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Digital Distortion (Crimson / Regingald RP)
"Don't worry, I'm here if anything goes wrong." Kyosan gently reassured her, feeling even his own hardened scales become a little chilly from the cold as he tried to shift up to her. "We can make it back."

Nodding gently and shivering from the cold, Lurea quickly followed after Crimson, making sure to stay very close by him while even holding his arm. "At least if we get to the ship, things should be alright..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Tankmon's engines were starting to freeze up from the bitter cold before he found himself unable to move his treads near the village square. "Guersht! Gooru!" He turned to his new allies with a worried expression in his eyes.

Ada shivered both out of nervousness and the cold. "D-Damn. Kyo, heat up the engine. I'll try to get the other's attention." She then slammed her fist down on the horn, causing the Tankmon to roar out.

"Yeah, it's not that far..." The fox then nearly jumped from the sudden roar that echoed through the town. "Geez, that sounded like a monster." Crimson looked towards the source before seeing the others through the heavy snowfall. "Oh, well a digital monster anyways. Let's go, Lu." The fox gripped his paw tightly around her hand as he worked with her to reach the rest of their group.

Meanwhile, a pair of sharp red eyes started to peer at the group from within the dark snow clouds.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Alright, let's see what I can do." Kyosan murmured, spawning a flame against his claws before slowly moving towards the engine, pressing against it and trying to draw more warmth into it while looking back onto Ada. Let's hope this doesn't turn out bad...

"S-Sure," Lurea murmured, though squeaked to the sound of the roar. She wasn't used to hearing things, yet for some reason, she had heard it before. Sticking close to Crimson, she nodded. "L-Lead the way, Crimsy."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Tankmon sighed in relief once he felt his body warming up again. "Garroooo!"

"I guess that means we should try again." Ada tried to turn the ignition, having some trouble starting the engine before it finally kicked to life. "Great, let's get out of here!"

"Hey, wait for us!" Crimson groaned slightly as he struggled to walk through the now thick snow on the ground with Lurea towards the trio. "We found a clue, and it's none too good."

Suddenly, a large icy wall surrounded the village square before a figure started to emerge through the icy wall, with red eyes peering from its head.

Crimson shook his head and almost nonchalantly declared, "Kyo, Ada, Tank Monster, meet the snow ghost."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Well, whoever this snow ghost is... we've dealt with worse." Kyosan grunted, watching as they were surrounded by ice before peering towards the red eyes, folding his arms while keeping his warm tail against the engine to keep Tankmon running.

"L-Let's just h-hope it is a Digimon..." Lurea murmured, shivering softly next to Crimson as she clasped dearly onto his arm, staring towards the dark eyes.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Suddenly, an abnormally long arm shot out from near the eyes, the ivory white limb gripping Kyo's neck firmly. As it tried to choke the dragon, ice started to encase the dragon's body. Fierce looking claws tried to dig into his scales, all black except for the bloody red index claw.

"Kyo!" Ada tried to get the demonic hand to let go, as she tried to pierce the limb with her katar without much effect. "Shit! Let go!"

Crimson gritted his teeth as he tried an alternate approach and fired his ray gun towards where the eyes are. "Lu, help Ada with the arm. Maybe if I can hit this guy's head, he'll be too stunned." His laser shots flew through the blizzard, aimed squarely for the figure's eyes. It was all in vain however with the demon shifting position like the swirling snow around them.

Tankmon gasped from the sudden attack and tried to help his new friends as well. "Garrrruuu!" He then fired his Hyper Cannon towards the arm squarely in the wrist. The heated blast seemed to weaken the hand a bit for Kyo as it endured the tank monster's attack.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Argh!" Kyosan gasped, his eyes widening as the ice encased him and the claws digged into his scales, causing a light amount of blood to draw. As the grasp lightened, he roared as he moved himself a little, drawing on his powers before grasping the wrist and beginning to summon a heavy fire around himself, torching the ice and the hand around him.

"I wonder if this'll do anything..." Lurera thought for a moment, conjuring up a water sphere from her side before then yelling. "Aqua Sphere!" As she threw the orb towards the wrist, she hoped it would at least do some good.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
OOC: 10,000 posts! Five digits FTW! :P


All of the attacks caused the bone white hand to let go of Kyo before the long arm retreated into the thick blizzard. The figure did not seem deterred however, and the red eyes started to draw closer. "You are not of the Renamon tribe. Only death awaits you here."

"Oooh, scary." The fox rolled his eyes before telling the demon in a firm voice, "Better tell what you did to the villagers before we really get mad." Crimson charged up another shot, hoping to land a blow this time.

"I don't answer to vermin." The white claws then lunged out again and knocked Crimson aside, causing his ray gun to fire and blow off the side of a house nearby.

"Ugh...w-well, technically, that was an answer." Crimson groaned, his body likely to get a nice bruise after that blow as he tried to arise.

Ada hissed and told the demon, "Humph, you're the vermin! Why don't you show yourself so I can pay ya back for what you just tried to do?!" The Felidaemon was furious after seeing her tamer nearly strangled and wished to return to the favor to whatever was lurking out there.

Tankmon grunted in fury, not waiting for the demon as he fired another round from his Hyper Cannon. "Geerrrruuuu!"

The demon laughed at the effort and somehow sidestepped the blast within the dark snowstorm. The red eyes then turned their attention back to Ada and told her, "Very well, though it will be the last thing you ever see." The ivory white demon then emerged from the harsh snow, close enough now to be seen. It appeared to be a grayish white demon, dressed in a white body suit with a menacing, blood red bat across the chest. Fiendish looking muscles filled his costume, while his abnormally long limbs and claws were now on display. His torn and twisted white wings flapped lightly behind him. The demon grinned viciously, while he stared at them with his red eyes behind the mask.

Ada shivered a little upon seeing the figure, muttering lightly, "IceDevimon...I-I thought he was just a myth."

"Every story has a little truth to it, my dear." The ice devil then summoned more snow and ice upon the five. "Why don't you tell them what happens to my victims, little girl?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"A-Ada... you've heard of him?" Lurea murmured, hearing Ada once speak of it, but never herself hearing about it. Shivering softly from the atmosphere, she tried to approach the fox, finding herself slowing down.

"Looks like we're in trouble... ice, huh." Kyosan grunted, feeling the cold brush against his scales before then rubbing his claws together, flames beginning to ignite around his claws. "Tell me, if I recall right... what level is IceDevimon... there's Rookie, Champion..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"It was one of the elder's stories, I guess you didn't hear that one, Lu. IceDevimon is a vicious demon that freezes his victims and collects them." The feline shivered a little both from the extreme cold and from the memory of hearing that story as an In-Training digimon. "No idea why he mentioned the villagers though."

Crimson managed to regroup beside Lurea and told them all, "Icedevimon...well, I think he's a Champion digimon, but he's stronger than the average one." The fox panted and held up his arm, his watch forming an large energy shield to help protect himself and Lurea.

"You're so busy talking about details, you've forgotten the danger you're in." The ice devil emerged out of thin air through the cold and stuffed his huge claw through Tankmon's engine. The digimon's core was broken and frozen, causing the organic machine to groan one last time before going offline. "Your special weapon is gone, and you're next." IceDevimon's huge claw started to swipe towards Kyo.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions