have to do is follow the directions." Ada chuckled lightly as she stirred the rice a little before helping Lurea make the curry.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions