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Digital Distortion (Crimson / Regingald RP)
"No you don't!" Kyosan roared, noticing the pattern of attack as he swirled around, using his claw and summoning fire from his claw before colliding it straight into the IceDevimon's claw, a giant explosion of heat exploding around the impact, gritting his fangs gently. "You're mistaken if you think that's all we've got!"

"I-I guess I missed that then... but we've got to help!" Lurea exclaimed, noticing IceDevimon take out Tankmon and then aim for Kyosan, looking towards Crimson nervously. "Should we try?"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
The extreme heat of Kyo's attack caused IceDevimon's claw to burst, causing the demon to cry out in agony as some black data particles flew around. The ice devil then roared in fury as his claw started to reform. "Very good, but you're in my domain! As long as it's cold, I'll just continue to endure while you wither!"

"Leave Kyo alone!" Ada hissed as she lunged at the distracted monster and cried out, "Pandemonium!" She then thrust her katar firmly into IceDevimon's eyes before filling him full of waves of energy.

"Bitch!" IceDevimon threw the feline off with some frantic swings of his arm, while stumbling around in pain. "I-It's will all come back." Sure enough, his red eyes were already starting to return.

"Damn, if only I had my Doomsday Weather Device ™." Crimson then thought for a moment and had an idea. "Lu, I think Kyo and Ada can hold off Jack Frost over there for a minute. Can you help me with Tankmon here?" The fox then groaned as he tried to lift and manually aim the digimon's cannon upwards towards the sky.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Grunting hardly as Kyosan looked towards Ada, quickly launching himself out of Tankmon's shell into the snow, heading towards Ada quickly. "Ada! Are you alright?" He asked, while trying to keep an eye on the IceDevimon's eyes and the noise of the snow, keeping his senses sharp.

"A-Alright! Let's see what we can do!" Lurea quickly moved to begin helping Crimson, slowly beginning to force the cannon up with Crimson more and more towards the sky, looking towards him gently. "I hope you have a plan with this!"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Once IceDevimon's eyes were restored, he yelled out to the dragon, "You should have worried about yourself instead of that weakling." He then cried out, "Tundra Freeze!" The ice devil then launched a pair of ice beams from his eyes and tried to hit his prey.

Ada arose quickly and gasped, "Y-Yeah, but look out, Kyo!" She gripped his arm and uttered, "Phase Slip!" The two suddenly teleported a few feet away, causing the beams to miss them and instead cause a nearby tree to be completely coated in ice.

"Of course, I always have a plan and they're awesome, cutie!" Crimson grinned towards Lurea once they got the cannon aiming straight up before he started to pull out a small set of tools and started to wire his ray gun and Tankmon together. "I'm going to make a makeshift Weather Dominator, and get rid of all this snow. Just need a few more minutes." He went to the pilot's seat of the machine and turned a few settings to get rid of the limiters on Tankmon's cannon. "This might hurt Tankmon, but we're finished if we can't get rid of this snowstorm. Lu, please pull the trigger on my weapon. It will feed the power from my atomic battery into our friend."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Not even being able to blink in between the phase, Kyosan quickly recollected himself and then quickly looked to his side at Ada, grinning gently. "Thanks Ada, let's do this," He muttered, turning back around before then thinking to himself. It might hurt a little... but let's see if I can turn up the heat. Throwing himself back for a moment, Kyosan then slammed his fist down through the snow, catching onto a tiny bit of the ground as a sudden wave of fire came shooting through the snow and aimed towards the IceDevimon.

"Alright, let's get this going!" Lurea grinned, taking the red fox's Ray Gun before holding down the trigger, keeping close to the small barrier as she looked up to Tankmon, and murmured. "You're our only hope, please help us..." She murmured lightly, staring onto him gently.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Tankmon's eye suddenly shot wide open as the power started to fill him up, his body feeling fantastic for those few fleeting moments. His body became red hot, causing Crimson to yelp as he jumped out. The machine digimon cried out, "Gooorrrruuuu!" Suddenly, a large column of fiery energy burst out of his cannon nose into the sky, causing the snow storm to dissipate and reveal the sun again.

"Ha, we did it," declared Crimson before ducking once Tankmon started to explode. "Damn...I didn't think he'd..." The fox cut himself off in silence as he looked over towards his friends.

IceDevimon screamed as the fiery wave engulfed his body, and without his snow storm to regenerate his form, he arose looking melted and disfigured. "Urggh...I...I'll kill you're not worthy...of my collec...ahhhh!"

Suddenly, a rather large hole was left where IceDevimon's bat emblem used to be, the edges sizzling from the high energy blast. Up above in the now clear skies, a large silver saucer could be seen with Zorromon announcing from a loudspeaker, "Geez, you guys have a knack for finding trouble. Hold on, we're coming down." Without the snowstorm in the way, his instruments could find track the swordsman to his allies as he slowly landed his ship near the group.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Alright! Way to call in the cavalry!" Kyosan cheered once seeing their combined efforts working to defeat their enemy, trying his best not to pay attention to the situation till after as he looked towards Ada. "You still alright?"

"Tankmon..." Lurea gasped, gently looking on as the last of the scene unfolded, noticing the saucer approaching before then looking to Crimson, and then gently nearing him. "He did what was needed to... I guess."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Ada nodded, feeling a bit tired after the Phase Slip. "Yeah...sorry about that, I'm still getting used to these new powers I guess." She then looked with the others towards the floating cloud of data that was Tankmon. "Oh no..."

"Wait! He's a machine! We can rebuild him! We have the technology!" Crimson declared while sticking his finger in the air in glee before he saw the data cloud starting to reconfigure itself into a digiegg which floated in his paw. "Or he can just do that."

Zorromon opened up the ramp to the saucer and told them, "C'mon on in, guys!" He then caressed Kotana, chuckling a little as he realized she had napped through the whole ordeal in his arms.

"Coming." Ada then smiled softly as she stood beside Kyo and caressed his arm, "I guess it all worked out, hmmm."

"Not quite. The villagers are all missing and that ice devil was linked to it." Crimson then shook his head and told them all, "Well, I guess Zorro would have already guessed as much, but we can discuss what we know on the nice, warm ship." The fox then draped an arm around Lurea. "You okay, cutie?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Still sleeping soundly, Kotana kept her hands on the rims of the chair, her suit keeping a check over everything as it seemed to shine just a little in the dim light. Though a smile seemed to creep over her face from the soft carress.

Chuckling dryly and blushing a little from the rub, Kyosan smiled towards the neko gently, feeling the sun against his scales for a brief moment before then nodding. "Yup... for now at least. We'll have to sort out the rest in the ship, but we should head in."

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I'm fine." Lurea smiled happily, seeing Tankmon reform into an egg as she blushed from the gentle drape, but wrapped her own arm around the scientist fox, wagging her tail eagerly. "But are you?" She asked curiously, poking her tongue out.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a few bruises when he whacked me, but I'll live, heh." Crimson grinned as he walked up the ramp with everyone.

Once the whole party was inside, Zorro looked around and told them, "Well, glad to see you guys are in one piece, but where's my secret weapon?"

"Um, we sort of broke your secret weapon." Crimson chuckled nervously as he handed Zorromon the Tankmon egg.

Zorromon groaned a little before he hit the button to close the saucer up and warm the bridge up. "He'll be back, he's a fighter." The fox swordsman then asked them, "So what happened down there? I take it that icy Batman caused this whole mess."

Ada started to talk to Zorro, telling him, "We were attacked by IceDevimon when we were looking around for the villagers. Kyo and I didn't find anyone around the outskirts."

Crimson nodded, telling the captain, "Same here, we didn't find anyone. We do have clues though. Based on some news articles we found and things he said, we know that IceDevimon was kidnapping people." The fox handed Zorromon the article about the ice ghost before adding, "Beats me though if he put them in his collection of ice statues or did something else to them."

Zorromon lowered his head in shame, uttering lightly, "I shouldn't have left. While I was being tricked by that fluffy hair, that demon crept in and attacked."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions